## Optionally restrict TransPort. ## Replace above rule with a more restrictive one, e.g.: #$iptables_cmd -t nat -A PREROUTING -i "$int_if_item" -p tcp --match multiport --dports 80,443 --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports "$TRANS_PORT_WORKSTATION"It is possible to limit which outgoing ports are redirected to Tor's
. Depending on user intentions, it could also be useful to remove all SocksPort
! scope="row"| DNS Requests
| Standard DNS requests on UDP port 53
are redirected to Tor's DnsPort
. If the DNS server is changed in {{project_name_workstation_short}} /etc/resolv.conf, this will likely have no effect. The reason is the firewall on {{project_name_gateway_short}} will redirect all those requests to Tor's DnsPort
. The working exception to this rule is when users tunnel / encrypt DNS requests (DNSCrypt, httpsdnsd), as per the [[Alternative_DNS_Resolver|secondary DNS resolver instructions]].
! scope="row"| Incoming Connections
* Incoming connections are not supported.
* If programs make outgoing connections, then incoming connections are accepted for web browsing, IRC, or other relevant applications.
* Server [[Ports|ports]] ("open ports") are blocked.
* Unless explicitly configured, the Ident Protocol / web server listening port is not reachable.
! scope="row"| IPv6
| Tor only [https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/org/roadmaps/Tor/IPv6Features partially supports IPv6], although full implementation is likely in the near term.
The only missing elements at the time of writing were automatic client connections and inter-relay connections via IPv6. Bridges are fully supported. See also: [https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/org/roadmaps/Tor/IPv6 IPv6 roadmap].
This is not a {{project_name_short}}-specific issue.
* [[Dev/ipv6]]
* https://forums.whonix.org/t/port-to-nftables-as-a-replacement-for-iptables/18896
! scope="row"| Server Services
| [[Onion Services]] and/or [[Hosting_Location_Hidden_Services|Location Hidden Services]] can be hosted.
! scope="row"| Tor Routing
| {{TorifiedGateway}} Refer to the footnotes for further information.
! scope="row"| UDP
| [[Tor#UDP|Tor does not support UDP]]. This is not a {{project_name_short}}-specific issue.
Related topics:
* [[{{project_name_gateway_short}}_Firewall|{{project_name_gateway_short}} Firewall]]
* [[{{project_name_workstation_short}}_Firewall|{{project_name_workstation_short}} Firewall]]
* [[Ports]]
= Install Software General =
= Footnotes =