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It will opportunistically enable encryption and allow the use of authentication. (#7257) * twisted.web.static is now ported to Python 3. (#6177) * twisted.web.server.Site accepts requestFactory as constructor argument. (#7016) * twisted.web.util had some HTML generation functions deprecated since 12.1 that have now been removed. (#7828) * #6927, #7797, #7802, #7846 * The resumeOffset argument to twisted.words.protocol.irc.DccFileReceive now works as it is documented. (#7775)- Version 15.1.0: * deprecated MSN protocol support * improved docs for Trial * removed deprecated UDPClient * twisted.web.static.File allows defining a custom resource for rendering forbidden pages. * minor bugfixes- Version 15.0.0: + please, see NEWS file - Update lp1102685.diffpython-Twistedpython-twistedpython-twisted-conchpython-twisted-corepython-twisted-lorepython-twisted-mailpython-twisted-namespython-twisted-newspython-twisted-runnerpython-twisted-webpython-twisted-wordspython-twisted-xishsheep27 1667559104 !""$%%'((*++-..0122455788:;;=>>@AACDEEGHHJKKMNNPQRRTUUWXXZ[[]^__abcdeeghijkkmnnpqrrtuuwxxz{||~     !""$%%'((*+,-.//122455788:;;=>>@AACDDFGGIJJLMMOPPRSSUVVXYY[\\^__abbdeeghhjkkmnnpqqsttvwwyz{|}}      !!#$$&'')**,--/00233566899;<==?@ABCCEFFHIJKLMMOPQRSTUVVXYY[\\^_`abcdefghhjkkmnnpqqsttvwwyz{|}}      !""$%&'((*++-./0123446779::<==?@AACDDFGGIJJLMMOPPRSSUVVXYY[\\^__abbdeeghhjkkmnnpqrrtuuwxxz{{}~~      !""$%%'()*++-.//122455788:;<=>>@AACDDFGGIJJLMMOPPRSSUVVXYY[\]]_``bcceffhiiklmmopprssuvwxyzz|}}        "#$%&&()*+,--/00233566899;<<>??ABBDEFFHIIKLLNOOQRRTUUWXXZ[\]^^`abcddfggijjlmmopqrstuvvxyzz|}}      !!#$$&'')**,--/00233566899;<<>??ABBDEEGHIJKKMNNPQQSTTVWWYZZ\]]_``bccefghijjlmmopprstuvvxyy{||~      !""$%%'((*++-..0113446788:;;=>>@ABBDEEGHHJKKMNNPQQSTTVWWYZZ\]]_``bcdeffhiikllnooqrstuvvxyy{|}~      !!#$$&'')**,--/0113446779::<=>>@AACDDFGGIJJLMNNPQQSTTVWWYZZ\]]_``bcceffhiikllnopqrrtuvwxyz{||~                           ! 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