If you are using [[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]], please press Expand on the right.
Qubes App Launcher (blue/grey "Q")
→ Template:
→ Repository
'''Figure:''' ''Wizard Repository Selection''
'''Figure:''' ''Wizard Auto-update Configuration''
== {{project_name_short}} ==
If you are using [[About|{{project_name_short}}]], please press Expand on the right.
Start Menu
→ System
→ Derivative Repository
→ choose either "stable", "stable-proposed-updates" , "Testers" or "Developers" repository
'''Figure:''' ''Start Menu''
'''Figure:''' ''super user password''
Afterwards, the following window will appear.
'''Figure:''' ''Auto-update Configuration''
'''Figure:''' ''Repository Selection''
== Command Line Interface ==
If you are a terminal user, please press Expand on the right.
In Terminal, run.
sudo repository-dist
'''Figure:''' ''Launch Terminal''
'''Figure:''' ''Run repository-dist''
Choose one of the following repositories based on personal preferences.
sudo repository-dist --enable --repository stable
sudo repository-dist --enable --repository stable-proposed-updates
sudo repository-dist --enable --repository testers
sudo repository-dist --enable --repository developers
To use the repository, follow the [[Operating_System_Software_and_Updates|usual update instructions]].
= Onionizing Repository =
This is not yet possible with the GUI. Only with the CLI.
See [[Onionizing_Repositories#Onionize_derivative.list|Onionize derivative.list]].
= Disable {{project_name_short}} APT Repository =
For [[Trust]] reasons some users may prefer not to use {{project_name_short}} APT Repository. In that case, it is necessary to [[Dev/Build Documentation|update Debian packages in {{project_name_short}} from source code]], which is inconvenient.
All Default-Download-Version {{project_name_short}} variants have the {{project_name_short}} APT repository enabled. It can be disabled via the GUI or in a terminal with the Derivative Repository Tool.
'''Table:''' ''{{project_name_short}} APT Repository Disabling''
{| class="wikitable"
! scope="col"| '''Platform / Method'''
! scope="col"| '''Instructions'''
! scope="row"| {{project_name_short}} Built from Source Code
| If [[Dev/Build Documentation|{{project_name_short}} is built from source code]], {{project_name_short}} APT Repository is not added by default. The only exception is if users [[Build_Configuration|opt in using a build configuration]]. It is also possible to [[Project-APT-Repository#Verify_{{project_name_short}}_APT_Repository_is_Disabled|verify]] that it is already disabled.
! scope="row"| {{project_name_short}} Default-Download-Version: GUI
* {{q_project_name_short}}: