perl-DBD-SQLite-1.66-150300.3.12.1<>,ٴfTTp9|~Qyvg+x9$b*IMH%#(Jq-c-;/=vbYX#,smg:rd@JF"yp;? {p$l8vts3nyAP N~hb* gP7Z񐀵 $RPzo|ypw:i.;C>>T?T d % J$(48Qr p   X     L   # (O8X9:FH GH$HHII XI, YIX \I]J^L bNzcO#dOeOfOlOuOvP@ wRxSyStzSSSSTCperl-DBD-SQLite1.66150300.3.12.1Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI DriverSQLite is a public domain file-based relational database engine that you can find at the manpage. *DBD::SQLite* is a Perl DBI driver for SQLite, that includes the entire thing in the distribution. So in order to get a fast transaction capable RDBMS working for your perl project you simply have to install this module, and *nothing* else. SQLite supports the following features: * Implements a large subset of SQL92 See the manpage for details. * A complete DB in a single disk file Everything for your database is stored in a single disk file, making it easier to move things around than with the DBD::CSV manpage. * Atomic commit and rollback Yes, *DBD::SQLite* is small and light, but it supports full transactions! * Extensible User-defined aggregate or regular functions can be registered with the SQL parser. There's lots more to it, so please refer to the docs on the SQLite web page, listed above, for SQL details. Also refer to the DBI manpage for details on how to use DBI itself. The API works like every DBI module does. However, currently many statement attributes are not implemented or are limited by the typeless nature of the SQLite database.fTTh04-armsrv1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Artistic-1.0 OR GPL-1.0-or-later,WY":, P^<!N]W  ZAAA$$$$$A$$$AAmA큤$$$$$$$fTTfTTfTT_K _w\唨\唨\唨fTT_K \唨\fTTfTTfTTfTT_K ^D^D_w^D^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-DBD-SQLite-1.66-150300.3.12.1.src.rpmperl(DBD::SQLite)perl(DBD::SQLite::Constants)perl(DBD::SQLite::GetInfo)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::Cursor)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent::Cursor)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData)perl(DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData::Cursor)perl-DBD-SQLiteperl-DBD-SQLite(aarch-64)@@@@@]R@\'a\ @Z@Z@X_X,J@VU@U/@valentin.lefebvre@suse. Remove sqlite files when building with system libraries * Avoiding having wrong sqlite version when checking with the perl module [bsc#1218946]- Fixed a test failed comparing Lowercase type data. Patch created from github repo commit: ba4f472e7372dbf453444c7764d1c342e7af12b8 [bsc#1203742, 0001-bsc-1203442-lowercase-test.patch}- Use external sqlite3 library rather than internal code. [bsc#1195771, perl-DBD-SQLite-use-external-sqlite3.patch]- updated to 1.66 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes- updated to 1.66 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes- updated to 1.66 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.66 2020-08-30 - Switched to a production version 1.65_03 2020-07-27 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.32.3 1.65_02 2020-02-08 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.31.1 1.65_01 2020-01-18 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.30.1 - Added several SQL_ types as alias (pali++) - Fixed two initialization issues (ppisar++) - Allowed create_function to return an array reference to specify the type of the value- updated to 1.64 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.64 2019-08-12 - Switched to a production version 1.63_05 2019-07-12 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.29.0 - Added sqlite_get_autocommit private method (GH#52) - Addded new db_config constants, notably to prohibit double-quoted string literals 1.63_04 2019-05-25 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.28.0 - Modified doc for sqlite_db_filename which actually returns undef or an empty string (GH#50) - Fixed ->quote($blob, SQL_BLOB) to quote correctly (GH#51, pali++) 1.63_03 2019-02-15 - Applied a patch to fix segmentation fault on 32-bit big-endian platforms by Niko Tyni (GH#45) 1.63_02 2019-02-14 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.27.1 - Let a URI filename test skip if SQLite is compiled with URI filename support (GH#47) 1.63_01 2019-01-26 - Made sure an internal hv is initialized (GH#45) - Fixed a number of tests to skip - Bumped up Test::More requirement - Replaced bundled Test::NoWarnings with Test::FailWarnings - Handle 'unknown' op in DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData (Corion++)- updated to 1.62 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.62 2018-12-29 - Switched to a production version 1.61_04 2018-12-22 - Added sqlite_db_config method and new constants for it - Added sqlite_defensive option to disallow dangerous SQLite features - Exposed some of the hidden extended result codes 1.61_03 2018-12-19 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.26.0, which reportedly has a security fix 1.61_02 2018-12-01 - Added sqlite_backup_from_dbh/sqlite_backup_to_dbh methods - Introduced sqlite_prefer_numeric_type database handle attribute that changes the value of TYPE statement handle attribute from an array of string to an array of integer, as an experimental feature. Setting this may break your applications. - Changed preferred bugtracker 1.61_01 2018-12-01 - Added ability to configure SQLITE_MAX_LENGT with environmental variable (Roy Storey) - Added sqlite_limit database handle method to change run-time limits - Upgraded SQLite to 3.25.3 - Updated constants- updated to 1.60 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.60 2018-12-01 - Switched to a production version 1.59_03 2018-11-03 - Added a note on the long standing bug on TYPE statement handle attribute - Applied a doc patch on Virtual::PerlData by Björn Höhrmann (GH-31) 1.59_02 2018-09-30 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.25.2 1.59_01 2018-09-17 - Upgraded SQLite to 3.25.0, with ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN and UPSERT among others - Added ::GetInfo (GH#32, Brendan Byrd) - Fix to use a PV value as a virtual table column value where appropriate (RT-124941) - Add deferrability to foreign_key_info (mohawk2)- updated to 1.58 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.58 2018-03-28 - Switched to a production version. 1.57_01 2018-03-21 - Made it an error to fetch attributes from a statement handle whose database handle is inactive (ribasushi++)- updated to 1.56 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.56 2018-02-28 - Switched to a production version. 1.55_07 2018-01-27 - This is a developer release to help testing DBIx::Class - Upgraded SQLite to 3.22.0 - Disabled two STAT compile time options (tentatively), which fixes RT-124227 anyway 1.55_06 2018-01-27 - This is a developer release to help testing DBIx::Class - Downgraded SQLite to 3.19.3 because of a SQLite regression (RT-124227, ribasushi++) - Fixed some tests to adapt to a change in error format introduced by the latest DBI - Remove no warnings test from t/43_fts.t which failed under some environments 1.55_05 2017-12-16 - Implemented ParamValues statement handle attribute (RT-123886) 1.55_04 2017-11-22 - Updated SQLite to 3.21.0 - Resolved #122581: statistics_info() doesn't work correctly (John Deighan) - Fixed typo (GH#26, ReneNyffenegger) - Silenced some warnings (GH#25, Jacques Germishuys) - Fixed no dot in @INC issue (GH#24, ribasushi) - Fixed zero-length BLOB value is retrieved as undef (GH#23, SATO Kentaro) - Fixed VirtualTable::PerlData to use new ops added in SQLite 3.21.0 (GH#28, fschlich) - noted on sqlite_extended_result_codes handle attribute 1.55_03 2017-02-14 - Updated SQLite to 3.17.0 1.55_02 2017-01-08 - Updated SQLite to 3.16.2 - Fixed statistics_info when only unique indexes were requested (Dave Rolsky++). GitHub #21 1.55_01 2017-01-04 - Updated SQLite to 3.16.0- updated to 1.54 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.54 2016-12-24 - Switched to a production version. - Resolved RT#119219: Trivial documentation bug in DBL::SQLite 1.52 1.53_01 2016-11-26 - Re-enabled perl tokenizer by calling sqlite_db_config if SQLite >= 3.12- updated to 1.52 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.52 2016-11-15 - Switched to a production version. 1.51_07 2016-10-16 - Downgraded SQLite to 3.13.0 (RT#118395) 1.51_06 2016-10-15 - Updated SQLite to 3.15.0 1.51_05 2016-06-23 - Updated SQLite to 3.13.0 - Resolved #115465: column_info doesn't parse sizes with spaces (ilmari++) - Added two missing function declarations (rurban++) 1.51_04 2016-03-07 - Updated SQLite to 3.11.1, which fixed an FTS5 index corruption issue 1.51_03 2016-02-20 - No code change - Resolved #112220: t/62_regexp_multibyte_char_class.t fails for perl >= 5.22.0 and non-utf8 locale (SREZIC++) 1.51_02 2016-02-20 - No code change; fixed a newly added test that only passed under recent perls (>= 5.18) 1.51_01 2016-02-20 * ** CHANGES THAT MAY POSSIBLY BREAK YOUR OLD APPLICATIONS *** - Updated to SQLite 3.11.0. As upstream disabled two-arg fts3_tokenizer() for security concern, DBD::SQLite also stopped enabling it by default. If you do need perl tokenizer, compile/install with SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER environmental variable. - Applied a doc patch by Salvatore Bonaccorso - Enabled (experimental) FTS5 - Fixed REGEXP function to work under sqlite_unicode correctly (András Farkas++)- updated to 1.50 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.50 2016-02-11 - Switched to a production version. 1.49_08 2016-01-30 - no significant code changes - Resolved RT#111558: Virtual table tests depend on enhanced query syntax availability (vlmarek++) - Ingore FTS tests if FTS is not available 1.49_07 2016-01-21 - Updated to SQLite 3.10.2, which fixed a case-folding bug in the LIKE operator introduced in SQLite 3.10.0. 1.49_06 2016-01-15 - Updated to SQLite 3.10.1, which fixed an old bug that could generate incorrect results when a scalar subquery attempts to use the block sorting optimization. 1.49_05 2016-01-11 * ** CHANGES THAT MAY POSSIBLY BREAK YOUR OLD APPLICATIONS *** - Updated to SQLite 3.10.0. Because of the addition of LIKE/GLOB/REGEXP support on virtual tables, previous ::PerlData virtual table got broken. This is hopefully fixed by adding strlike/strglob functions to DBD::SQLite but if you use this virtual table, please test it carefully. - Now you can make a database connection read-only if you turn on the ReadOnly attribute when you connect. (RT #110439) If you set it after you connect to a database, DBD::SQLite warns because the database doesn't actually become read-only. - Improved ::Constants - to load DBD::SQLite by itself - to expose SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER - introduced a few new (shorter) tags 1.49_04 2015-11-24 - Updated ::Constants - Fixed a sqlite version number in a test (GH-14; NANIS++) 1.49_03 2015-11-05 - Updated to SQLite 3.9.2, with JSON support 1.49_02 2015-10-10 - Added a workaround to resolve #106950 Extra warnings with savepoints (hopefully) - Not to run tests for table_column_metadata unless ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA is set 1.49_01 2015-08-04 - Updated to SQLite - Resolved #106151 SAVEPOINT bug - Made sure to keep what's left in unprepared_statements when allow_multiple_statements is set. (GH #11)- updated to 1.48 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.48 2015-06-12 - Switched to a production version. (ISHIGAKI) 1.47_05 2015-05-08 - Updated to SQLite 3.8.10 1.47_04 2015-05-02 - Used MY_CXT instead of a global variable 1.47_03 2015-04-16 - Added :all to EXPORT_TAGS in ::Constants 1.47_02 2015-04-16 - Updated to SQLite 3.8.9 - Added DBD::SQLite::Constants, from which you can import any "useful" constants into your applications. - Removed previous Cygwin hack as SQLite 3.8.9 compiles well again - Now create_function/aggregate accepts an extra bit (SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC) for better performance. 1.47_01 2015-02-17 * ** (EXPERIMENTAL) CHANGES THAT MAY POSSIBLY BREAK YOUR OLD APPLICATIONS *** - Commented OPTIMIZE out of WriteMakefile (RT #94207). If your perl is not compiled with -O2, your DBD::SQLite may possibly behave differently under some circumstances. (This release is to find notable examples from CPAN Testers). - Set THREADSAFE to 0 under Cygwin to cope with an upstream regression since 3.8.7 (GH #7). - Updated to SQLite - Resolved #35449: Fast DBH->do (ptushnik, ISHIGAKI)- updated to 1.46 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite/Changes 1.46 2014-12-10 - Switched to a production version. (ISHIGAKI) 1.45_06 2014-11-26 - Silenced a compile-time warning (Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated) in PerlData virtual table under bleadperl 1.45_05 2014-11-25 - Updated to SQLite - Restored regexp support in PerlData virtual table by secure reimplementation using closure (DAMI++) 1.45_04 2014-10-28 * ** CHANGES THAT MAY POSSIBLY BREAK YOUR OLD APPLICATIONS *** - Changed to apply quotemeta() to parameters while building a query for a virtual table using PerlData for security. (RIBASUSHI++ and MAUKE++) (DAMI, ISHIGAKI) 1.45_03 2014-10-25 - Fixed regression of 0 as integer (ISHIGAKI) 1.45_02 2014-10-23 - Improved int overflow handling under 32bit strawberry perl (ISHIGAKI) 1.45_01 2014-10-22 - Updated to SQLite 3.8.7 (ISHIGAKI) - Resolved #76395 (hopefully): int values over 32 bit in length produce an error "datatype mismatch" (ISHIGAKI) 1.44 2014-10-22 - Switched to a production version. (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_09 2014-10-20 - Resolved #99583: Legacy DOS 8.3 filename support incompatible with SQLITE WAL journal mode (spotted by Pat Horton) (ISHIGAKI) - 1.43_07/08 were not VC6 compatible (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_08 2014-08-21 - Updated to SQLite 3.8.6, which should fix a unique index issue: see for details (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_07 2014-07-30 - Resolved #97598: Crash on disconnect with virtual tables (FTS4) (patch and test code by Rob++) (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_06 2014-07-22 - Fixed compile error/warning for older perls (reported by ribasushi) (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_05 2014-07-21 - No significant code changes; removed unnecessary dependencies. 1.43_04 2014-07-21 * ** CHANGES THAT MAY POSSIBLY BREAK YOUR OLD APPLICATIONS *** - Resolved #96877: sql statements should be converted to utf8 (DAMI) If you set sqlite_unicode to true, SQL statements will be upgraded to avoid inconsistency between embedded params and bind params. - Resolved #96494: [PATCH] add SYSTEM TABLE to table_info() type list (MJP) - Supported virtual tables in Perl, and added two sample tables (DAMI++) 1.43_03 2014-06-12 - Updated to SQLite 3.8.5, which should fix query planner's issues in SQLite (ISHIGAKI) - Fixed busy_timeout to accept 0 to disable (reported by zdm) (ISHIGAKI) - Resolved #95511: primary_key_info fails to return names for named primary keys (Kenneth Kroenlein) - Resolved #96050: Segfault in disconnected sqlite_db_filename (reported by Alex Vandiver) (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_02 2014-03-26 - Limited -std=gnu99 to solaris gcc only, though it may be harmless in many cases (mattp++) (ISHIGAKI) 1.43_01 2014-03-26 - Added -std=gnu99 for solaris gcc users (reported by mattp++) (ISHIGAKI)h04-armsrv1 1716802704 1.661.661.66-150300. aarch64-linux-thread-multiDBDSQLiteSQLite.pmConstants.pmCookbook.podFulltext_search.podGetInfo.pmVirtualTableVirtualTable.pmFileContent.pmPerlData.pmDBDSQLiteSQLite.soperl-DBD-SQLiteChangesLICENSEREADMEconstants.incdbdimp_tokenizer.incdbdimp_virtual_table.incDBD::SQLite.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::Constants.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::Cookbook.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::Fulltext_search.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::VirtualTable.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent.3pm.gzDBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::PerlData.3pm.gz/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/DBD//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/DBD/SQLite//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/DBD/SQLite/VirtualTable//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/auto//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD//usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/SQLite//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-SQLite//usr/share/man/man3/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// directoryPerl5 module source textPerl POD document, ASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8073302930b67d9e22c720dd0a7d8fabcd84a2d4, strippedUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textC source, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) PPPPPPPPPRRRRRlzw>FZutf-8185592b0a299f8a5c508d0b1338652603923fd4e8aade41de2fcb8034524bb57? 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