# PaCkAgE DaTaStReAm CSWcommon 1 598 # end of header 0707010004b6d1000081a4000004050000000a000000014d03ab4700000176000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000001200000000CSWcommon/pkginfoARCH=i386 PKG=CSWcommon NAME=common - common files and dirs for CSW packages VERSION=1.5,REV=2010.12.11 CATEGORY=system VENDOR=http://www.opencsw.org/ packaged for CSW by Philip Brown HOTLINE=http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/ EMAIL=phil@opencsw.org DESC=Installs some useful standard CSW filesystem symlinks and files HOME=/home/phil PSTAMP=bender20101211174807 CLASSES=none 0707010004b6d0000081a4000004050000000a000000014d03ab4700001bf6000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000001100000000CSWcommon/pkgmap: 1 598 1 d none /etc/opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/amd64 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/i486 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/pentium 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/doc=share/doc 1 d none /opt/csw/etc 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/include 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/info=share/info 1 d none /opt/csw/lib 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/32=. 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/64=amd64 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/X11 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/X11/app-defaults 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/amd64 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/i386=. 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/locale=../share/locale 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/pentium 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/man=share/man 1 d none /opt/csw/sbin 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/doc 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/info 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/az 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/be 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/bg 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ca 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/cs 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/da 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/de 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/el 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@boldquot 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@boldquot/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@quot 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/es 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/et 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/eu 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fi 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ga 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/gl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/he 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hu 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/id 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/it 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ja 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ko 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 f none /opt/csw/share/locale/locale.alias 0644 root bin 2676 12726 1083469567 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/lt 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nn 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/no 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt_BR 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ro 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ru 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sk 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sp 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sp/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sv 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/tr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/uk 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/vi 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/wa 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/wa/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN.GB2312 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN.GB2312/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW.Big5 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW.Big5/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/man 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/var 0755 root bin 1 d none /var/opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /var/opt/csw/pkg-hooks 0755 root bin 1 i checkinstall 2162 37599 1137116436 1 i pkginfo 374 31461 1292086087 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!0707010004b6d1000081a4000004050000000a000000014d03ab4700000176000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000000800000000pkginfoARCH=i386 PKG=CSWcommon NAME=common - common files and dirs for CSW packages VERSION=1.5,REV=2010.12.11 CATEGORY=system VENDOR=http://www.opencsw.org/ packaged for CSW by Philip Brown HOTLINE=http://www.opencsw.org/bugtrack/ EMAIL=phil@opencsw.org DESC=Installs some useful standard CSW filesystem symlinks and files HOME=/home/phil PSTAMP=bender20101211174807 CLASSES=none 0707010004b6d0000081a4000004050000000a000000014d03ab4700001bf6000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000000700000000pkgmap: 1 598 1 d none /etc/opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postbatchupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/postupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/prebatchupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preinstall.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preremove.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /etc/opt/csw/pkg-hooks/preupgrade.d 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/amd64 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/i486 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/bin/pentium 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/doc=share/doc 1 d none /opt/csw/etc 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/include 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/info=share/info 1 d none /opt/csw/lib 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/32=. 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/64=amd64 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/X11 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/X11/app-defaults 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/amd64 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/i386=. 1 s none /opt/csw/lib/locale=../share/locale 1 d none /opt/csw/lib/pentium 0755 root bin 1 s none /opt/csw/man=share/man 1 d none /opt/csw/sbin 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/doc 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/info 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/az 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/be 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/bg 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ca 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/cs 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/da 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/de 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/el 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@boldquot 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@boldquot/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@quot 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/es 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/et 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/eu 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fi 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ga 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/gl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/he 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hu 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/id 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/it 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ja 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ko 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 f none /opt/csw/share/locale/locale.alias 0644 root bin 2676 12726 1083469567 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/lt 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nn 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/no 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt_BR 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ro 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ru 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sk 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sl 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sp 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sp/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sv 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/tr 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/uk 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/vi 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/wa 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/wa/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN.GB2312 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_CN.GB2312/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW.Big5 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW.Big5/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/share/man 0755 root bin 1 d none /opt/csw/var 0755 root bin 1 d none /var/opt/csw 0755 root bin 1 d none /var/opt/csw/pkg-hooks 0755 root bin 1 i checkinstall 2162 37599 1137116436 1 i pkginfo 374 31461 1292086087 0707010004b6d8000041ed000004050000000a000000024d03ab4700000000000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000000800000000install0707010004b6d9000081a4000004050000000a0000000143c7051400000872000001000001000dffffffffffffffff0000001500000000install/checkinstall# slow_quit(){ echo "Just in case you have a slow download link, this script will" echo "sleep for 60 seconds, to give you a chance to make " echo "a copy of any downloaded files in /var/run before they are" echo "auto-deleted" echo "For extra time, suspend (^Z) this script" echo "" sleep 60 echo "" echo "Now quitting with failure status" exit 1 } # I dont know where this gets set, but I think it does in some situations. Otherwise, # fall back to PKG_INSTALL_ROOT if [ "$PKG_ROOT_DIR" = "" ] ; then PKG_ROOT_DIR="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT" fi # and just in case, be reaaally paranoid. if [ "$PKG_ROOT_DIR" = "" ] ; then PKG_ROOT_DIR="/" fi # first, check for required libm patch for x86. # Check for others further down if [ `uname -p` = 'i386' ] ; then case `uname -r` in 5.8) PATCHNUM=112757 ;; 5.9) PATCHNUM=111728 # technically, this should check for "at least rev 03", # but I dont want to deal with that level of complication ;; esac if [ "$PATCHNUM" = "" ] ; then exit 0 fi # MUST HAVE this patch, or we wont be able to run. pkgparam -R $PKG_ROOT_DIR -v SUNWlibms | grep $PATCHNUM > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "" echo "" echo ERROR: you must install patch $PATCHNUM echo '(A patch for /usr/lib/libm.so)' echo Many CSW packages depend on libm.so, which must be echo patched, or it will not link together with our packages echo "" slow_quit fi fi # END of i386 specific section # Solaris 8 specifically needs a pkgadd patch case `uname -r` in 5.8) if [ `uname -p` = 'sparc' ] ; then PATCHNUM=110934 else PATCHNUM=110935 fi PATCHREV=13 ;; *) # we're fine. just quit cleanly exit 0 ;; esac patchid=`pkgparam -R $PKG_ROOT_DIR -v SUNWcsu | grep PATCH_INFO_${PATCHNUM}|nawk -F= '{print $1}'` patchid=`echo $patchid | fmt -1 |sort | tail -1` if [ "$patchid" = "" ] ; then echo "Cannot continue. You need patch $PATCHNUM installed" slow_quit fi patchrev=`echo $patchid | nawk -F- '{print $2}'` if [ "$patchrev" -lt "$PATCHREV" ] ; then echo "Cannot continue. You need a more recent version of " echo "patch $PATCHNUM installed" slow_quit fi exit 0 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.alias# Locale name alias data base. # Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # The format of this file is the same as for the corresponding file of # the X Window System, which normally can be found in # /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias # A single line contains two fields: an alias and a substitution value. # All entries are case independent. # Note: This file is far from being complete. If you have a value for # your own site which you think might be useful for others too, share # it with the rest of us. Send it using the `glibcbug' script to # bugs@gnu.org. # Packages using this file: gawk gettext bison bokmal no_NO.ISO-8859-1 bokm�l no_NO.ISO-8859-1 catalan ca_ES.ISO-8859-1 croatian hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 czech cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2 danish da_DK.ISO-8859-1 dansk da_DK.ISO-8859-1 deutsch de_DE.ISO-8859-1 dutch nl_NL.ISO-8859-1 eesti et_EE.ISO-8859-1 estonian et_EE.ISO-8859-1 finnish fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 fran�ais fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 french fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 galego gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 galician gl_ES.ISO-8859-1 german de_DE.ISO-8859-1 greek el_GR.ISO-8859-7 hebrew he_IL.ISO-8859-8 hrvatski hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 hungarian hu_HU.ISO-8859-2 icelandic is_IS.ISO-8859-1 italian it_IT.ISO-8859-1 japanese ja_JP.eucJP japanese.euc ja_JP.eucJP ja_JP ja_JP.eucJP ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.eucJP japanese.sjis ja_JP.SJIS korean ko_KR.eucKR korean.euc ko_KR.eucKR ko_KR ko_KR.eucKR lithuanian lt_LT.ISO-8859-13 nb_NO no_NO.ISO-8859-1 nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 no_NO.ISO-8859-1 norwegian no_NO.ISO-8859-1 nynorsk nn_NO.ISO-8859-1 polish pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 portuguese pt_PT.ISO-8859-1 romanian ro_RO.ISO-8859-2 russian ru_RU.ISO-8859-5 slovak sk_SK.ISO-8859-2 slovene sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 slovenian sl_SI.ISO-8859-2 spanish es_ES.ISO-8859-1 swedish sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 thai th_TH.TIS-620 turkish tr_TR.ISO-8859-9 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b00000000TRAILER!!!