This file documents the instructions for upgrading to GNOME SlackBuild 2.30.0
for Slackware 13.1, and lists any packages which have been added, removed,
renamed, and/or split during the development cycle from GSB 2.28.3 for
Slackware 13.0, as well as note some potential "gotchas" that users can avoid
by arming themselves with a little knowledge.

All packages that are built to replace a standard Slackware package are
configured and built as closely as possible to how Patrick does.  For more
information about what needs to be replaced, and why, please see our

This version of GNOME SlackBuild has been considerably slimmed down.  It is
difficult to maintain to a high quality so many peripheral packages. A full
GNOME desktop, and a variety of office, multimedia, and networking applications
is still offered.  Please check the 'Package Removals' section below for
details.  Before installing or upgrading GSB, you are encourage to use
'--remove-obsolete' when doing upgrades.

All packages are now signed with gpg, and you can find the public key as
./GPG-KEY.  If you are using slapt-get to download and install your packages,
make sure to run:

  $ slapt-get --add-keys

With the latest version of slapt-get, be sure to add a ":CUSTOM" tag to the end
of your SOURCE line which points to the GNOME SlackBuild repository.
Otherwise, the official Slackware package will outweigh some GNOME SlackBuild
required package and they may not be installed.  

*** PACKAGE ADDITIONS SINCE 2.28.3 for Slackware 13.0 ***

l/portaudio: Added.
l/gtkimageview: Added.
l/gtksourceview: Renamed from gtksourceview2.  
ad/gksu-polkit: Added. This replaces the old gksu application.
l/libgee: Added.

*** PACKAGE REMOVALS SINCE 2.28.3 for Slackware 13.0 ***

l/libwnck: Removed. Slackware version is sufficient.
l/gtksourceview1: Removed. The 1.x series is now almost wholly obsolete.
l/poppler: Removed.  Slackware version.
l/cairo: Removed. Slackware version.
l/vte: Removed. Slackware version.
n/mozilla-xulrunner: Removed.  
l/nss: Removed.  We now use Slackware's seamonkey-solibs.
l/bluez: Removed.  Slackware has upgraded to bluez-4.
l/rhpl: Removed (alongside system-config-printer).
a/pulseaudio: Removed.
a/policykit: Removed.  Slackware now supplies polkit.
a/policykit-gnome: Removed.  Slackware now supplied policykit-gnome.
a/consolekit: Removed. Slackware provides ConsoleKit.
go/system-config-printer: Removed. Now in Slackware.
ad/gksu: Removed.  This has been replaced by gksu-polkit.
ad/libgksu: Removed.
ap/dvgrab: Removed.
ap/kino: Removed.
a/paman: Removed with pulseaudio.
ap/gnome-screensaver: Removed.  
ap/padevchooser: Removed with pulseaudio.
ap/pavumeter: Removed with pulseaudio.
ap/pavucontrol:Removed with pulseaudio.
paprefs: Removed with pulseaudio.
a/evo-openldap: Removed.  Obsoleted by evolution-mapi, which users may wish to
                build for the latest connectors to Exchange 2007.  
n/gnome-bluetooth: Removed. Not needed with blueman.
m/avahi-sharp: Removed.  The avahi package itself now has mono bindings.
m/karma-sharp: Removed.
m/f-spot: Removed.
gnome-do: Removed.
gnome-keyring-sharp: Removed.
monodevelop: Removed.
notify-sharp: Removed.
ad/gparted: Removed.
go/libgdamm: Removed.
go/gnome-python-extras: Removed.
go/inkscape: Removed.
go/glom: Removed.
go/dia: Removed.
go/gnome-scan: Removed.
ac/gail: Removed.
ac/libgail-gnome: Removed.
ap/gnome-audio: Removed.
ap/gnome-commander: Removed.
l/lame: Removed.
l/xvidcore: Removed.
l/ffmpeg: Removed.  Not realy needed with gst-ffmpeg.
l/a52dec: Removed.
l/alsa-lib: Removed. Using pulseaudio, we no longer need to replace this.
l/alsa-plugins: Removed. Using pulseaudio, we no longer need to replace this.
l/bakery: Removed.
l/faac: Removed.
l/faad2: Removed.
l/gconfmm: Removed.
l/gjs: Removed.
l/gmime: Removed. Slackware has a good version.
l/goocanvasmm: Removed.
l/gsl: Removed.
l/gtksourceviewmm: Removed.
l/hal-cups-utils: Removed.
l/libatasmart: Removed.
l/libavc1394: Removed.
l/libchamplain: Removed.
l/libcroco: Removed.
l/libdiscid: Removed.
l/libdv*: All DVB libraries have been removed since we no longer offer kino.
l/libffi: Removed.
l/libgc: Removed. Mono built with interal libgc, and we no longer offer inkscape.
l/libggz: Removed.
l/libglademm: Removed.
l/libgnomecups: Removed. (Obsolete)
l/libgnomeprint: Removed. (Obsolete)
l/libgnomeprintui: Removed. (Obsolete)
l/libiec61883: Removed.
l/libiptcdata: Removed.
l/libmms: Removed.
l/libmpcdec: Removed.
l/libmusicbrainz: Removed.
l/libopenraw: Removed.
l/libquicktime: Removed.
l/libsamplerate: Removed.
l/libshout: Removed.
l/libxml++: Removed.
l/mjpegtools: Removed.
l/mpeg2dec: Removed.
l/mpeg4ip: Removed.
l/opal: Removed.
l/pango: Removed.
l/psiconv: Removed.
l/ptlib: Removed.
l/pygdata: Removed.
l/pygobject: Removed.
l/python-ldap: Removed.
l/sexy-python: Removed.
l/slib: Removed.
l/x264: Removed.
ap/gst-fluendo-mp3: Removed. License issues.
ap/gswitchit-plugins: Removed.
ap/sound-juicer: Removed.
ap/soundconverter: Removed.
n/mod_dnssd: Removed.
n/gnome-user-share: Removed.
n/gnome-pilot: Removed.
n/gnome-pilot-conduits: Removed.
n/evolution-rss: Removed.  Rather buggy, liferea is a better choice. 
n/ekiga: Removed.
n/obexd: Removed.
n/gnokii: Removed.  
n/gnome-phone-manager: Removed.
n/NetworkManager-openconnect: Removed.
n/NetworkManager-vpnc: Removed.
n/libepc: Removed.
ap/gnome-games-extra-data: Removed.
ap/nautilus-image-converter: Removed.
ap/nautilus-open-terminal: Removed.
ap/fast-user-switch-applet: Removed.
go/gtkmathview: Removed.
go/graphviz: Removed.
go/gnome-spell: Removed.
go/libgnomedb: Removed.
go/abiword-docs: Removed.
go/libofx: Removed.
go/gnucash: Removed.
go/gnucash-docs: Removed.
go/drivel: Removed.
m/gnome-keyring-sharp: Removed.
m/notify-sharp: Removed.
m/mono-tools: Removed.
m/monodevelop: Removed.
m/gnome-do: Removed.
d/scons: Removed.
d/ghex: Removed.
d/nemiver: Removed.
d/gob2: Removed.
d/libgnomemm: Removed.
d/libgnomecanvasmm: Removed.
d/gnome-vfsmm: Removed.
d/libgnomeuimm: Removed.
t/mac4lin: Removed.
a/devicekit-disks: Removed.
a/gnome-menus-kde: Removed.
a/gnome-menus-xfce: Removed.
ooo/gnome-menu-ooo: Removed.  Merged into openoffice.
extra/pidgin: Removed. (No longer rebuilt against pulseaudio).
extra/MPlayer: Removed. (No longer rebuilt against pulseaudio).
extra/deluge: Removed.  This has been replaced by the lighter transmission.
extra/transcode: Removed.
extra/dvdrip: Removed.


- Pulseaudio has been removed and we have returned to the ALSA/Gstreamer
  backend. Pulseaudio was a good option, but has proven just too slow and not
as stable as ALSA. You can also remove old pulse users and groups from
/etc/passwd and /etc/group.  If you are missing your volume control applet, try
the handy volti application found in extra/.

- xscreensaver is the preferred option for a screensaver, and we have dropped
  support for GNOME Screensaver.  If you would like to start xscreensaver when
you start your GNOME desktop, you can add it using 'Startup Applications' in
the GNOME Control Panel.  You may also want to add a keyboard shortcut which
runs 'xscreensaver-command -lock' (the default is Ctrl-Alt-L)

- PolicyKit has been upgraded to polkit-1, and is now included in the official
  Slackware repository.  If you had a previous GSB installation, you can now
remove polkituser from /etc/passwd and /etc/group.

- Where did my icons go?  GNOME 2.30 menus and buttons have been standardised
  across all applications to not display icons by default. Menu items with
dynamic objects, including applications, files or bookmarks, and devices are
the exception and can display an icon.  GNOME 2.30 has removed the 'Interface'
tab from the Appearances applet.  To re-enable your menu icons, you will need
to run: 
    $ gconftool-2 --set --type boolean  \
          /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true

  If you would like icons restored to your buttons (like OK, Cancel, etc), then you'll need to run:
    $ gconftool-2 --set --type boolean \
          /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons true

  (Thanks to byteframe for the suggestion.)

- If you like the old style control over volume management (i.e., removeable
  media), then you will need to install the xfce and thunar-volman packages
from the official Slackware repositories.

- Remember to fix your config files.  Some of the config files in /etc are
  going to need your attention.  You'll find the new incoming config files on
your system with the ".new" extension.  You may need to fill these in with
information from your old config files and then move them over.

- When adding users to the netdev group (in order to use NetworkManager and the
  network-manager-applet) you may need to reload dbus in order for the new
permissions to take effect.

- USER PERMISSIONS: You user must be in the 'audio' group to use audio, the
  'netdev' group to use avahi and NetworkManager, the 'plugdev' to use
BlueTooth and removeable media in Nautilus, and the 'power' group to use
hibernate/suspend with GNOME Power Manager and use the CPUfreq applet.  (If you
are not in the 'power' group, the CPUfreq applet will complain "CPU frequency
scaling unsupported.") To get proper scoring working with gnome-games, you have
to add the user name to group "games".

- If NetworkManager is running, but unused, Firefox will try to detect an
  available connection and start up in offline mode (annoyingly).  You can fix
this behavior by disabling NetworkManager if you're not using it.

- If you use Sabayon, you'll need to migrate your existing profiles with 2.30:
      $ cp /etc/desktop-profiles/*.xml /etc/sabayon
      $ cp /etc/desktop-profiles/*.zip /etc/sabayon/profiles