/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* drawview.c april 94 GRAPHICS * * * */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "sector.h" #include "render.h" void setalpha_bgpic(BGpic *bgpic) { int x, y, alph; char *rect; alph= (int)(255.0*(1.0-bgpic->blend)); rect= (char *)bgpic->rect; for(y=0; y< bgpic->yim; y++) { for(x= bgpic->xim; x>0; x--, rect+=4) { rect[3]= alph; } } } /* ******************************************** */ #ifdef IRISGL /* ******************************************** */ float defmatgl[]= { AMBIENT, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, DIFFUSE, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, SPECULAR, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, EMISSION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, SHININESS, 35.0, LMNULL }; float defmattexgl[]= { AMBIENT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, DIFFUSE, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, SPECULAR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, EMISSION, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, SHININESS, 0.0, LMNULL }; float lmodel[]= { AMBIENT, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, LOCALVIEWER, 0, TWOSIDE, 0, LMNULL }; float light[]= { LCOLOR, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, POSITION, -0.3, 0.3, 0.90, 0.0, LMNULL }; float blue_light[] = {LCOLOR, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, POSITION, 0.2, 0.1, -1.0, 0.0, LMNULL}; void deflighting() { lmdef(DEFMATERIAL, 1, 0, defmatgl); lmdef(DEFMATERIAL, 2, 0, defmattexgl); lmdef(DEFLIGHT, 1, 10, light); lmdef(DEFLIGHT, 2, 10, blue_light); lmdef(DEFLMODEL, 1, 0, lmodel); } void bindlighting() { lmcolor(LMC_COLOR); lmbind(MATERIAL, 1); lmbind(LIGHT0, 1); /* lmbind(LIGHT1, 2); */ lmbind(LMODEL, 1); } void bindtexlighting() { lmcolor(LMC_EMISSION); lmbind(MATERIAL, 2); lmbind(LIGHT0, 0); } void two_sided(int val) { if(val && lmodel[7]==1.0) return; if(val==0 && lmodel[7]==0.0) return; if(val) lmodel[7]= 1.0; else lmodel[7]= 0.0; lmdef(DEFLMODEL, 1, 0, lmodel); } static int maxmat=1; void set_gl_material(int nr) { if(nr>maxmat) nr= maxmat; lmbind(MATERIAL, nr); } void def_gl_material(int matnr, Material *ma) { if(ma==0) { defmatgl[1]= defmatgl[2]= defmatgl[3]= 0.1; defmatgl[5]= defmatgl[6]= defmatgl[7]= 0.9; } else { if(ma->mode & MA_SHLESS) { defmatgl[5]= defmatgl[6]= defmatgl[7]= 0.0; defmatgl[1]= ma->r; defmatgl[2]= ma->g; defmatgl[3]= ma->b; } else { defmatgl[1]= defmatgl[2]= defmatgl[3]= 0.1; defmatgl[5]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->r; defmatgl[6]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->g; defmatgl[7]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->b; defmatgl[9]= ma->spec*ma->specr; defmatgl[10]= ma->spec*ma->specg; defmatgl[11]= ma->spec*ma->specb; } } if(matnr==0) matnr= 1; lmdef(DEFMATERIAL, matnr, 0, defmatgl); } void init_gl_materials(Object *ob) { Material *ma; int a; if(ob->totcol==0) { def_gl_material(0, 0); maxmat= 1; } else { maxmat= ob->totcol; for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) { ma= give_current_material(ob, a+1); def_gl_material(a+1, ma); } } } void init_gl_stuff(void) { glEnable(GL_DITHER); deflighting(); bindlighting(); } void lrectwriteRGBA(int a, int b, int c, int d, uint *rect) { int size; char *rectt, *rt1, *rt2; size= (c-a+1)*(d-b+1); rectt= mallocN(size*4, "temprect"); rt1= (char *)rect; rt2= rectt; while(size-- > 0) { rt2[3]= rt1[0]; rt2[2]= rt1[1]; rt2[1]= rt1[2]; rt2[0]= rt1[3]; rt1+= 4; rt2+= 4; } lrectwrite(a, b, c, d, rectt); freeN(rectt); } void draw_bgpic(void) { BGpic *bgpic; Image *ima; float vec[3], fac, asp, zoom; uint *rect; int x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, xim, yim; short mval[2]; char str[100]; bgpic= G.vd->bgpic; if(bgpic==0) return; if(bgpic->tex) { init_render_texture(bgpic->tex); free_unused_animimages(); ima= bgpic->tex->ima; end_render_texture(bgpic->tex); } else { ima= bgpic->ima; } if(ima==0) return; if(ima->ok==0) return; /* plaatje testen */ if(ima->ibuf==0) { if(bgpic->tex) { ima_ibuf_is_nul(bgpic->tex); } else { strcpy(str, ima->name); convertstringcode(str); waitcursor(1); ima->ibuf = loadiffname(str , LI_rect); waitcursor(0); } if(ima->ibuf==0) { ima->ok= 0; return; } if(bgpic->rect) freeN(bgpic->rect); bgpic->rect= 0; } if(G.vd->persp==2) { x1= G.vd->pr_xmin+curarea->winrct.xmin; y1= G.vd->pr_ymin+curarea->winrct.ymin; x2= G.vd->pr_xmax+curarea->winrct.xmin; y2= G.vd->pr_ymax+curarea->winrct.ymin; } else { /* windowco berekenen */ initgrabz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); window_to_3d(vec, 1, 0); fac= MAX3( fabs(vec[0]), fabs(vec[1]), fabs(vec[1]) ); fac= 1.0/fac; asp= ( (float)ima->ibuf->y)/(float)ima->ibuf->x; vec[0]= vec[1]= vec[2]= 0.0; project_short_noclip(vec, mval); cx= curarea->winrct.xmin+mval[0]; cy= curarea->winrct.ymin+mval[1]; x1= cx+ fac*(bgpic->xof-bgpic->size); y1= cy+ asp*fac*(bgpic->yof-bgpic->size); x2= cx+ fac*(bgpic->xof+bgpic->size); y2= cy+ asp*fac*(bgpic->yof+bgpic->size); } xim= x2-x1; yim= y2-y1; zoom= 1.0; if(xim<4 || yim<4) return; if(xim > ima->ibuf->x) { zoom= xim; zoom /= (float)ima->ibuf->x; zoom= fceil(zoom); xim= xim/zoom; yim= yim/zoom; } if(bgpic->rect==0 || zoom!=bgpic->zoom || xim!=bgpic->xim || yim!=bgpic->yim) { if(bgpic->rect) freeN(bgpic->rect); bgpic->rect= mallocN(xim*yim*4, "bgpicrect"); scalefastrect(ima->ibuf->rect, bgpic->rect, ima->ibuf->x, ima->ibuf->y, xim, yim); bgpic->xim= xim; bgpic->yim= yim; bgpic->zoom= zoom; /* convert_rgba_to_abgr(xim*yim,bgpic->rect); */ setalpha_bgpic(bgpic); } /* coordinaten hoe 't op scherm komt */ x2= x1+ zoom*(bgpic->xim-1); y2= y1+ zoom*(bgpic->yim-1); /* volledige clip? */ if(x2 < curarea->winrct.xmin ) return; if(y2 < curarea->winrct.ymin ) return; if(x1 > curarea->winrct.xmax ) return; if(y1 > curarea->winrct.ymax ) return; /* rectwrite coordinaten */ xim= xim-1; yim= yim-1; rect= bgpic->rect; /* partiele clip */ if(x1<curarea->winrct.xmin) { cx= curarea->winrct.xmin-x1; /* zorg ervoor dat de rect pixelnauwkeurig wordt neergezet */ cx/= zoom; x1+= zoom*cx; xim-= cx; rect+= cx; } if(y1<curarea->winrct.ymin) { cy= curarea->winrct.ymin-y1; cy/= zoom; y1+= zoom*cy; rect+= cy*bgpic->xim; yim-= cy; } if(x2>curarea->winrct.xmax) { cx= x2-curarea->winrct.xmax; cx/= zoom; xim-= cx; } if(y2>curarea->winrct.ymax) { cy= y2-curarea->winrct.ymax; cy/= zoom; yim-= cy; } if(xim<=0) return; if(yim<=0) return; rectzoom(zoom, zoom); /* geeft aan dat per scanline rectwriten, ibuf->x in de rect verder gelezen wordt */ pixmode(PM_STRIDE, bgpic->xim); blendfunction(BF_SA, BF_MSA); lrectwriteRGBA(x1, y1, x1+xim, y1+yim, rect); blendfunction(BF_ONE, BF_ZERO); rectzoom(1.0, 1.0); pixmode(PM_STRIDE, 0); } /* ******************************************** */ #else /* ******************************************** */ float light_pos1[] = { -0.3, 0.3, 0.90, 0.0 }; float light_pos2[] = { 0.3, -0.3, -0.90, 0.0 }; void init_gl_stuff() { float mat_specular[] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 }; float mat_shininess[] = { 35.0 }; float light_col1[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.0 }; float one= 1.0; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, mat_specular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, mat_shininess); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_pos1); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light_col1); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); #if defined(__FreeBSD) || defined(linux) glDisable(GL_DITHER); /* op sgi/sun hardware && 12 bits */ #endif /* glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, &one); */ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); /* scaling matrices */ glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_FOG); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_LOGIC_OP); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPixelTransferi(GL_MAP_COLOR, GL_FALSE); glPixelTransferi(GL_RED_SCALE, 1); glPixelTransferi(GL_RED_BIAS, 0); glPixelTransferi(GL_GREEN_SCALE, 1); glPixelTransferi(GL_GREEN_BIAS, 0); glPixelTransferi(GL_BLUE_SCALE, 1); glPixelTransferi(GL_BLUE_BIAS, 0); glPixelTransferi(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1); glPixelTransferi(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0); init_realtime_GL(); /* drawsector.c */ } void two_sided(int val) { /* twosided aan: geft errors bij x flip! */ glLightModeliv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, (GLint *)&val); } void circf(float x, float y, float rad) { GLUquadricObj *qobj = gluNewQuadric(); gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0.); gluDisk( qobj, 0.0, rad, 32, 1); glPopMatrix(); gluDeleteQuadric(qobj); } void circ(float x, float y, float rad) { GLUquadricObj *qobj = gluNewQuadric(); gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_SILHOUETTE); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0.); gluDisk( qobj, 0.0, rad, 32, 1); glPopMatrix(); gluDeleteQuadric(qobj); } /* ********** IN ONTWIKKELING ********** */ #define MAXMATBUF 16 float matbuf[MAXMATBUF][2][3]; void init_gl_materials(Object *ob) { extern Material defmaterial; Material *ma; int a; if(ob->totcol==0) { matbuf[0][0][0]= defmaterial.r; matbuf[0][0][1]= defmaterial.g; matbuf[0][0][2]= defmaterial.b; matbuf[0][1][0]= defmaterial.specr; matbuf[0][1][1]= defmaterial.specg; matbuf[0][1][2]= defmaterial.specb; /* ook matnr 1, displists! */ VECCOPY(matbuf[1][0], matbuf[0][0]); VECCOPY(matbuf[1][1], matbuf[0][1]); } for(a=1; a<=ob->totcol; a++) { ma= give_current_material(ob, a); if(ma && a<MAXMATBUF) { /* if(ma->mode & MA_SHLESS) { */ /* */ /* } */ /* else { */ matbuf[a][0][0]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->r; matbuf[a][0][1]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->g; matbuf[a][0][2]= (ma->ref+ma->emit)*ma->b; matbuf[a][1][0]= ma->spec*ma->specr; matbuf[a][1][1]= ma->spec*ma->specg; matbuf[a][1][2]= ma->spec*ma->specb; /* } */ } } } void set_gl_material(int nr) { if(nr<MAXMATBUF) { if(matbuf[nr][0]) { glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, matbuf[nr][0]); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, matbuf[nr][1]); } } } void draw_bgpic() { BGpic *bgpic; Image *ima; float vec[3], fac, asp, zoomx, zoomy; uint *rect; int x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, xim, yim; short mval[2]; char str[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; bgpic= G.vd->bgpic; if(bgpic==0) return; if(bgpic->tex) { init_render_texture(bgpic->tex); free_unused_animimages(); ima= bgpic->tex->ima; end_render_texture(bgpic->tex); } else { ima= bgpic->ima; } if(ima==0) return; if(ima->ok==0) return; /* plaatje testen */ if(ima->ibuf==0) { if(bgpic->rect) freeN(bgpic->rect); bgpic->rect= 0; if(bgpic->tex) { ima_ibuf_is_nul(bgpic->tex); } else { strcpy(str, ima->name); convertstringcode(str); waitcursor(1); ima->ibuf = loadiffname(str , LI_rect); waitcursor(0); } if(ima->ibuf==0) { ima->ok= 0; return; } } if(bgpic->rect==0) { bgpic->rect= dupallocN(ima->ibuf->rect); bgpic->xim= ima->ibuf->x; bgpic->yim= ima->ibuf->y; setalpha_bgpic(bgpic); } if(G.vd->persp==2) { x1= G.vd->pr_xmin; y1= G.vd->pr_ymin; x2= G.vd->pr_xmax; y2= G.vd->pr_ymax; } else { /* windowco berekenen */ initgrabz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); window_to_3d(vec, 1, 0); fac= MAX3( fabs(vec[0]), fabs(vec[1]), fabs(vec[1]) ); fac= 1.0/fac; asp= ( (float)ima->ibuf->y)/(float)ima->ibuf->x; vec[0]= vec[1]= vec[2]= 0.0; project_short_noclip(vec, mval); cx= mval[0]; cy= mval[1]; x1= cx+ fac*(bgpic->xof-bgpic->size); y1= cy+ asp*fac*(bgpic->yof-bgpic->size); x2= cx+ fac*(bgpic->xof+bgpic->size); y2= cy+ asp*fac*(bgpic->yof+bgpic->size); } /* volledige clip? */ if(x2 < 0 ) return; if(y2 < 0 ) return; if(x1 > curarea->winx ) return; if(y1 > curarea->winy ) return; zoomx= x2-x1; zoomx /= (float)ima->ibuf->x; zoomy= y2-y1; zoomy /= (float)ima->ibuf->y; glEnable(GL_BLEND); if(G.zbuf) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); rectwrite_part(curarea->winrct.xmin, curarea->winrct.ymin, curarea->winrct.xmax, curarea->winrct.ymax, x1+curarea->winrct.xmin, y1+curarea->winrct.ymin, ima->ibuf->x, ima->ibuf->y, zoomx, zoomy, bgpic->rect); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); glDisable(GL_BLEND); if(G.zbuf) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } /* ******************************************** */ #endif /* ******************************************** */ void timestr(int time, char *str) { /* formaat 00:00:00.00 (hr:min:sec) string moet 12 lang */ float temp; short hr,min,sec,hun; temp= ((float)time)/(100.0); min= ffloor(temp/60.0); hr= min/60; min-= 60*hr; temp-= (float)60*min; sec= ffloor(temp); temp-= (float)sec; hun= ffloor(100*temp); if(hr) sprintf(str,"%.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%.2d",hr,min,sec,hun); else sprintf(str,"%.2d:%.2d.%.2d",min,sec,hun); str[11]=0; } void drawgrid() { /* extern short bgpicmode; */ float wx, wy, x, y, fz, fw, fx, fy, dx, dy; float vec4[4]; vec4[0]=vec4[1]=vec4[2]=0.0; vec4[3]= 1.0; Mat4MulVec4fl(G.vd->persmat, vec4); fx= vec4[0]; fy= vec4[1]; fz= vec4[2]; fw= vec4[3]; wx= (curarea->winx/2.0); /* ivm afrondfoutjes, grid op verkeerde plek */ wy= (curarea->winy/2.0); x= (wx)*fx/fw; y= (wy)*fy/fw; vec4[0]=vec4[1]=G.vd->grid; vec4[2]= 0.0; vec4[3]= 1.0; Mat4MulVec4fl(G.vd->persmat, vec4); fx= vec4[0]; fy= vec4[1]; fz= vec4[2]; fw= vec4[3]; dx= fabs(x-(wx)*fx/fw); if(dx==0) dx= fabs(y-(wy)*fy/fw); if(dx<6.0) { dx*= 10.0; setlinestyle(3); if(dx<6.0) { dx*= 10.0; if(dx<6.0) { setlinestyle(0); return; } } } persp(0); cpack(0x505050); x+= (wx); y+= (wy); fx= x/dx; fx= x-dx*ffloor(fx); while(fx< curarea->winx) { fdrawline(fx, 0.0, fx, (float)curarea->winy); fx+= dx; } fy= y/dx; fy= y-dx*ffloor(fy); while(fy< curarea->winy) { fdrawline(0.0, fy, (float)curarea->winx, fy); fy+= dx; } /* kruis in midden */ if(G.vd->view==3) cpack(0xA0D0A0); /* y-as */ else cpack(0xA0A0C0); /* x-as */ fdrawline(0.0, y, (float)curarea->winx, y); if(G.vd->view==7) cpack(0xA0D0A0); /* y-as */ else cpack(0xD0A0A0); /* z-as */ fdrawline(x, 0.0, x, (float)curarea->winy); persp(1); setlinestyle(0); } void drawfloor() { View3D *vd; float vert[3], grid; int a, b, gridlines; vd= curarea->spacedata.first; vert[2]= 0.0; if(vd->gridlines<3) return; gridlines= vd->gridlines/2; grid= gridlines*vd->grid; cpack(0x404040); for(a= -gridlines;a<=gridlines;a++) { if(a==0) { if(vd->persp==0) cpack(0xA0D0A0); else cpack(0x402000); } else if(a==1) { cpack(0x404040); } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); vert[0]= a*vd->grid; vert[1]= grid; glVertex3fv(vert); vert[1]= -grid; glVertex3fv(vert); glEnd(); } cpack(0x404040); for(a= -gridlines;a<=gridlines;a++) { if(a==0) { if(vd->persp==0) cpack(0xA0A0D0); else cpack(0); } else if(a==1) { cpack(0x404040); } glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); vert[1]= a*vd->grid; vert[0]= grid; glVertex3fv(vert ); vert[0]= -grid; glVertex3fv(vert); glEnd(); } } void drawcursor() { if(G.f & G_PLAYANIM) return; project_short( give_cursor(), &G.vd->mx); G.vd->mxo= G.vd->mx; G.vd->myo= G.vd->my; if( G.vd->mx!=3200) { setlinestyle(0); cpack(0xFF); circ((float)G.vd->mx, (float)G.vd->my, 10.0); setlinestyle(4); cpack(0xFFFFFF); circ((float)G.vd->mx, (float)G.vd->my, 10.0); setlinestyle(0); cpack(0x0); sdrawline(G.vd->mx-20, G.vd->my, G.vd->mx-5, G.vd->my); sdrawline(G.vd->mx+5, G.vd->my, G.vd->mx+20, G.vd->my); sdrawline(G.vd->mx, G.vd->my-20, G.vd->mx, G.vd->my-5); sdrawline(G.vd->mx, G.vd->my+5, G.vd->mx, G.vd->my+20); } } void calc_viewborder() { float a, fac, wx, wy, x1, x2, y1, y2; float imax, imay, width; wx= curarea->winx; wy= curarea->winy; imax= G.scene->r.xsch; imay= G.scene->r.ysch; fac= ((float)imay*G.scene->r.yasp)/((float)imax*G.scene->r.xasp); imay= fac*imax; /* liggend plaatje */ if(imax>imay) { if(wx<wy) width= wy; else width= wx; fac= width/(2.0*imax); x1= 0.5*wx-0.25*width; x2= 0.5*wx+0.25*width; y1= 0.5*wy - 0.5*fac*imay; y2= 0.5*wy + 0.5*fac*imay; } else { if(wx<wy) width= wy; else width= wx; fac= width/(2.0*imay); y1= 0.5*wy-0.25*width; y2= 0.5*wy+0.25*width; x1= 0.5*wx - 0.5*fac*imax; x2= 0.5*wx + 0.5*fac*imax; } /* zoom van viewborder */ fac= (1.41421+( (float)G.vd->camzoom )/50.0); fac*= fac; width= (x2-x1)/4.0; a= (x2+x1)/2.0; x1= a-width*fac; x2= a+width*fac; width= (y2-y1)/4.0; a= (y2+y1)/2.0; y1= a-width*fac; y2= a+width*fac; /* deze getallen voor renderdisplay */ G.vd->pr_xmin= fceil(x1); G.vd->pr_ymin= fceil(y1); G.vd->pr_xmax= fceil(x2); G.vd->pr_ymax= fceil(y2); } void drawviewborder() { float fac, a; float x1, x2, y1, y2; float x3, y3, x4, y4; x1= G.vd->pr_xmin; y1= G.vd->pr_ymin; x2= G.vd->pr_xmax; y2= G.vd->pr_ymax; /* rand */ setlinestyle(3); cpack(0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glRectf(x1+1, y1-1, x2+1, y2-1); cpack(0xFFFFFF); glRectf(x1, y1, x2, y2); /* border */ if(G.scene->r.mode & R_BORDER) { cpack(0); x3= x1+ G.scene->r.border.xmin*(x2-x1); y3= y1+ G.scene->r.border.ymin*(y2-y1); x4= x1+ G.scene->r.border.xmax*(x2-x1); y4= y1+ G.scene->r.border.ymax*(y2-y1); glRectf(x3+1, y3-1, x4+1, y4-1); cpack(0x4040FF); glRectf(x3, y3, x4, y4); } /* safetykader */ fac= 0.1; a= fac*(x2-x1); x1+= a; x2-= a; a= fac*(y2-y1); y1+= a; y2-= a; cpack(0); glRectf(x1+1, y1-1, x2+1, y2-1); cpack(0xFFFFFF); glRectf(x1, y1, x2, y2); setlinestyle(0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); } void backdrawview3d(int test) { struct Base *base; int tel=1; uint kleur; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(MESA31) if(G.f & (G_VERTEXPAINT|G_FACESELECT)); else { G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; return; } #endif if(G.vd->flag & V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW); else return; if(G.obedit) { G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; return; } if(test) { if(qtest()) { addafterqueue(curarea->win, BACKBUFDRAW, 1); return; } } #if defined(__sgi) || defined(__SUN) || defined(__BeOS) || defined(WIN32) || defined(MESA31) glDisable(GL_DITHER); #endif if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) G.zbuf= TRUE; curarea->win_swap &= ~WIN_BACK_OK; glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if(G.zbuf) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } else { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } G.f |= G_BACKBUFSEL; if(G.f & (G_VERTEXPAINT|G_FACESELECT)) { base= BASACT; if(base && (base->lay && G.vd->lay)) { draw_object(base); } } else { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { /* elke base ivm meerdere windows */ base->selcol= 0x070707 | ( ((tel & 0xF00)<<12) + ((tel & 0xF0)<<8) + ((tel & 0xF)<<4) ); tel++; if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { if(test) { if(qtest()) { addafterqueue(curarea->win, BACKBUFDRAW, 1); break; } } cpack(base->selcol); draw_object(base); } base= base->next; } } if(base==0) G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; G.f &= ~G_BACKBUFSEL; G.zbuf= FALSE; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); #if defined(__sgi) || defined(__SUN) || defined(__BeOS) || defined (WIN32) || defined(MESA31) glEnable(GL_DITHER); #endif } void drawname(Object *ob) { char str[8]; cpack(0x404040); glRasterPos3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); str[0]= ' '; str[1]= 0; fmsetfont(G.font); fmprstr(str); fmprstr(ob->id.name+2); } void drawview3d_simul(int make_disp) { Object *ob; Sector *se; Life *lf, *lfl; Material *ma; uint col; int b, a, flag; /* hier doen: anders wordt in header getekend */ areawinset(curarea->win); setwinmatrixview3d(0); /* 0= geen pick rect */ setviewmatrixview3d(); Mat4MulMat4(G.vd->persmat, G.vd->viewmat, curarea->winmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->persinv, G.vd->persmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->viewinv, G.vd->viewmat); if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) { G.zbuf= TRUE; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if(G.scene->world) glClearColor(G.scene->world->horr, G.scene->world->horg, G.scene->world->horb, 0.0); else glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } else { glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); /* extern: camera tekenen */ if(G.vd->persp!=2) { ob= G.scene->camera; if(ob && (ob->lay & G.vd->lay)) { cpack(0x0); multmatrix(ob->obmat); drawcamera(ob); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); } } a= G.totsect; while(a-- > 0) { ob= G.sectorbuf[a]->ob; multmatrix(ob->obmat); cpack(0x0); drawsector(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), 0); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); se= ob->data; if(se->lbuf.tot) { /* here was an de->depth test... for psx speedup i presume */ for(b=0; b<se->lbuf.tot; b++) { ob= se->lbuf.ob[b]; if(ob->lay & G.vd->lay) { lf= ob->data; if(lf->dflag & LF_DONTDRAW); else { multmatrix(ob->obmat); col= 0; if( ma=lf->contact) col= rgb_to_cpack(ma->r, ma->g, ma->b); if( lf->flag & LF_DRAWNEAR) col= (0xF0A020); drawlife(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), col); if(G.vd->drawtype!=OB_TEXTURE) { if(ob->dtx & OB_DRAWNAME) drawname(ob); if(ob->dtx & OB_AXIS) drawaxes( lf->axsize); } loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); } } } } } a= G.totlife; while(a--) { ob= G.lifebuf[a]; if(ob->type==OB_LIFE && (ob->lay & G.vd->lay)) { lf= ob->data; if(lf->dflag & LF_DONTDRAW); else { multmatrix(ob->obmat); if(G.vd->drawtype!=OB_TEXTURE) { col= 0; if( ma=lf->contact) col= rgb_to_cpack(ma->r, ma->g, ma->b); if( lf->flag & LF_DRAWNEAR) col= (0xF0A020); drawlife(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), col); if(ob->dtx & OB_DRAWNAME) drawname(ob); if(ob->dtx & OB_AXIS) drawaxes( lf->axsize); } else drawlife(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), 0); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); } if(lf->type==LF_DYNAMIC) { for(b=0; b<lf->links.tot; b++) { ob= lf->links.ob[b]; if(ob->type==OB_LIFE) { if(ob->lay & G.vd->lay) { lfl= ob->data; if(lfl->dflag & LF_DONTDRAW); else { multmatrix(ob->obmat); if(G.vd->drawtype!=OB_TEXTURE) { col= 0; if( ma=lfl->contact) col= rgb_to_cpack(ma->r, ma->g, ma->b); if( lfl->flag & LF_DRAWNEAR) col= (0xF0A020); drawlife(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), col); if(ob->dtx & OB_DRAWNAME) drawname(ob); if(ob->dtx & OB_AXIS) drawaxes( lfl->axsize); } else drawlife(ob, MIN2(ob->dt, G.vd->drawtype), 0); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); } } } } } } } draw_tface_meshes_tra(); if(G.zbuf) { G.zbuf= FALSE; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } if(G.vd->drawtype!=OB_TEXTURE) { if(G.vd->persp>1) { /* persp(0); */ /* drawviewborder(); */ /* persp(1); */ } } /* life.c */ draw_gamedebug_info(); curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; } void drawview3d() { Base *base; Object *ob; setwinmatrixview3d(0); /* 0= geen pick rect */ setviewmatrixview3d(); Mat4MulMat4(G.vd->persmat, G.vd->viewmat, curarea->winmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->persinv, G.vd->persmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->viewinv, G.vd->viewmat); if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) { G.zbuf= TRUE; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if(G.f & G_SIMULATION) { glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); } else { glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); if(G.vd->view==0 || G.vd->persp!=0) { drawfloor(); if(G.vd->persp==2) { if(G.scene->world) { if(G.scene->world->mode & WO_STARS) make_stars(1); } calc_viewborder(); if(G.vd->flag & V3D_DISPBGPIC) draw_bgpic(); } } else { drawgrid(); if(G.vd->flag & V3D_DISPBGPIC) { draw_bgpic(); } } /* eerst set tekenen */ if(G.scene->set) { /* patchje: kleur blijft constant */ G.f |= G_PICKSEL; base= G.scene->set->base.first; while(base) { if(G.vd->lay & base->lay) { where_is_object(base->object); cpack(0x404040); draw_object(base); if(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { extern ListBase duplilist; Base tbase; tbase= *base; tbase.flag= OB_FROMDUPLI; make_duplilist(G.scene->set, base->object); ob= duplilist.first; while(ob) { tbase.object= ob; draw_object(&tbase); ob= ob->id.next; } free_duplilist(); } } base= base->next; } G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; } /* SILLY CODE!!!! */ /* See next silly code... why is the same code * ~ duplicated twice, and then this silly if(FALSE) * in part... wacky! and bad! */ /* eerst niet selected en dupli's */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(G.vd->lay & base->lay) { where_is_object(base->object); if(FALSE && base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { extern ListBase duplilist; Base tbase; /* altijd eerst original tekenen vanwege make_displist */ draw_object(base); /* patchje: kleur blijft constant */ G.f |= G_PICKSEL; cpack(0x404040); tbase.flag= OB_FROMDUPLI; make_duplilist(G.scene, base->object); ob= duplilist.first; while(ob) { tbase.object= ob; draw_object(&tbase); ob= ob->id.next; } free_duplilist(); G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; } else if((base->flag & SELECT)==0) { draw_object(base); } } base= base->next; } /* selected */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if TESTBASE(base) { draw_object(base); } base= base->next; } /* SILLY CODE!!!! */ /* dupli's, als laatste om zeker te zijn de displisten zijn ok */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(G.vd->lay & base->lay) { if(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { extern ListBase duplilist; Base tbase; /* patchje: kleur blijft constant */ G.f |= G_PICKSEL; cpack(0x404040); tbase.flag= OB_FROMDUPLI; make_duplilist(G.scene, base->object); ob= duplilist.first; while(ob) { tbase.object= ob; draw_object(&tbase); ob= ob->id.next; } free_duplilist(); G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; } } base= base->next; } if(G.scene->radio) rad_drawall(); /* radview.c */ persp(0); if(G.vd->persp>1) drawviewborder(); drawcursor(); persp(1); G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_DISPIMAGE; curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; if(G.zbuf) { G.zbuf= FALSE; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } #if defined(__WIN32) || defined(MESA31) if(G.f & (G_VERTEXPAINT|G_FACESELECT)) { G.vd->flag |= V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; addafterqueue(curarea->win, BACKBUFDRAW, 1); } #else G.vd->flag |= V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; addafterqueue(curarea->win, BACKBUFDRAW, 1); #endif } void drawview3d_render() { extern short v3d_windowmode; Base *base; Object *ob; int flag; winset(R.win); v3d_windowmode= 1; setwinmatrixview3d(0); v3d_windowmode= 0; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixf(R.winmat); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); setviewmatrixview3d(); glLoadMatrixf(G.vd->viewmat); Mat4MulMat4(G.vd->persmat, G.vd->viewmat, R.winmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->persinv, G.vd->persmat); Mat4Invert(G.vd->viewinv, G.vd->viewmat); if(G.vd->drawtype > OB_WIRE) { G.zbuf= TRUE; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } if(G.scene->world) glClearColor(G.scene->world->horr, G.scene->world->horg, G.scene->world->horb, 0.0); else glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); loadmatrix(G.vd->viewmat); /* abuse! to make sure it doesnt draw the helpstuff */ G.f |= G_SIMULATION; do_all_ipos(); do_all_scripts(SCRIPT_FRAMECHANGED); do_all_keys(); do_all_ikas(); test_all_displists(); /* niet erg nette calc_ipo en where_is forceer */ ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->ctime= -123.456; ob= ob->id.next; } /* eerst set tekenen */ if(G.scene->set) { /* patchje: kleur blijft constant */ G.f |= G_PICKSEL; base= G.scene->set->base.first; while(base) { if(G.vd->lay & base->lay) { if ELEM3(base->object->type, OB_LAMP, OB_CAMERA, OB_LATTICE); else { where_is_object(base->object); cpack(0x404040); draw_object(base); if(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { extern ListBase duplilist; Base tbase; tbase.flag= OB_FROMDUPLI; make_duplilist(G.scene->set, base->object); ob= duplilist.first; while(ob) { tbase.object= ob; draw_object(&tbase); ob= ob->id.next; } free_duplilist(); } } } base= base->next; } G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; } /* eerst niet selected en dupli's */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if(G.vd->lay & base->lay) { if ELEM3(base->object->type, OB_LAMP, OB_CAMERA, OB_LATTICE); else { where_is_object(base->object); if(base->object->transflag & OB_DUPLI) { extern ListBase duplilist; Base tbase; /* altijd eerst original tekenen vanwege make_displist */ draw_object(base); /* patchje: kleur blijft constant */ G.f |= G_PICKSEL; cpack(0x404040); tbase.flag= OB_FROMDUPLI; make_duplilist(G.scene, base->object); ob= duplilist.first; while(ob) { tbase.object= ob; draw_object(&tbase); ob= ob->id.next; } free_duplilist(); G.f &= ~G_PICKSEL; } else if((base->flag & SELECT)==0) { draw_object(base); } } } base= base->next; } /* selected */ base= G.scene->base.first; while(base) { if TESTBASE(base) { if ELEM3(base->object->type, OB_LAMP, OB_CAMERA, OB_LATTICE); else draw_object(base); } base= base->next; } if(G.scene->radio) rad_drawall(); /* radview.c */ if(G.zbuf) { G.zbuf= FALSE; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } G.f &= ~G_SIMULATION; glReadPixels(0, 0, R.rectx, R.recty, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, R.rectot); ortho2(-0.5, (float)R.winx-0.5, -0.5, (float)R.winy-0.5); glLoadIdentity(); } double tottime = 0.0; int update_time() { struct tms voidbuf; static int ltime; int time; #ifdef __BeOS time= glut_system_time()/10000; #else time = times(&voidbuf); #endif tottime += (time - ltime) / TIME_INTERVAL; ltime = time; return (tottime < 0.0); } double speed_to_swaptime(int speed) { switch(speed) { case 1: return 1.0/60.0; case 2: return 1.0/50.0; case 3: return 1.0/30.0; case 4: return 1.0/25.0; case 5: return 1.0/20.0; case 6: return 1.0/15.0; case 7: return 1.0/12.5; case 8: return 1.0/10.0; case 9: return 1.0/6.0; } } double key_to_swaptime(int key) { switch(key) { case PAD1: G.animspeed= 1; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(1); case PAD2: G.animspeed= 2; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(2); case PAD3: G.animspeed= 3; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(3); case PAD4: G.animspeed= 4; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(4); case PAD5: G.animspeed= 5; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(5); case PAD6: G.animspeed= 6; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(6); case PAD7: G.animspeed= 7; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(7); case PAD8: G.animspeed= 8; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(8); case PAD9: G.animspeed= 9; tottime= 0; return speed_to_swaptime(9); } return speed_to_swaptime(G.animspeed); } int play_anim(int mode) { ScrArea *sa, *oldsa; double swaptime; int cfra, cfraont; ushort event=0; short val, mval[2]; char str[12]; /* patch voor zeer oude scenes */ if(SFRA==0) SFRA= 1; if(EFRA==0) EFRA= 250; if(SFRA>EFRA) return 0; update_time(); tottime= 0.0; swaptime= speed_to_swaptime(G.animspeed); /* waitcursor(1); */ G.f |= G_PLAYANIM; /* in sequence.c en view.c wordt dit afgevangen */ if(G.scene->r.scemode & R_NETWORK) { init_render_camera_network(); } cfraont= CFRA; oldsa= curarea; while(TRUE) { if (tottime > 0.0) tottime = 0.0; for(; CFRA<=EFRA; CFRA++) { set_timecursor(CFRA); do_all_ipos(); do_all_scripts(SCRIPT_FRAMECHANGED); do_all_keys(); do_all_ikas(); test_all_displists(); sa= G.curscreen->areabase.first; while(sa) { if(sa==oldsa) { if(sa->win && sa->windraw) { /* hier winget() gebruiken: anders wordt in header getekend */ if(sa->win != winget()) areawinset(sa->win); sa->windraw(); } } else if(mode) { if ELEM(sa->spacetype, SPACE_VIEW3D, SPACE_SEQ) { if(sa->win && sa->windraw) { /* hier winget() gebruiken: anders wordt in header getekend */ if(sa->win != winget()) areawinset(sa->win); sa->windraw(); } } } sa= sa->next; } /* minimaal swaptime laten voorbijgaan */ tottime -= swaptime; while (update_time()) usleep(1); screen_swapbuffers(); tottime= 0.0; while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); if(event==ESCKEY) break; if(val) { swaptime= key_to_swaptime(event); } } if(event==ESCKEY || event==SPACEKEY) break; } if(event==ESCKEY || event==SPACEKEY || mode==2) break; CFRA= SFRA; } if(event==SPACEKEY); else CFRA= cfraont; do_all_ipos(); do_all_keys(); do_all_ikas(); if(oldsa!=curarea) areawinset(oldsa->win); /* restore all areas */ sa= G.curscreen->areabase.first; while(sa) { if( (mode && sa->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) || sa==curarea) addqueue(sa->win, REDRAW, 1); sa= sa->next; } /* speed button */ allqueue(REDRAWBUTSANIM, 0); /* vooropig */ do_global_buttons(B_NEWFRAME); if(G.scene->r.scemode & R_NETWORK) { end_render_camera_network(); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSALL, 0); /* efra */ } waitcursor(0); G.f &= ~G_PLAYANIM; if (event==ESCKEY || event==SPACEKEY) return 1; else return 0; }