libgsf-tools-1.14.50-150400.3.6.1<>,Eg(|$p9|> +a&)Amu-RF~ @ΨK@lzaFfMK uqQVV52]޳'̪JO sԍ9˲}vid~$Sg" MaȫYUt%}Oߛ&-x|(5dLeigIᵰ7 Tyfu+ZGՆ 1IC%eo-5f<2kN? !>h5 4B>>?d $ b= Sm         _  l   , X|   (89X: kFFG\ H I XY\ ] ^b!cdKePfSlUuh vw x y z4DHNClibgsf-tools1.14.50150400.3.6.1Tools from libgsf, a structured file formats handling libraryThe libgsf library is an extensible I/O abstraction library for dealing with structured file formats.g(|$s390zl39nISUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later;p@FHNA큤A큤g(|"g(|"g(|#TK bZb|2X[@g(|#TK g(|"g(|"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-1.14.50-150400.3.6.1.src.rpmlibgsf-toolslibgsf-tools(s390-64)@@@@@@@^H^,-\@\2[l,Z@ZZ1@ZZ7XBWF@Ws@Wf@WL+@WVV@UWU2G@TE@T[@mgorse@suse.comyfjiang@suse.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comsbrabec@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.combjorn.lie@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgjengelh@inai.dedimstar@ Add libgsf-CVE-2024-42415.patch: fix integer overflows affecting memory allocation (boo#1231282 boo#1231283 CVE-2024-36474 CVE-2024-42415).- Update to version 1.14.50: + Fix error handling problem when writing ole files.- Update to version 1.14.49: + Use g_date_time_new_from_iso8601 and g_date_time_format_iso8601 when available. + Fix problems with non-western text in OLE properties.- Update to version 1.14.48: + Add "zip64" readable property of GsfInfileZip.- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support (jsc#SLE-21105).- Update to version 1.14.47: + GsfOutputMemory improvement. + Teach GsfOutputGzip to control compression level.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 1.14.46: + Upgrade to newer gettext. + Warning fixes. + Fix gsf-vba-dump crash.- Update to version 1.14.45: + Fix problem with ole property writing.- Update to version 1.14.44: + Fix msole metadata writing for non-ascii. + Fix problem with threaded code.- Update to version 1.14.43: + Handle modtime for memory mapped files. + Introspection fixes.- Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036).- Update summaries. Fix SRPM group.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Update to version 1.14.42: + Fix GsfInputTextline's file location management. + doc/ fix for gtkdoc-scangobj. - Drop %clean section as its use is obsolete since RPM do this job now. - Add pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) BuildRequires: it was already being used and pulled along with the ever declared pkgconfig(glib-2.0) since they live in the same devel package. - Abreviate packages summaries as they were too long.- Update to version 1.14.41: + Fix corrupted-tar-file crash.- Updated to version 1.14.40: + Avoid gnome-common dependency. - Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only.- Update to version 1.14.39: + Tests: suppressions.- Update to version 1.14.38: + BSD compatibility for test (bgo#767044). + Fix zip64 problem (bgo#767043). + Improve testing.- Update to version 1.14.37: + Fix tar issue (bgo#765099).- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Update to version 1.14.36: + Fix some criticals. + Plug leak. + Fix openpkg absolute member reference (bgo#761648).- Update to version 1.14.35: + Fix OLE2 property writing issue (bgo#760047). + Improve handling of broken zip files (bgo#760543). + Fix locale handling in thumbnailer (bgo#760428). + Updated translations.- Update to version 1.14.34: + Fix OLE2 property parsing problem (bgo#748528). + xlsx: fix problem with absolute relation targets (bgo#751120). + Fix text line problem with very long lines. + Fuzzed file fixes: bgo#749120, bgo#749169, bgo#749183, bgo#750809, bgo#751273.- Update to version 1.14.33: + Ensure floats roundtrip through our xml functions. + Improve handling of unknown xml tags. + xml parser improvements. + xml pretty-printing improvements.- Update to version 1.14.32: + Fix obscure problem with xml parser. + Add vml to openpkg utils. + Allow NULL content type for openpkg. + Plug leak.- Update to version 1.14.31: + Add two new localc name spaces to gsf-opendoc-utils + Add support for non-default zip compression level (bgo#722470). + Plug leaks. + Dead kittens. + Reduce number of CRITICALs for corrupted files. + Read zip files with 64k+ members (Part of bgo#732209). + Read zip files members larger than 4G (Part of bgo#732209). + Speed up zip file reading for lots of members. + Speed up stdio directory handling with large number of files. + Fix various issues with files larger than 4G. + Fix minor zip file issues. + Write zip archives with more than 64k+ members. + Store unix modtime in zip (Until that overflows). + Fix seekability checks in GsfOutputIOChannel. + Avoid implementation defined behaviour of shifts. + Start a test suite.s390zl39 1730706468 1.14.50-150400. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=32bef2e0f057cb0d855d0449421cbbe826f136c5, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=0243401eb3ca5e750c4b8f310f8d55a836a4c670, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippeddirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textISO-8859 texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)RRRRRRRRRRRRRB-!utf-877b81731e3fac031bcd49b3e54a010dc67183d94cdc1d46c64b9e1e674105dea? 7zXZ !t/@0!]"k%r=dg|Ag *z@>Q7Yi=OZR,..>cxqUzw4:qn%KR&w 40KnuW祲<#q;Rd \H<朽6E>)==K@:*i:5OFhs"(u--:!_T828>ߧC^3BD ]}tP*Tz~,ZW *F-JHZcȧBPb3sv >prIo]5Tn+IT i2ըrHiє#|Cd.ã*fl5=N׭& g#^.Znn/r<\M ]:`G-VM!P 7J(MPoDXZ)%!{s?R|٬Pn&-ސdHqeeǨ{^'Z2P huǏlV2sy4bG׬DS:|gPvŎyyDFnXDp k}(t b-/)Ðd gZZ2=sd1\ 2qNabH&M"4?Hcbb.3Q0x31긹٘r]<D(\y"DOG=fU?bco)wMU* EyO4 m g2&y!~QX<\x:kUm0&Wmp aC a9XGW8)n2ݏEZbKC: o5 VbZQLS"ྤԿP+Q9]fb&.ssbV` PODTX=jߚցSEMߘ #O_ .;/OoWZ`l05"Etg}? 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