Last updated: 22 February 2025
This policy applies to all equally, including sponsors, donors, advertisers, and external link targets -- in short, third-parties.
# '''Separate Legal Entities:''' {{project_name_short}} always remains a completely separate entity from all third-parties.
# '''Non-Influence Declaration:''' All third-parties explicitly acknowledge that their contributions, whether monetary or non-monetary, do not entitle them to any form of influence over the {{project_name_short}} project's development, direction, policy, or governance. The {{project_name_short}} team retains full autonomy and makes all project decisions independently, without any external influence.
# '''Conflict of Interest:''' The project team is committed to maintaining independence and will take appropriate measures to ensure that third-parties do not compromise the project's integrity.
# '''No Endorsement:''' Acceptance of links to third-parties does not constitute an endorsement of the third-party's products, services, or viewpoints by the {{project_name_short}} project. Any links or advertisements displayed are for informational purposes only and do not reflect the views of the project or its team. The [[Terms_of_Service#Non-Endorsement|Non-Endorsement]] policy applies.
# '''No Liability:''' The {{project_name_short}} project and its team members are not liable for any actions, claims, or damages resulting from the use of third-party related products or services. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and make informed decisions when interacting with third-party content.
# '''Sponsor Review Process:''' All third-party links undergo a cursory review process to ensure they align with the {{project_name_short}} project's values and do not conflict with the project's mission or legal obligations. Any third-parties that could potentially compromise the project's objectives will be declined.
# '''Compliance with Laws:''' All third-parties will comply with applicable local and international laws, including those related to advertising, data protection, and intellectual property. The {{project_name_short}} project will not engage with third-parties that operate in violation of these laws.
# '''Termination Rights:''' Any third-parties that undergo detrimental changes after the initial review will be re-evaluated by the {{project_name_short}} team upon becoming aware of the situation. The {{project_name_short}} project reserves the right to terminate any links to third-parties at any time if it is determined that the third-party's actions or products are inconsistent with the project's values, mission, or legal obligations.
# '''Indemnification:''' Third-parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless the {{project_name_short}} project, its team members, and affiliates from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from their relationship with the project, if applicable.
# '''Changes to Third-Parties Policy:''' The {{project_name_short}} project reserves the right to modify its third-party policies and practices at any time. Any changes will be reflected on this page and will apply to all future links to third-parties.
(wiki editors notice: This is [[Template:third-party-mentions-policy]], which is used on multiple wiki pages. See [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Third-party-mentions-policy]])