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\setbox\long\hbox{printed at Imperial College Computer Centre}%
\def\monyr{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April
           \or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October
	   \or November\or December\fi\ \number\year}%
\line{\hfill Number 11, \monyr}
\line{\hfill a Newsletter of the \TeX\ community}
\line{\hfill edited and assembled by}
\line{\hfill Malcolm Clark}
\line{\hfill PO Box 1897}
\line{\hfill London NW6 1DQ}
\line{\hfill Tel: 071 269 3555}
\line{\hfill Tel: 071 435 8983}
\line{\hfill Fax: 071 831 6265}
\line{\hfill Janet: malcolm@icrf}
\line{\hfill Unix: mwc@doc.ic.ac.uk}}
\huge\TeX\kern-0.2ex line 11}
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