# Cover page for scientific works [](https://circleci.com/gh/latextemplates/scientific-thesis-cover/) [](https://ctan.org/pkg/scientific-thesis-cover)
Institutions require a cover page and an affirmation at the end of the thesis.
This package provides both.
It stems from the [computer science institutes of the University of Stuttgart], but is open to any university.
In case you are looking for a **full thesis template** including a cover page and affirmation, please go to .
Please report issues concerning this package at the GitHub repository at .
## Features
- utf8
- options for all required text on the coverpage
## Installation
Usually, one does not need a seperate installation step, because both MiKTeX and texlive come with a recent version of this template.
Do not forget to [keep your tex distribution updated](https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/55437/9075).
Alternatively, you can download `scientific-thesis-cover.sty` and put it in the folder where you are going to use it.
## Usage Example
An example can be found in [demo.tex](demo.tex).
## Usage
Just include the package with all options specified:
title={Super relevant evaluation of new blackhole-generation method},
author={Max Musterjunge},
examiner={Prof.\ Dr.\ Hans Mustermann},
supervisor={Otto Normalverbraucher, M.Sc.},
Afterwards you can create the cover using `\Coverpage` and get the affirmation text by using `\Affirmation`
## Supported Options
This package supports the following options:
- language: Language used for all labels and text.
- `language=german` will use german (default)
- `language=english` will use english
- title: Title of work. Should be placed in curly braces:
- `title={My thesis title}`
- `title={My very long thesis title}`
- author: Author of work. Should be placed in curly braces. May contain more than one author seperated by commas:
- `author={Peter Lustig}`
- `author={Peter Lustig, Franz Josef, Vladimir Sixth}`
- type: Type of work. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
- `type=bachelor` will label your work as Bachelor's Thesis.
Currently, the term regulations of the University of Stuttgart are in place.
It is assumed that you study a German Bachelor program.
Thus, even if you write in English, the type of your thesis is a "Bachelorarbeit".
In case you study in a different program (such as [INFOTECH]), please fill in the appropriate type of your thesis in curly brackets.
See below.
- `type=master` will label your work as Masters's Thesis
- `type=diplom` will label your work as Diploma Thesis
- `type=study` will label your work as Student Research Project
- `type=projectinf` will label your work as Projekt-INF
- Arbitrary strings are also possible: `type={research project}` will label your work as "research project"
- institute: States for which institute you are doing this work. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
- `institute=iaas` will state Institute of Architecture of Application Systems
- `institute=ipvs` will state Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems
- `institute=fmi` will state Institute of Formal Methods in Computer Science
- `institute=iste` will state Institute of Software Technology
- `institute=iti` will state Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering
- `institute=iris` will state Institute of Computer-aided Product Development Systems
- `institute=vis` will state Institute of Visualization and Interactive Systems
- `institute=visus` will state Visualisation Research Center Stuttgart
- `institute=sec` will state Institute of Information Security
- `institute=fac` will state Faculty of Computer Science
- Arbitrary strings are possible: `institute={Custom fictional institute}` will state Custom fictional institute
- course: Type of study. May be set to one of the following values or arbitrary text in curly braces:
- `course=cs` will state that your course of study is Computer Science
- `course=se` will state that your course of study is Software Engineering
- `course=mcl` will state that your course of study is Master Computational Linguistics
- `course=msv` will state that your course of study is Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
- `course=bis` will state that your course of study is Business Information Systems
- `course=simtech` will state that your course of study is Simulation Technology
- Arbitrary strings are possible: `course={New Study course}` will state that your course of study is New Study course
- examiner: Your examiner.
- `examiner={Prof.\ Dr.\ Hans Mustermann}`
- supervisor: Your supervisor.
- `supervisor={Otto Normalverbraucher, M.Sc.}`
- startdate: Startdate of your work.
Preferably ISO-8601. See and .
- `startdate={2012-06-01}`
- enddate: Enddate of your work.
- `enddate={2012-12-01}`
- crk: CR-Classification codes of your work. May be separated by commas:
- `crk={A.1, A.2}`
## Additional Optional Options
- number: Running number of work. May contain arbitrary text. Should contain the number you got for your work.
- `number=1234` will label your work to have number 1234
- `setPageNumberToOne=true` will set the page after the cover to `1` (default false)
- `setCoverPageNumberToMinusOne=true` will set `-1` as the page number for the cover page (default false)
## Known Problems
Multiline/Commands in option values are currently only supported if you load `kvoptions-patch` **before** the documentclass definition like this:
## How to release
1. Check if indent is correct: `latexindent -y="indentPreamble:1,defaultIndent:' '" -m -w scientific-thesis-cover.sty`
1. Adapt `CHANGELOG.md`
2. Adapt version and date in `scientific-thesis-cover.sty`
3. Tag the release commit using `git tag`
4. Push to GitHub
5. Add CHANGELOG part to GitHub release manually, because [github-release-from-changelog](https://github.com/MoOx/github-release-from-changelog) currently works with `package.json` only.
6. Publish to CTAN
- Pre-conditions:
- Windows: Patch `C:\MiKTeX\scripts\ctanify\ctanify`: Remove `-y` from `zip` command line arguments `zip -q -r -9 -y -m`.
- Windows: Environment variable `TMP` must not contain backslashes. E.g., `C:/TEMP/WIN` is good, `C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp` is bad.
- Have `pandoc` and `sed` in the path.
- Run `release.bat`.
- Go to , choose "Upload"
- Use `scientific-thesis-cover.tar.gz` as archive.
7. Adapt `CHANGELOG.md` to contain `## [unreleased]` again.
## License
This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.
This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Oliver Kopp.
This work consists of the files `scientific-thesis-cover.sty`, `demo.tex`, and `README.md`.
In case files are not listed here, but available at , these additional files also form part of this work.
### Contributors (incomplete list)
Bernd Raichle, Timo Heiber, Steffen Keul, Oliver Kopp, Kai Mindermann, Matthias Papesch, Nils Radtke, Niklas Schnelle
[computer science institutes of the University of Stuttgart]: http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/index.en.html
[INFOTECH]: https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/infotech/