tracker-miner-files-3.2.2-150400.3.7.1<>,exWp9|#K6JT|.il9vZԹQbWZ\D{ONIŰц5_󸖕 fZ &j@:{Mc,aŰH|K*vMg&)u wӍ8%_j v ѡ\v,[/nw|ڰN*e)@x#yo_xUsgo,=@LofmPc=-pbi!No8x4&ceo쪃ͼ3l<0wð*q=>>`\?`Ld ) W %FW m~       D  P  \   0 `( /8 8:9 :::FW+GW@ HWp IW XWYW\W ]X ^Y bZ|c[%d[e[f[l[u[ v[w_ x_D y_tz__```HCtracker-miner-files3.2.2150400.3.7.1Tracker miner to index files and applicationsTracker is a desktop-neutral object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer. This package contains a miner to index files and applications.exWnebbiolo gSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-2.0-or-later,3kȁ큤exVexVexVexWexWexWb%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}3aKaKaI@aI@aI@`D`ġ`z`Y@`S@`+`@_=_ _@_{ __[@_X_V _D@^g@^Q^K^,-]@]w@]p]c] \-@\\s\r@[t[s[@[ug@[W[2*ZZz@ZP@Z }Yp@YYLY@Y@YY@alynx.zhou@suse.comyfjiang@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.comqkzhu@suse.comalynx.zhou@suse.comalynx.zhou@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.commrueckert@suse.dedimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.commgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.comyfjiang@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail Add tracker-miners-CVE-2023-5557.patch: A bug in libcue could lead to possible sandbox escape in tracker-extract, this fixes it by adding seccomp rules and applying it to the whole process (bsc#1216199, glgo#GNOME/tracker-miners!480, CVE-2023-5557). - Refresh tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch: The patch context is changed by tracker-miners-CVE-2023-5557.patch.- Rebase tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch.- Update to version 3.2.2: + Backport seccomp rules for rseq and mbind syscalls. + Updated translations. - Drop patches fixed upstream: + tracker-miners-allow-mbind.patch + tracker-miners-allow-rseq.patch- Add tracker-miners-allow-rseq.patch and tracker-miners-allow-mbind.patch: allow system calls used by gstreamer (boo#1196205 glgo#GNOME/tracker-miners#210).- Add tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch: Revert upstream commit 595560c, 30b24e9 and 550ea1b since Leap 15.4 and SLE 15-SP4 do not have them (bsc#1192567).- Drop 0001-Revert-tracker-Use-faster-query-in-tracker3-info.patch: Upstream fix landed in tracker instead of tracker-miners. (bsc#1191207, glgo#GNOME/tracker#337)- Add 0001-Revert-tracker-Use-faster-query-in-tracker3-info.patch: Revert the commit to avoid wrong no metadata info. (bsc#1191207)- Update to version 3.2.1: + Fix files moving between hidden and non-hidden + Update nfo:fileName on content specific graphs too when moved + Update nfo:fileLastModified in content specific graphs + Add nfo:fileSize to the basic set of file info on the graph + Fix tracker-miner-fs-3 crash when finding internal SPARQL errors + Handle symlinks to directories as indexed folders better + Fix tracker-writeback support for musicbrainz release tags and artist + Fix duplicate entries on files created and instantly modified + Fix unintended double extraction with disc-generic extractor + Fixes for coverity warnings + Updated translations. - Add missing systemd user service handling in post/preun/postun- Update to version 3.2.0: + Highlighted changes since 3.1: - File creation time is now part of the stored metadata - Show additional information in "tracker3 info" + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.2.0.rc: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.2.0.beta: + Save file creation time. + Coverity fixes. + Fix chaining up of errors after porting to TrackerBatch. + Fixes for test flakiness. + Avoid falling back to year 0 in extractors. + Linking fixes on misc executables. + CI improvements. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.2.0.alpha.1: + Brown paper bag release. - Changes from version 3.2.0.alpha: + Remove default limit in "tracker3 search" command. + Show additional information in "tracker3 info". + Fix "tracker index" crash on broken XDG directory setups. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.3: + Fix issue with missing rpath in control daemon. + Add further newly used syscalls to seccomp + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-miner-control-rpath,patch: Fixed upstream.- Add tracker-miner-control-rpath,patch: Fix runpath in trcker-miner-control-fs.- Update to version 3.1.2: + Fixes to libav extractor. + Allow 64bit time syscalls for 32bit systems in seccomp sandbox. + Manpage fixes. + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.1: + Block gstreamer nvcodec decoders. + Fall back if no modification date is found. + Handle new poppler enum value. + Be more robust with broken EXIF GPS metadata. + Test suite improvements. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.0.rc: + Dispatch monitor events on a private thread. + Fix After= usage in systemd service files. + Fix compiler warnings.- Update to version 3.1.0.beta: + Fix tracker-miner-fs-control-3 stall on shutdown. + Improve ellipsizing in CLI tools. + Update list of game-related mimetypes. + Add disc-generic extractor guessing data for CUE files, supported so far: - Playstation images - Turbografx images + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.1.0.alpha: + Fix "tracker3 search --folders". + Allow "tracker3 search" to look for filenames. + Improve "tracker3 info" to show file eligibility if not indexed. + Many performance improvements to tracker-miner-fs-3. + Fix systemd unit files to depend on gnome-session. + Improve time_t interpretation for negative timestamps.- Update to version 3.0.4: + Improve time_t interpretation for negative timestamps. + Fix "tracker3 search --folders". + Fix crasher after tracker-miner-fs SPARQL failures. + CI fixes.- Update to version 3.0.3: + Allow newstatat/statat64 syscalls + Brown paper bag release - Changes from version 3.0.2: + Fix sched test under non glibc platforms + Refcount fixes + Avoid the fluiddec gstreamer plugin + Ensure to avoid non-native files in tracker-extract-3 + CI fixes + Updated translations.- require the newly split out tracker-data-files- Update to version 3.0.1: + Fix moving files and directories leaving stale data. + Better handling of faulty SPARQL from tracker-extract. + Fix chromaprint tag extraction in gstreamer extractor causing bad SPARQL. + Reference Discourse instead of the mailing list. + Forward tracker-extract state. + Use specific Meson options to enable debug flags. + Fix stop words location when building with system Tracker. + Small libtracker-miners-common clean ups. + Check for malloc_trim function being available. + Fixes for Coverity warnings. + Compiler warning fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.0.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.99.5: + Always create content resource for text files. + Calculate per extract module timings in TRACKER_DEBUG=statistics. + Add mtime information to graph-specific nfo:FileDataObjects. + Add option to set the D-Bus domain at build time. + Ensure memory is released on inactivity or memory pressure. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.99.4: + CLI modernization: - Integration with pager. - "tracker3 index" makes persistent configuration changes. - "tracker3 info --eligible $file" tells whether a file would be indexed, or why not. - "tracker3 reset" resets better. - "tracker3 daemon" terminates processes better. - "tracker3 search" fixes. - Erase ^C after monitoring subcommands. - "tracker3 status" shows reports about files that failed indexing/metadata extraction. + Fixes to removable mount handling. + Use curly quotes consistently in setting description strings. + Better use of asserts in tests. + Update seccomp rules to work with modern glib. - Changes from version 2.99.3: + Support musicbrainz tags in gstreamer module. + Support acoustid tag writeback. + Handle nmm:artist and nmm:performer. + DBus API changes. + Fixes for race conditions. + Performance improvements. + Extractor watchdog fixes with domain ontologies. + CLI improvements. + Test fixes. + Use background slice. + Add base tests for CLI. + Better debugging traces. + Fix extraction of files with dummy extractors. - Changes from version 2.99.2: + Constraint the indexed text formats to txt/markdown, a new setting allows handling other formats. + Add rules for game ROM formats. + Support automatic re-extraction on extractor changes. + Vorbis and flac specific extractors were dropped, those are handled by gstreamer. + Improve usage of nie:dataSource, now there is one per indexed folder, no longer used by tracker-extract. + Fixes to album/disc IRI generation. + Writeback handling is rewritten, now performed via an explicit DBus call. + Add support for musicbrainz and acoustid fingerprint. + Set a deadline of 30 seconds for extraction tasks. + Many build, leak and performance fixes. - Changes from version 2.99.1: + Highlighted updates compared to 2.x: - tracker-miner-fs/tracker-extract and tracker-miner-rss data are split into 2 endpoints: . org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files . org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.RSS - tracker-miner-fs data is split into different graphs: . tracker:FileSystem . tracker:Audio . tracker:Video . tracker:Documents . tracker:Software - Full split between file and content elements. 1:1, 1:N, M:1 and M:N are allowed combinations of those, they relate to each other through the nie:isStoredAs and nie:interpretedAs properties. - Parallel installable to tracker-miners 2.x - Better, more tests - Reincorporated libtracker-miner and libtracker-control code. These are no longer for public consumption + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-miners-bsc1165635-crawl-timestamp.patch: no longer applicable. - Add asciidoc and pkgconfig(libnm) BuildRequires: new dependencies. - Replace pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-2.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(tracker-sparql-3.0): Follow the switch to Tracker 3. - Drop no longer needed BuildRequires (due to reorganisation): pkgconfig(flac), pkgconfig)vorbisfile), pkgconfig(tracker-miner-2.0)- Update to version 2.3.4: + Block image/ktx files in 90-gstreamer-image-generic.rule. + Set a deadline of 30 seconds for extraction tasks. + Remove generic gstreamer-based image extraction codepath. + Several fixes to libav-based extractor. + Replace sensitive words. + Get the systemd user unit dir from pkg-config. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.3.3: + The secure sandbox for tracker-extract now permits clock_nanosleep() calls, fixing crashes on some systems. + Miners now set nice/scheduler priorities in a way that placates glib. The sched_setscheduler syscall is as a side effect also allowed by the tracker-extract sandbox. + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-miners-set-cpu-io-nice.patch and tracker-miners-allow-settatr.patch: fixed upstream. - Add tracker-miners-bsc1165635-crawl-timestamp.patch: properly set crawl timestamp (bsc#1165635 glgo#GNOME/tracker-miners!159).- Add upstream bug fix patches: + tracker-miners-set-cpu-io-nice.patch + tracker-miners-allow-settatr.patch- Update to version 2.3.2: + Blocked parsing of image/x-dds image files, which were previously being passed to GStreamer and triggering system lockups for some people. + Fixed incorrect MIME type for .raw images, which were previously being passed to GStreamer and triggering system lockups for some people. + Improved how the MP3 extractor calculates durations of variable bitrate MP3s, which fixes incorrect durations being shown in GNOME Music. + Fixed a bug in the GStreamer writeback module. + Fix race condition that might leave tracker-miner-fs paused after a writeback operation. + Updated translations.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 2.3.1: + Improved .odt extraction, fixing issues with hyphenated words. + OpenBSD: Fixed build. + functional-tests: Fixed a cause of intermittent failures, removed some unused data files. + Minor compiler warning and build system fixes.- Update to version 2.3.0: + No changes since Update to version + The ~/Downloads folder is now indexed non-recursively by default. This reduces the risk of Tracker unnecessarily crawling large directories of source code or video game data. - If users are storing data such as music or photos in subfolders of the Downloads folder, they will need to move it to an appropriate place (~/Music, ~/Pictures, etc.) so that it is still indexed. + Dispose TrackerResource objects before unref. + Fixes in Musicbrainz metadata extraction. + Translations: ca, eu.- Update to version + Support for reading Musicbrainz metadata from audio files. + Tracker Writeback now uses GStreamer to write metadata to audio files, instead of depending on taglib directly. + Directories will now be ignored if they contain a file named `.nomedia`. A file named `.trackerignore` has the same effect, but the `.nomedia` file brings us in line with Android. + Removed obsolete 'max-media-art-width' setting. - libtracker-miners-common is built as a static library and only used in build time. So remove it in the %install section. - Add a new BuildRequires pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0). - Drop an unused BuildRequires pkgconfig(taglib_c).- Drop pkgconfig(libgrss) BuildRequires and subpackage tracker-miner-rss: libfrss is dropped upstream. Following this, add tracker-miner-rss Obsoletes to main tracker-miners package.- Update to version 2.2.2: + Multiple leak fixes. + Functional tests now use python3. + Fix text extractor handling of non-existent files. + Fix indexing of tracks in FLAC files. + Added new tests for file formats. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.2.1: + Whitelist syscall fadvise64_64. + Many fixes to functional tests. + Fix failed functional tests being reported as successful. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.2.0: + Disable guarantee_metadata by default. It was the case on autotools. + Stop merging translations to schema files. + Test suite improvements. + Meson build improvements. + The functionality of tracker-miner-apps has been adopted by tracker-miner-fs/tracker-extract. + All usage of deprecated TrackerSparqlBuilder is gone. + Fixes to desktop file indexing. + Multiple build and compile warning fixes. + Many test improvements and cleanups. + The functionality of tracker-miner-apps has been adopted by tracker-miner-fs/tracker-extract. + Updated tracker-miner-fs and tracker-miner-rss to use TrackerResource. + Support for building through autotools has been removed. + Plugged several leaks. + Other many build and code cleanups and fixes. + Updated translations. - Switch to meson build system, remove all conditionals for meson and remove all traces of autotools support. - Drop tracker-miners-private.patch: finally fixed upstream (probably by accident, but well). - Add pkgconfig(gexiv2), pkgconfig(libavcodec), pkgconfig(libavformat) and pkgconfig(libavutil) BuildRequires: New dependencies, all optional except gexiv2.- Update to version 2.1.6: + Multiple meson build fixes. + Test fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.1.5: + Fix several leaks. + Ensure utf8ness in tracker_guarantee_resource_title_from_file(). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.1.4: + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.1.3: + Unbreak watch on domain ontology owner. Fixes miners spuriously exiting.- Update to version 2.1.2: + Allow use of domain rules outside prefix. + Add core-as-subproject as explicit meson option. + Ensure utf8ness in TrackerResource helpers. + Fix multiple cardinality issues in different extractors/properties. + Other minor SPARQL correctness fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.1.1: + tracker-miner-fs: Ignore mercurial repositories. + build: Fix build with -Werror=format-security. + tracker-extract: - Ensure metadata strings are UTF-8 in JPEG/PNG extractors. - Do not add named destinations to PDF TOCs. - Ignore XMP image metadata on PDFs. - Fix ISO 8601 date string generation on gstreamer extractor. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.1.0: + tests: Many updates and fixes to functional tests. + tracker-extract: Better infrastructure for tests, based on JSON-LD. + tracker-miner-fs: Restart tracker extract from the right domain. + tracker-extract: Persistently avoid files that trigger recoverable errors, to avoid log spamming on restarts. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.0.5: + tracker-extract: Made daemon able to shutdown on inactivity, lifetime will be managed by tracker-miner-fs. + tracker-stract: Fixes in generated SPARQL for geolocation data. + Updated translations. - Replace libjpeg-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libjpeg): now configure looks for the pkgconfig module instead.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 2.0.4: + build: Allow building tracker repo as a meson subproject. + libtracker-common: Rename to libtracker-miners-common. + libtracker-miners-common: Whitelist arm_fadvise64_64, getegid and getegid32 syscalls. + tracker-extract: - Add GExiv2-based extractor module for RAW files. - Blacklist gstreamer modules via plugin instead of via feature. - Blacklist video4linux2 gstreamer plugin. - Use enumerations for EXIF values. - Fix image pixel density conversions. + tracker-miner-fs: Avoid setting rdf:types on empty files. + meson: dependency check fixes. + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-miners-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add tracker-miners-nb-translations.patch: Update Norwegian Bokmål translations.- Update to version 2.0.3: + meson: Multiple cleanups and fixes. + tracker-extract: Do not overwrite nie:dataSource. - Update Url to current Tracker's web page.- Update to version 2.0.2: + tracker-miner-fs: Fix initialization when there's a startup timeout. + tracker-extract: Don't store 0-length strings on MSOffice metadata. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.0.1: + tracker-miner-apps: Ignore broken .desktop file symlinks. + tracker-miner-fs: Ignore non-native mounts. + tracker-extract: Fix insertion of white balance values in images. + Compile warnings and Coverity issue fixes. + Fix srcdir!=builddir builds. - Drop tracker-miners-tracker-extract-fixes.patch: fixed upstream.- Add tracker-miners-tracker-extract-fixes.patch: Fix various bugs in tracker-extract (bgo#785853, bgo#787774).- Update to version 2.0.0: + Tracker shall from now on use semantic versioning. + autotools/meson cleanups. + Updated translations.- Add releavant conflicts to ease upgrades from old tracker versions: tracker and libtracker-common-1_0: Various files moved from to tracker-miners.- Update to version 1.99.3: + Add more assertions to testcases (CIDs 162185, 162186, 162188–162191). + Protect further the MP3 parser against out-of-bounds reads (CID #162187). + Fixed typos, and other code and build improvements. + Updated translations.- Initial package, version 1.99.2: + Tracker-miners has been split out from tracker.nebbiolo 1702385427 3.2.2-150400. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=c7ead911ca350b83b5f251cb184d0c681494bf69, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=2ce5a07cd96a74f939deb1291fb1697565f81375, for GNU/Linux 3.10.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=35888297741078aae9948040e85773712a8933da, strippedXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesexported SGML document, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)   R RRR R RRRR R RRRRRRRRPR RRR R RRRRRR,Gg|outf-8afd0b03f226a66298c8fc159726b68d8d59008e105d3c934f776545b4f68196d? 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