[B]Version 1.15.3[/B]

- show date for games that are final
- fix bug that shows final games in the live menu

[B]Version 1.15.2[/B]

- don't show past months when viewing live matches

[B]Version 1.15.1[/B]

- separate live and completed games

[B]Version 1.15.0[/B]

- update for the 2015 API
- update to the new MLS logo

[B]Version 1.0.10[/B]

- fix game start times
- fix game encoding glitch that prevents certain nations from displaying properly in the list of games

[B]Version 1.0.9[/B]

- don't preload live or upcoming match URIs (should be faster)
- add error when no stream can be found for live or preloaded matches
- add state for half-time in the game title

[B]Version 1.0.8[/B]

- don't simplify m3u8 URL because it causes problems with authentication

[B]Version 1.0.7[/B]

- fix early week roll-over in timezones larger than GMT-5 (eg: Australia)
- remove useless call to configuration webservice

[B]Version 1.0.6[/B]

- fix use of undefined variable

[B]Version 1.0.5[/B]

- include last week of the season in the list of completed games

[B]Version 1.0.4[/B]

- fix bug when there were no games played in a prior week
- list weeks using the season bounds specified in the service configuration
- improve speed of prior week menu (remove call to web request)

[B]Version 1.0.3[/B]

- fix crash with invalid home or away team abbreviations

[B]Version 1.0.2[/B]

- improve live and replay match menu layout
- add video channels

[B]Version 1.0.1[/B]

- fix the live stream WS calls. Now all live games work.

[B]Version 1.0.0[/B]

- initial revision. Plays live and on-demand matches from the MLS Live service.