# HG changeset patch
# User Adam Kaminski <kaminskiadam9@gmail.com>
# Date 1638063182 18000
#      Sat Nov 27 20:33:02 2021 -0500
# Node ID 6f7b25ad7619ba072045e341fcd1e5b714e8955a
# Parent  5470d130471246b3bab50e6749d2d568873264c3
Allow players to reactivate the ThrustThing and ThrustThingZ line specials during a backtrace.

diff -r 5470d1304712 -r 6f7b25ad7619 src/p_lnspec.cpp
--- a/src/p_lnspec.cpp	Sat Nov 27 11:14:22 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/p_lnspec.cpp	Sat Nov 27 20:33:02 2021 -0500
@@ -3929,7 +3929,9 @@
 		// or backtraced right now. We want to keep track of any specials this player has executed while
 		// being extrapolated so that if they're backtraced and execute the exact same special again, we
 		// can simply cancel the execution.
-		if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ) && ( activator ) && ( activator->player ))
+		// Ignore line specials LS_ThrustThing (72) and LS_ThrustThingZ (128), as we should allow these
+		// specials to be repeated by the player during a backtrace.
+		if (( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER ) && ( num != 72 && num != 128 ) && ( activator ) && ( activator->player ))
 			CLIENT_s *pClient = SERVER_GetClient( activator->player - players );
 			CLIENT_SAVED_SPECIAL_s savedSpecial;