libvisio-tools-0.1.6-150200.8.3.1<>,3enp9|<`cc_̬jc.r/1tuZ>!y NK)l#;D? AJ`3 ;#W#Z{m'H^>?td $ Y 1cit   4  TX ( 8  9 8 : F\GtHIXY \4]t^+bc4defluv wtxyHz$(.pClibvisio-tools0.1.6150200.8.3.1Tools to work with documents in MS Visio file-formatThis package contains tools to work with documents in MS Visio file-format.enh02-armsrv1 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MPL-2.0 ( X  ( X AVh`addA큤ekekekekekekenY\SRjY]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-0.1.6-150200.8.3.1.src.rpmlibvisio-toolslibvisio-tools(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@{ Update to 0.1.6: * Consider stencil txtxform in binary formats (tdf#67914). * Parse font width scaling. * Remove namespace check for VDX to allow parsing documents produced by (tdf#98791). * Output shape ID if set. * Fix parsing of text block background color in some cases. * Write bitmaps with color palette correctly. * Deduce text encoding from font name. * Parse theme fill and shadow color. * Parse font scheme in VSDX documents. * Require C++11 for build. * Fix various crashes, leaks and hangs when reading damaged files found by oss-fuzz. * Fix some issues found by Coverity. * Many other small improvements and fixes.- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- Generate manpages for the tools in libvisio-tool package- Version bump to 0.1.5 * Rewrite text output to avoid empty spans and to make the function a bit more readable for common mortal (wo)man. * Initial emulation of line rounding property (tdf#90603). * Make --help output of all command line tools more help2man-friendly.- Version bump to 0.1.4 * Layer properties * Bullets * Tab-sets * Hatch fills * A lot of bug-fixes - Removed patch: * 0001-fix-test.patch - Integrated upstream - Remove CPPFLAGS used to build with boost 1.59.0 * Fixed upstream- Fix compilation with boost 1.59- Version bump to 0.1.3: * Fix build on old compilers - Add patch from upstream git to build with new libxml2: * 0001-fix-test.patch- Version bump to 0.1.2: - Fix several build problems with different compilers. - Import more metadata properties. - Fix theme color import (tdf#92270). - Fix a bunch of crashes and hangs when reading broken documents, found with the help of american-fuzzy-lop. - Fix several memory leaks. - Ignore errors when parsing metadata. This makes some documents readable again. - Fix handling of character background (tdf#92271).- Version bump 0.1.1: * Various bugfixes around - Remove obsol patch: * libvisio-0.1.0-pkgconfig.patch - Enable testsuite- Added patch: libvisio-0.1.0-pkgconfig.patch * Remove the Requires.private which breaks SLE11 buildsh02-armsrv1 1706090606 0.1.6-150200. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=25bed52d5ed9a2f4fa44b520ab4fde1deaa6e1fd, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=d64223f145d939567e669fbd26bc40182fe7546d, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ae8b53ec52b18452ad568647182d2772b13f0d26, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=119f2c89124f5f88a11ec4446b89c8e9d6a77808, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=12a91f45fadd1938bd90746972ea5d4d1a5753f0, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=36806e3debc28eccea592be0a3b655a7e17f66df, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippeddirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) $/; RR RRR RRR RRRRR RRR RRRR RRRRR R R RRR RRR RRRRR RRR RRR RRRRR RRR RRRR RRRRR R R RRR RRR RRRl/m~ utf-8ae97ee456656c953758c5d8b4a0ad33c744d76f91df58eb7d8849fcc105e409b? 7zXZ !t/(z8]"k%r=ds Pi iA@" 6yJ)X4V h{&Q.I?WJi^MH¤Mj ״ Fl^ [YTr3ُi!\yFL$ ) %lk]79 Ao2>nv-+*Io`, E#d?iF|6%B>L]遘Cnc ϩTr IJel1KLj`m T͸T2M\K,XZe&мbҰgѣ2Q/֬JX4R=,ݎ·'9>x$qnVMQvZΞB'vb ٖmܓA_C° PNI+)4~뱎)DbU/r[~.6miz:öj3j׾90G2L8$toɱX;uʘP”XCKouz(s'ߌ'Ji&\mI8^ѢH0RzZt61'c%:~ h뮂>*E6]22jpb(_8q^X2|[Hw>%~& Q('vĒsihFvlOlOlƚα@lzRA1'@-oawj)-sFDlp'Hb9 NmYMtEN%¨E*Y'&Y eKaIl[%zQhG$8){$-3eۅ):k;>Q# `egf_ &g( ޢ I:\SA+;JL)5v=(馲*4v; v JkgPe eps3JQ 6ǺJK`QMHY4=JTyd?W#O } ԞC^[mi?QlVV;,%-+_sr}6Y;?dDXE| ;+4<B͘㣍,ϰqHtyP!IwFӱA=@ Io[Fg9eߵRڏk6e *+ndO{C3YFƄT#k׿<"K[I޹S8!'}Nr""ڕw԰ lؖ"!b|)&h@E!O= ؎c \{fZ\~xĤؾXS_zaxO u  |=r7QY]hk>P{Eۚ@ҹhِ- C"͸a@ȅ+cq^^Pk[iHN [2XZPؼ1oI]K"P3p1&6 ?p|WCw'{nw eт*J &RSDXǷmct`WÐMev'>?j)qU܍sCdh8rH# 1ЋmƔRʕ+$_^f9QesOىlہŠjͣGolm6S%i_L4>P^X87?{AA?( J70k6 [b&0.>v'+FIdZ~T|Vnfh sҫD*G1Pi 1J z=212(N8ܘ[61 mpry˜lZ۰ѨlJhUV9@>#[߲_ Oz96mvv )/2iv²AdZyvSQ m2BSi N'qvy XPG`Ț6*mbs#Q0E9|)<ātQUDj"392_}r~#ϣCx܉p4|h`{Ua 2K,:y 63Ua<ϤEnۜHc(DV,fta"^(9l_DžHד-cAyRCtDy2f 91@\{!OKSsxY s;1Pôn.O7k#7~CH;b>='K2W6v&B]M.u=#VԫFoV,fv >y[~jQzSDѦTi^qTxm,vϸ_ILvxLAAzx#Pew_>=% {=g1e)Hj2U3Y-&؊rd$^HPhjM[z:7?eP=rq\wM;vѫъt!NȻQ>V VE46g8W[mا#_씆bvmuSlbJZy Zq[ <$ݷ/ɏu=!J4޳>XJG#ٸ#9P~TpV_/t>  ߈D4źi`Uނ{{ߖ5z@`O3bA2[l0Ƙr@+a}AS ͌,"H'3yXiRn)=$BU{q6+2~ msh7޻ kIwsJiCd69 o9́]H-(TG)4XWB1=1@gǩK˺m"Р~)=}CV]*$K׍+Orr4'J8UU&fxP9ߟB{Vv{c˲"NDs)$1-(x%w*dDFEIH(/lxm,й: >( aSɝAW@itpFaB⠜M9X1ڰ P6^ YZ