|icon=fa-solid fa-info cs-red-light
* Introduction: [[Introduction|{{project_name_short}} Documentation Introduction, User Expectations, Footnotes and References, User Expectations - What Documentation Is and What It Is Not]]
* [[About#Based_on_Kicksecure|{{project_name_short}} is based on {{Kicksecure}}]]: {{project_name_short}} inherits many features and principles from Kicksecure.
* Kicksecure is based on Debian: Kicksecure builds upon the stability of Debian.
* Inheritance: Therefore, {{project_name_short}} is also [[About#Based_on_Debian|based on Debian]].
* Debian is GNU/Linux-based: Debian primarily uses the GNU/Linux as its foundation.
* Shared documentation benefits: Because one distribution is based on another:
** Inherited documentation: Little specific documentation is required for each layer.
** Shared principles: Features and principles often remain consistent across forks. Users can often follow the same instructions for both {{project_name_short}} and Kicksecure.
* Keep using {{project_name_short}}: This does not mean the user should switch to Kicksecure.
* Where to apply the instructions: The instructions should be applied inside {{project_name_short}}.
* Wiki editors notice: This box is [[Template:Upstream_wiki|wiki template upstream_wiki]]. ([[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Upstream_wiki|Pages that link to it.]])
* Comparison: [[Comparison_with_Kicksecure|Whonix versus Kicksecure]]
* '''Documentation compatibility: Since {{project_name_short}} is based on Kicksecure, the user can follow these instructions for {{kicksecure_wiki
}}. Apply the instructions inside {{project_name_short}}, not Kicksecure.'''
* Note: Re-interpretation...
Kicksecure: Perform these steps inside Kicksecure.
Instead the user should apply the instructions inside {{project_name_workstation_short}}.
Kicksecure for Qubes: Perform these steps inside Qubes kicksecure-{{VersionShort}}
Instead the user should apply the instructions inside {{project_name_workstation_template}}