#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2011, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2020 Patrick J. Volkerding, Sebeka, MN, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Adapted by Eric Hameleers <alien@slackware.com> from the modular x.org build. # To build only a single package group, specify it as $1, like: # ./kde.SlackBuild frameworks # To build only a single package, specify both the group name # and the name of the package, like: # ./kde.SlackBuild applications:dolphin # To build multiple packages in a module, separate the package names with comma: # ./kde.SlackBuild plasma:powerdevil,bluedevil # To build a package *and* all the remaining packages following it # in the modules file, end the package name with a comma: # ./kde.SlackBuild plasma:breeze,kwin, # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLEANUP=${CLEANUP:-"yes"} # clean up build directory after successful build. UPGRADE=${UPGRADE:-"yes"} # upgrade package after successful build. PRECHECK=${PRECHECK:-"no"} # don't let the script check the available sources. CHECKOUT=${CHECKOUT:-"no"} # don't let the script checkout missing sources. GRACETME=${GRACETME:-"10"} # grace time to change your mind before build starts. SKIPBUILT=${SKIPBUILT:-"no"} # skip building already built packages. EXITFAIL=${EXITFAIL:-"yes"} # exit if a package fails to build. KDEGITURI="git://anongit.kde.org" pkgbase() { PKGEXT=$(echo $1 | rev | cut -f 1 -d . | rev) case $PKGEXT in 'gz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tar.gz) ;; 'bz2' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tar.bz2) ;; 'lzma' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tar.lzma) ;; 'lz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tar.lz) ;; 'xz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tar.xz) ;; *) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1) ;; esac echo $PKGRETURN } # Set initial variables: cd $(dirname $0) ; CWD=$(pwd) if [ -z "$TMP" ]; then TMP=/tmp # Old default output directory. If $TMP wasn't predefined, we'll default to # using it unless a different value is provided: SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR=${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR:-/tmp/kde_build} else # $TMP already set. We'll also use it for the output directory unless # a different value is provided: SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR=${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR:-$TMP} fi mkdir -p $TMP $SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR # Set up a few useful functions: extract_archive() { # Find the archive first: local src_archive=$(find $CWD/src -name ${1}) if [ $(tar -tf $src_archive |grep -o '^[^/]\+' |sort -u |wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then # Archive contains one toplevel directory, good. Make sure that # this directory ends up as '$(pkgbase $1)': tar -xf $src_archive || return 1 local topdir="$(tar -tf $src_archive |grep -o '^[^/]\+' |sort -u)" if [ "${topdir}" != "$(pkgbase $1)" ]; then mv ${topdir} $(pkgbase $1) fi else # No toplevel directory found, so we create one first: mkdir -p $(pkgbase $1) tar -C $(pkgbase $1) -xf $src_archive || return 1 fi } fix_perms() { target_dir=$1 [ -z "$target_dir" ] && target_dir='.' chown -R root:root $target_dir find $target_dir \ \( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 -o -perm 511 \) \ -exec chmod 755 {} \+ -o \ \( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) \ -exec chmod 644 {} \+ } strip_binaries() { target_dir=$1 [ -z "$target_dir" ] && target_dir='.' find $target_dir | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null find $target_dir | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null find $target_dir | xargs file | grep "current ar archive" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip -g 2> /dev/null # Also strip rpaths: for file in $(find $target_dir | xargs file | grep -e "executable" -e "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : 2> /dev/null) ; do if [ ! "$(patchelf --print-rpath $file 2> /dev/null)" = "" ]; then patchelf --remove-rpath $file fi done } process_man_pages() { # Compress and if needed symlink the man pages: if [ -d usr/man ]; then ( cd usr/man for manpagedir in $(find . -type d -name "man*") ; do ( cd $manpagedir for eachpage in $( find . -type l -maxdepth 1) ; do ln -s $( readlink $eachpage ).gz $eachpage.gz rm $eachpage done gzip -9 *.* ) done ) fi } process_info_pages() { # Compress info pages and purge "dir" file from the package: if [ -d usr/info ]; then ( cd usr/info rm -f dir gzip -9 * ) fi } no_usr_share_doc() { # If there are docs, move them: if [ -d usr/share/doc ]; then mkdir -p usr/doc mv usr/share/doc/* usr/doc rmdir usr/share/doc fi } precheck() { # See if the sources we have match the module components we want to build: RETVAL=0 for SRCFILE in $(find $CWD/src -name "*.tar.?z*" |grep -vE ".asc$|.sig$") ; do # Check if the source tarball is mentioned in pkgsrc/ # meaning its package will get a different name: ################################################################### # USE OF THIS FEATURE SHOULD BE RESERVED FOR CASES WHERE THERE IS # # A VERY GOOD RATIONALE - KEEPING UPSTREAM NAMES IS PREFERRED # ################################################################### PKGSRC=$(echo $SRCFILE |rev |cut -f2- -d- |cut -f1,2 -d/ |rev) PKGBASE=$(basename $(grep -lw $PKGSRC $CWD/pkgsrc/*) 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$PKGBASE" ]; then PKGBASE=$(echo $(basename $SRCFILE) |rev |cut -f2- -d- |rev) fi # We now have the package base name and we can start looking: PKGTGT=$(grep -w ${PKGBASE}$ modules/*) if [ -n "$(echo $PKGTGT |cut -d: -f2- |grep "^ *#")" ]; then echo "Source file '$(basename $SRCFILE)' is commented out: ($PKGTGT) !" elif cat package-blacklist |grep -v "^ *#" |grep -wq ${PKGBASE}$ ; then echo "Source file '$(basename $SRCFILE)' is on the package-blacklist ($PKGBASE) !" elif ! cat modules/* |grep -v "^ *#" |grep -wq ${PKGBASE}$ ; then echo "Source file '$(basename $SRCFILE)' is not mentioned in 'modules' ($PKGBASE) !" RETVAL=1 fi done # Do we have duplicate package names? PKGDUP="$(cat $CWD/modules/* |grep -v "^ *#" |grep -v "^$" |sort |uniq -d)" if [ -n "$PKGDUP" ] ; then echo "Multiply-defined package names: '$(echo $PKGDUP)'" RETVAL=1 fi unset PKGDUP for MODPKG in $(cat $CWD/modules/* | grep -v "^ *#") ; do # First find out if the pkg source is different from the actual pkg name: if [ -f $CWD/pkgsrc/$MODPKG ]; then MODBASE=$(basename $(cat $CWD/pkgsrc/$MODPKG)) MODLOC=$(dirname $(cat $CWD/pkgsrc/$MODPKG))/ else MODBASE=$MODPKG MODLOC="" fi MODSRC="$(find $CWD/src/$MODLOC -name $MODBASE-*.tar.* |grep -vE ".asc$|.sig$" |grep -E "$MODBASE-[^-]+.tar.*$|$MODBASE-[0-9].+.tar.*$")" if [ -z "$MODSRC" ] ; then echo "Module '$MODPKG' does not have a matching source tarball ($MODLOC$MODBASE)!" if [ "$CHECKOUT" = "yes" -o "$CHECKOUT" = "YES" ]; then echo "Checking out KDE component at branch '$VERSION'." git archive --format=tar --prefix ${MODBASE}-${VERSION}/ --remote ${KDEGITURI}/${MODBASE}.git v${VERSION} | xz -c > $CWD/src/${MODLOC}/${MODBASE}-${VERSION}.tar.xz RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error while checking out '$MODPKG' ($MODLOC/$MODBASE) !" mv $CWD/src/$MODLOC/${MODBASE}-${VERSION}.tar.xz $CWD/src/$MODLOC/${MODBASE}-${VERSION}.tar.xz.failed fi else RETVAL=1 fi fi # A missing slack-desc counts as fatal: if [ -z "$(find $CWD/slack-desc -name ${MODPKG})" ] ; then echo "Module '$MODPKG' does not have a slack-desc file !" RETVAL=1 fi done if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then echo "Check complete, build starts in ${GRACETME} seconds.." sleep ${GRACETME} else echo "Precheck failed with error code '$RETVAL'." exit 1 fi } # Support function builds one complete module (like 'frameworks'), or # exactly one package which is part of a module (like 'okular'): build_mod_pkg () { kde_module=$1 kde_pkg=$2 cd $CWD/modules # See if $kde_module is a module name like "frameworks": if [ ! -z "$kde_module" ]; then if [ ! -f "$kde_module" ]; then echo "** '${kde_module}' is not an existing module." return fi fi PKG=${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${kde_module}/package-${kde_module} rm -rf $PKG mkdir -p $PKG ( for PKGNAME in $(cat $kde_module |grep -v "^$" |grep -v "^ *#") ; do if grep -wq "^${PKGNAME}$" ${CWD}/package-blacklist ; then if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "** '${PKGNAME}' is on the package blacklist." fi continue fi # Find the full source filename - yeah ugly, but I had two goals: # 1- source tarball can be in a random subdirectory of src/ # 2- differentiate between e.g. 'kdepim' and 'kdepim-runtime' if [ -f $CWD/pkgsrc/$PKGNAME ]; then PKGSRC=$(basename $(cat $CWD/pkgsrc/$PKGNAME)) PKGLOC=$(dirname $(cat $CWD/pkgsrc/$PKGNAME)) else PKGSRC=$PKGNAME PKGLOC="" fi kde_src=$(basename $(find $CWD/src/$PKGLOC -name "$PKGSRC-*.tar.?z*" |grep -vE ".asc$|.sig$" |grep -E "$PKGSRC-[^-]+.tar.*$|$PKGSRC-[0-9].+.tar.*$") 2>/dev/null) if [ "x$kde_src" = "x" ]; then if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "** Did not find '$PKGSRC' in src" fi continue fi # Reset $PKGARCH to its initial value: PKGARCH=$ARCH # Perhaps $PKGARCH should be something different: if grep -wq "^${PKGNAME}$" ${CWD}/noarch ; then PKGARCH=noarch fi cd $SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR/${kde_module} # If $kde_pkg is set, we only want to build one package: if [ ! -z "$kde_pkg" ]; then if [ "$kde_pkg" = "$PKGNAME" ]; then # Set $PKG to a private dir for the modular package build: PKG=$SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR/${kde_module}/package-$PKGNAME rm -rf $PKG mkdir -p $PKG else continue fi else if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo echo "Building from source ${kde_src}" echo fi fi # Set $PKG to a private dir for the modular package build: PKG=$SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR/${kde_module}/package-$PKGNAME rm -rf $PKG mkdir -p $PKG # Let's figure out the version number on the modular package: MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION=$(echo $kde_src | rev | cut -f 3- -d . | cut -f 1 -d - | rev) # If this variable is passed to the script, nothing will be built. # Instead, a list of packages to be built will be output. if [ ! -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then if [ -r $CWD/build/${PKGNAME} ]; then MODBUILD=$(cat $CWD/build/${PKGNAME}) else MODBUILD=$BUILD fi echo "${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION}-${PKGARCH}-${MODBUILD}.txz" continue fi # If requested, skip packages that are already in the output directory: if [ "$SKIPBUILT" = "yes" ]; then # Construct the package name: if [ -r $CWD/build/${PKGNAME} ]; then MODBUILD=$(cat $CWD/build/${PKGNAME}) else MODBUILD=$BUILD fi TESTPKGNAME="${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION}-${PKGARCH}-${MODBUILD}.txz" if [ -r ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${kde_module}/$TESTPKGNAME -o -r ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/$TESTPKGNAME ]; then echo "** Skipping already built package $TESTPKGNAME." continue fi fi rm -rf $(pkgbase $kde_src) extract_archive $kde_src || exit 1 cd $(pkgbase $kde_src) || exit 1 fix_perms # If any patches are needed, call this script to apply them: if [ -r $CWD/patch/${PKGNAME}.patch ]; then . $CWD/patch/${PKGNAME}.patch || exit 1 fi # If there's any pre-install things to do, do them: if [ -r $CWD/pre-install/${PKGNAME}.pre-install ]; then . $CWD/pre-install/${PKGNAME}.pre-install fi if ! grep -wq "^${PKGNAME}$" ${CWD}/nomake ; then # Run cmake, using custom cmake script if needed: if [ -r $CWD/cmake/${PKGNAME} ]; then . $CWD/cmake/${PKGNAME} elif [ -r $CWD/cmake/${kde_module} ]; then . $CWD/cmake/${kde_module} else # This is the default configure script: . $CWD/cmake/cmake fi # Run make, using custom make script if needed: if [ -r $CWD/make/${PKGNAME} ]; then . $CWD/make/${PKGNAME} elif [ -r $CWD/make/${kde_module} ]; then . $CWD/make/${kde_module} else # This is the default make && make install routine: make $NUMJOBS || make || exit 1 make install DESTDIR=$PKG || exit 1 fi fi # Back to source toplevel builddir, since cmake may have run in a subdir: cd $SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR/${kde_module}/$(pkgbase $kde_src) mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION} # Use specific documentation files if available, else use a default set: if [ -r $CWD/docs/${PKGNAME} ]; then cp -a $(cat $CWD/docs/${PKGNAME}) \ $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION} else cp -a \ AUTHORS* CONTRIBUTING* COPYING* HACKING* \ INSTALL* LICENSE* MAINTAINERS README* NEWS* TODO* \ $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION} # If there's a ChangeLog, installing at least part of the recent # history is useful, but don't let it get totally out of control: if [ -r ChangeLog ]; then DOCSDIR=$(echo $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-$MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION) cat ChangeLog | head -n 1000 > $DOCSDIR/ChangeLog touch -r ChangeLog $DOCSDIR/ChangeLog fi fi # Get rid of zero-length junk files: find $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-$MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION -type f -size 0 -exec rm --verbose "{}" \+ rmdir --verbose $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAME}-$MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION 2> /dev/null # Strip binaries if needed: if [ ! -r $CWD/nostrip/${PKGNAME} ]; then strip_binaries $PKG fi # If there's any special post-install things to do, do them: if [ -r $CWD/post-install/${PKGNAME}.post-install ]; then . $CWD/post-install/${PKGNAME}.post-install fi # If this package requires some doinst.sh material, add it here: if [ -r $CWD/doinst.sh/${PKGNAME} ]; then mkdir -p $PKG/install cat $CWD/doinst.sh/${PKGNAME} \ | sed -e "s#usr/lib#usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}#g" \ >> $PKG/install/doinst.sh fi # If this is a modular package, build it here: if [ -d $SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR/${kde_module}/package-$PKGNAME ]; then cd $PKG process_man_pages process_info_pages no_usr_share_doc mkdir -p $PKG/install if [ -r $CWD/slack-desc/${PKGNAME} ]; then cat $CWD/slack-desc/${PKGNAME} > $PKG/install/slack-desc else touch $PKG/install/slack-desc-missing fi if [ -r $CWD/build/${PKGNAME} ]; then MODBUILD=$(cat $CWD/build/${PKGNAME}) else MODBUILD=$BUILD fi if [ -r $CWD/makepkg/${PKGNAME} ]; then BUILD=$MODBUILD . $CWD/makepkg/${PKGNAME} else /sbin/makepkg -l y -c n ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${kde_module}/${PKGNAME}-$(echo $MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION |tr - _)-${PKGARCH}-${MODBUILD}.txz fi # We will continue with the fresh packages installed: if [ "$UPGRADE" = "yes" -o "$UPGRADE" = "YES" ]; then upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${kde_module}/${PKGNAME}-${MODULAR_PACKAGE_VERSION}-${PKGARCH}-${MODBUILD}.txz # Keep MIME database current: /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null & fi fi done ) } # Process the module queue. Format is: # module[:subpackage[,subpackage]] [module...] deterministic_build() { RET=0 for ENTRY in $1 ; do KDE_MOD=$(echo "$ENTRY": | cut -f1 -d:) KDE_PKGS=$(echo "$ENTRY": | cut -f2 -d:) if [ -z "$KDE_PKGS" ]; then if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "** SlackBuild building '$KDE_MOD'" fi build_mod_pkg $KDE_MOD let RET=$RET+$? else if [ "${KDE_PKGS: -1}" = "," ]; then # Last character is a ','. Expand the list with all subsequent packages. START_PKG=$(echo $KDE_PKGS |rev |cut -d, -f2 |rev) MOD_LIST=$(cat modules/$KDE_MOD |grep -v "^ *#" |grep -v "^$" |tr '\n' ',') KDE_PKGS="${KDE_PKGS}${MOD_LIST/#?*,${START_PKG},/}" if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "** SlackBuild expanding '$ENTRY' to '$KDE_MOD:$KDE_PKGS'" fi fi for KDE_PKG in $(echo $KDE_PKGS |tr ',' ' ') ; do if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "** SlackBuild building '$KDE_MOD:$KDE_PKG'" fi build_mod_pkg $KDE_MOD $KDE_PKG let RET=$RET+$? done fi done return $RET } # MAIN PART # # Import the build configuration options for as far as they are not already set: [ -r ./kde.options ] && . ./kde.options # This avoids compiling a version number into KDE's .la files: QTDIR=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/qt5 ; export QTDIR # Get the KDE environment variables: [ -d post-install/kservice ] && eval $(sed -e "s#/lib#/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}#" ./post-install/kservice/profile.d/kde.sh) # Build/install libkdiagram before compiling kdepim: # Build/install libktorrent before compiling kget: KDEMODS=" \ kde4 \ frameworks \ applications-extra:kdiagram \ kdepim \ plasma-extra:plasma-wayland-protocols \ plasma \ plasma-extra \ applications:libktorrent \ applications \ applications-extra \ applications:umbrello \ " #telepathy \ # Allow for specification of individual packages to be built: if [ -z "$1" ]; then MODQUEUE=$KDEMODS else MODQUEUE="$*" fi # If requested, check if # sources, module definitions and slack-desc are complete and matching: if [ "$PRECHECK" = "yes" -o "$PRECHECK" = "YES" ]; then precheck fi # And finally, start working! for module in \ $MODQUEUE ; do if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "SlackBuild processing module '$module'" fi deterministic_build $module if [ $? = 0 ]; then # Move the created packages up into the KDE build directory: mv ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/$(echo $module |cut -f1 -d:)/*.t?z ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/ 2> /dev/null if [ "$CLEANUP" = "yes" -o "$CLEANUP" = "YES" ]; then # Clean out package and build directories: rm -rf ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/$(echo $module |cut -f1 -d:) fi else if [ -z "$PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "${module} failed to build." fi if [ "$EXITFAIL" = "yes" ]; then exit 1 fi fi cd - > /dev/null done exit 0