%  tb2807.cnt

\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.4pt    % default is 13pt
\setdigitwidth{999}              % number of digits in highest page number
\secskipa=1.6pt plus4pt          % between sections
\secskipb=0.9pt plus1pt          % between entries

\advance\hsize by 2pc

\def\postissno{Practical \TeX\ 2006 Conference Proceedings}
\TUBhead 28, 1, 2007<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\3-3<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\4-4<
    \subsecc Erratum: {\TUB} \textbf{27}:1 ({Euro\TeX} proceedings); \newline
      {A} new {Korean} {\TeX} {Society}; {{\LaTeX} goes to the movies};\newline
      {Some {\TUB} staff changes}<

\sec Warnings<
\subsec Donald~E. Knuth\\{\TeX}s infinite glue is projective\\4-4<

\sec{Software \& Tools}<
\subsec Oleg Parashchenko\\{\TeX\acro{ML}}:
       {R}esurrecting {\TeX} in the {\XML} world\\5-10<
\subsec Barbara Beeton \and Idris Hamid\\Oriental {\TeX}:
        A new direction in scholarly complex-script typesetting\\11-11<

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: stringing along; loops\\12-14<
\subsec Mark~LaPlante\\The treasure chest\\15-19<


\subsec Ignacio Llopis Tortosa \and Mar{\'\i}a Jos{\'e} Castro~Bleda\\
        {paper\TeX}: {C}reating newspapers using {\LaTeXe}\\20-23<
\subsec {\LaTeX] Project Team}\\{\LaTeX} news, issue 17\\24-25<

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\<

\sec{Practical \TeX\ 2006}<

\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\26-26<

\subsec Barbara Beeton\\How to create a {\TeX} journal:
        {A} personal journey\\29-48<

\subsec David Walden\\A lifetime as an amateur compositor\\49-60<
\subsec Elizabeth Dearborn\\{\TeX} and medicine\\61-64<

\sec{Teaching \& Training}<
\subsec Jon Breitenbucher\\{\LaTeX} at a liberal arts college\\65-69<
\subsec Boris Veytsman\\Design of presentations:
        {N}otes on principles and\newline {\LaTeX} implementation\\70-76<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Maria Shmilevich\\Automatic report generation
        \newline with {Web}, {\TeX} and {\acro{SQL}}\\77-79<

\subsec Bob Neveln \and Bob Alps\\Writing and checking complete proofs
        in {\TeX}\\80-83<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec Troy Henderson\\A beginner's guide to {MetaPost} for creating
        high-quality graphics\\84-90<
\subsec Andrew Mertz \and William Slough\\Graphics with {\acro{PGF}}
        and {Ti{\it k}Z}\\91-99<
\subsec Boris Veytsman and Leila Akhmadeeva\\Drawing medical pedigree
        trees \newline with {\TeX} and {PSTricks}\\100-109<

\sec Tutorials<
\subsec Peter Flynn\\Rolling your own {D}ocument {C}lass: {U}sing {\LaTeX}
        to keep away \newline from the {D}ark {S}ide\\110-123<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\{\LaTeX} resources\\124-125<
\subsec Peter Flom\\{\LaTeX} for academics and researchers who
        (think they) don't need it\\126-128<
\subsec Federico Garcia\\Hypertext capabilities with {pdf\/\LaTeX}\\129-132<
\subsec Kaveh Bazargan \and \acro{CV} Radhakrishnan\\Removing vertical
        stretch{\Dash}mimicking traditional typesetting with {\TeX}\\133-136<

\sec Abstracts<
\subsecnn Abstracts \ {(Adams, Garcia, H\"oppner, Hummel, Moye, Peter, Wetmore)}

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\<

\sec News<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\138-138<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2007 announcement\\139-139<
  \subsecnn {EuroBacho\TeX} 2007 announcement\\140-140<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec Steve Peter\\{TUG} 2007 election report\\141-144<
  \subsec David~Walden\\Financial statements for 2006\\145-146<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\146-146<
  \subsecnn {TUG} membership form\\147-147<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\148-148<




\secskipa=6pt plus .5pt

\TUBhead 28, 2, 2007<

\sec General Delivery<

\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\151<

\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\152-153<
{A pledge of support};
{Helvetica\Dash 50th anniversary};\newline
{Another font anniversary\Dash Souvenir, 93~years};\newline
{Another honorary doctorate for Don Knuth};\newline
{How to shrink a box as much as possible};
{How to use a book};\newline
{Save the signs!};
{Practical \TeX\ 2006 recordings}

\subsec Stephen~Moye\\A wayward wayfarer's way to {\TeX}\\153-158<

\subsec Mojca~Miklavec
        \\{\ConTeXt} user meeting 2007: {E}pen, {M}arch 23--25

\subsec Michael Guravage
        \\{EuroBacho\TeX} 2007

\subsec Kihwang Lee\\New {\TeX} activities in {K}orea\\172-172<


\subsec Peter Flynn
        \\Typographers' {I}nn

\sec{Book Reviews}<

\subsec Hans Hagen and Taco Hoekwater
        \\Alphabetgeschichten by {Hermann Zapf}


\subsec Will Robertson
	\\An exploration of the {L}atin {M}odern fonts

\subsec Klaus H\"oppner
        \\Creation of a {\PS} {T}ype 1 logo font with {MetaType}\,1

\subsec Lars Hellstr\"om
        \\Writing {\acro{ETX}} format font encoding specifications

\subsec Aditya Mahajan
	\\{\ConTeXt} basics for users: {F}ont styles

\subsec Idris Samawi Hamid
        \\Installing {\ConTeXt} expert fonts: {M}inion {P}ro

\sec{Software \& Tools}<

\subsec Jin-Hwan Cho
        \\Hacking {\DVI} files: {B}irth of {\DVI}asm


\subsec Denis Roegel
        \\A complex drawing in descriptive geometry

\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<

% lacks sectitle!
\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Glisterings: {P}aragraphs regular; paragraphs particular;
          paragraphs {R}ussian

\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\233-234<

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Federico Garcia
        \\{\LaTeX}\ and the different bibliography styles

\subsec Walter Schmidt
        \\Font selection in {\LaTeX}: {T}he most frequently asked questions

\subsec Enrico Gregorio
        \\Enjoying babel


\subsec Edward M. Reingold
        \\Writing numbers in words in {\TeX}

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
           Contents of issues 2--3} (2006--2007)\\260-261<

\subsecnn {{\it Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:
          Contents of double issue 46--47 (2006)}\\261-261<

\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}: Contents of issues

\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
           Contents of issues 2006-1--2007-2}\\263-268<

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\268-268<

\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\269-269<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2007 announcement\\270-270<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2008 announcement\\271-271<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\272-282<




\tenpoint\baselineskip=13pt            % default is 13pt

\TUBhead 28, 3, 2007<

\subsec Tim Arnold
        \\{TUG} 2007: {A} few words


\subsec Peter Wilson
        \\Between then and now{\Dash}A meandering memoir

\sec Fonts<

\subsec Barbara Beeton
        \\The {\acro{STIX}} {P}roject{\Dash}{F}rom {U}nicode to fonts

\subsec Jonathan Kew and Victor Gaultney
        \\Fonts for every language: {\acro{SIL}}'s font projects and the
          {O}pen {F}ont {L}icense

\sec Electronic Documents<

\subsec William Hammond
        \\Dual~presentation with~math from~one~source using~{\acro{GELLMU}}

\sec Software \& Tools<

\subsec Taco Hoekwater

\subsec Hans Hagen
        \\{\ConTeXt} {Mk\acro{IV}}: {G}oing {\acro{UTF}}

\subsec Taco Hoekwater and Hans Hagen
        \\{MPlib}: {MetaPost} as a reusable component

\subsec Nelson Beebe
        \\Extending {\TeX} and {\slMF} with floating-point arithmetic

\subsec Richard Koch
        \\Support for multiple {\TeX} distributions in i-{I}nstaller and {Mac\TeX}

\subsec Barry MacKichan
        \\Design decisions for a structured front end to {\LaTeX}

\subsec Paul Topping
        \\{MathType} 6.0's {\TeX} input for {\acro{MS}} {W}ord and {W}ikipedia

\subsec Robert Burgess and Emin G\"un Sirer
        \\Cross{\TeX}: {A} modern bibliography management tool

\sec \LaTeX<

\subsec Klaus H\"oppner
        \\Typesetting tables with {\LaTeX}

\subsec Andrew Mertz and William Slough
        \\Programming with {Perl\TeX}

\subsec Eitan Gurari
        \\\LaTeX\ conversion into normalized forms and speech

\sec Abstracts<

\subsecnn Abstracts \ (Allen, DeLand, Hagen, Hamid, Hef{}feron, H\o{}gholm,
            Ierusalimschy,\newline Kew, Rosenthol, Rowley, Stern)

\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa

\sec \ConTeXt<

\subsec Aditya Mahajan
        \\{\ConTeXt} basics for users: {T}able macros

\sec TUG Business<
  \subsec {\TeX} {D}evelopment {F}und committee
          \\{A} roadmap for {\TeX} development
  \subsec \TUB\ Editors
          \\Random comments
{Errata: Lars~Hellstr\"om, ``Writing \acro{ETX} format
  font encoding specifications'',\newline\hglue1pc
  {\TUB} 28:2, pp.\,186--197};\newline
{\acro{DEK}'s periodic bug review};
{``Off-site'' complement to \acro{TUG}\,2007 proceedings};
{Other comments on the \acro{TUG}\,2007 proceedings};
{\TeX\ Development Fund};
{EuroBacho{\TeX} proceedings to be the first 2008 {\TUB} issue}
  \subsecnn Institutional members\\378-378<

\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<
  \subsecnn Calendar\\379-379<
  \subsecnn {TUG} 2008 announcement\\380-380<

\sec Sponsors<
  \subsecnn Springer:\ {\sl More Math Into \LaTeX}; \
            {von Hoerner}\,\&\,{Sulger}; \
  \subsecnn MacKichan:\ Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word;\newline
            Addison-Wesley:\ {\sl The \LaTeX\ Graphics Companion}\\382-382<
  \subsecnn Cheryl Ponchin Training; \ Carleton Production Centre; \
            Design Science: MathType$^6$\\383-383<

\sec Advertisements<
  \subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\384-384<
