Version 0.14.0
Released: 2017-02-19

This release changes the name of the binary and filesystem locations from
'recipes' to 'gnome-recipes'.

We are now using the email portal to send email, falling back to using a
mailto: url if the portal is not available.
 * The fullscreen cooking mode has been refined
 * Timers play a sound when they expire
 * Edit and recontribute your contributed recipes
 * Several bugs and crashes have been fixed
 * More contributed recipes

Version 0.12.0
Released: 2017-02-12

Another release focused on completing the feature set for the 3.24 release.
 * Recipes can be shared by email
 * GNOME recipes has a mailing list,
 * The shopping list view has been refined
 * Shopping lists can be shared by email as well

Version 0.10.0
Released: 2017-02-07

This release focuses on completing the feature set for the 3.24 release.
 * A new fullscreen cooking mode has been added
 * Images can be viewed in fullscreen
 * The user interface for adding notes has been refined
 * Recipes can be searched for by their spiciness
 * More contributed recipes

Version 0.8.0
Released: 2017-01-18

This release focuses on completing and polishing existing features.
 * Multiple recipes can be exported an imported in one batch
 * Deletion of recipes can be undone
 * We inhibit screen blanking and suspend while a recipe is cooked
 * There is a printable shopping list
 * The ingredients page has been dropped for now
 * Problems with exporting in a flatpak sandbox have been resolved

Version 0.6.0
Released: 2017-01-07

This release focuses on localization. All included content should be properly
translatable now, including recipe and chef descriptions and ingredients.

Other improvements include:
 * Recipe instructions can link to other recipes
 * Recipe instructions can include links that switch to a particular image
 * All recipe lists are now populated incrementally
 * Recipe tiles look nicer now
 * We show a 'built with GNOME Builder' logo in the About dialog
 * The About dialog gained a 'System' tab

Version 0.4.2
Released: 2016-12-29

This is a minor update that makes it possible to build without some of the
dependencies, which helps for building on other platforms, such as OS X.

The performance of loading recipe lists has been improved.

Version 0.4.0
Released: 2016-12-26

This release focuses on improving recipe editing, and also includes a new
feature, multiple ingredients lists per recipe. In detail:
 * Support multiple ingredients lists per recipe
 * Use 2 column layout for the edit page
 * Use the new image viewer for editing as well
 * Editing ingredients lists is much better
 * Only allow editing your own recipes
 * Move notes to the details page
 * Allow markup (links) in chef descriptions
 * Add spell checking in many places

This release also adds and updates translations for several languages.

Version 0.3.0
Released: 2016-12-15

This is another early release, to address problems people found with the 0.2.0
flatpak, and with the export function. A number of general improvements found
their way into this release as well:
 * Handle conflicts during recipe import
 * Use Account portal (if available) to prepopulate user data
 * Add a GNOME shell search provider
 * Add several contributed recipes. Thanks, Ray and Bastian!
 * Fix problems with the dark theme
 * Add information about chefs to the page listing their recipes
 * Add information about dietary restricitons to the page listing their recipes
 * Improve the ingredient parser to recognize more units
 * Redesign the recipe details page
 * Fix several crashes

This release also adds and updates translations for several languages.

Version 0.2.0
Released: 2016-12-02

Initial release.