{{Header}} {{Title|title= Wiki History }} {{intro| Some wiki actions such as viewing the wiki history are only possible with a free account. This is to stop scraping robots from needlessly comparing every wiki page revision with every other wiki page revision on every wiki page. }} If you have a legitimate reason for crawling that is not already covered on the [[Offline Documentation]] wiki page, please post in the forums. In that case, please describe how that happened and include the URL from the browser address bar. For example,
https://www.project_clearnet/wiki/Wiki_History?not-allowed=example-replace-mebecause it contains information to debug this issue, should this be a bug. = Discussions = * https://forum.sympl.io/t/how-much-of-your-web-traffic-is-bots/384 * https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/17342163 {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]] [[Category:MultiWiki]]