- 1.0.0


- 0.0.26

FIX      Fix for issue #41
FIX      Issues #25, #36, #40, #42

- 0.0.25

FIX:     Issues #35, #38, #39

- 0.0.24

FIX:     Issue #33

- 0.0.23

FIX:     Issues #20, #32, #34
FIX:     Issues #26, #31 (Again)
FIX:     Navigation issue in episode lists
FIX:     Navigation when using up/down to change episode details after deleting episodes

- 0.0.22

FIX:     Issues #2, #29
FIX:     Better live tv airing item alignment

- 0.0.21

FIX:     Issue #21

- 0.0.20

FIX:     Issues #3, #6, #7, #12, #27, #30, #31

- 0.0.19

FIX:     Issue #4, #5, #9, #10, #11, #15, #16, #18, #19, #24, #26, #28
CHANGE:  Player refactoring with workaround for issue #13

- 0.0.18

FIX:     Issue #1 (Fully fixed)

- 0.0.17

FIX:     Issue #1, #8, #14, #17

- 0.0.16

ADD:     Now checks for subscription status and shows a message instead of Guide if no subscription
ADD:     Now shows subscription info on info screen

- 0.0.15

CHANGE:  Use 1080p image assets
FIX:     Change schedule buttons for Program items

- 0.0.14

FIX:     Errors when 'Manual' recorded programs are present
ADD:     Manual option on recordings view

- 0.0.13

FIX:     Error caused on 'Tablo' view after a device is removed
FIX:     Loading now displays until video is playing
CHANGE:  Pressing esc/back on loading screen now aborts playback
CHANGE:  Drives are now updated when returning to info screen
ADD:     Recent recordings
FIX:     Some spinners broken rotations
ADD:     Update checking with status display

- 0.0.12

FIX:     Spinners were displaying inconsistently
FIX:     Episode airing detail now shows the conflict indicator on Live TV
FIX:     Delete button is now disabled when a recording is protected
FIX:     Live TV navigation was jumping to bottom row when navigating past the end of a row or holding a right press
ADD:     Loading screen before live TV plays
ADD:     When connecting, now tests if device is updating and shows a updating screen or dialog depending on whether there is only 1 device

- 0.0.11

FIX:     Missing spinners everywhere in the add-on
CHANGE:  Failed connection message now replaces current view (instead of showing dialog)
CHANGE:  Failure to get server info when connecting to a Tablo device now shows a dialog and remains on the connect screen

- 0.0.10

FIX:     When returning to shows from a details screen the same item now remains selected
ADD:     Busy dialog when shows are initially loading until first update set
ADD:     Add busy spinners to relevant show detail/detail card buttons
ADD:     'Cannot connect to Tablo' dialog on failure to connect when filling a view
FIX:     Bug causing record button to display when initially showing details dialog for ended airings

- 0.0.9

FIX:     Issue where not all items displayed when there were many items in the EPG timespan for a channel
ADD:     Indicators for items that start before EPG left time
FIX:     Navigation onto short items on EPG is now handled properly
ADD:     Empty content messages to views

- 0.0.8

ADD:     Implement PgUp and PgDn in EPG
FIX:     Various guide navigation issues
FIX:     Trick mode progress bar extending past end on short videos
CHANGE:  Match trick mode progress bar style to style in device view
FIX:     Fallback to hostname for device name if server info fails
CHANGE:  Remove * indicator from title in guide/recordings
CHANGE:  Pressing select on the index bar now jumps to the shows panel at the first item for that letter
CHANGE:  ESC now behaves the same as backspace, opening the submenu and then menu before confirming exit
CHANGE:  Pressing right on the main and sub menus now behaves the same as pressing select
CHANGE:  Selecting an item from the submenu now also closes the submenu
CHANGE:  On first start the live TV view is now loaded automatically
CHANGE:  Now remembers the last view and loads that automatically on startup
ADD:     Added protected indicators to airing list cells and detail view
CHANGE:  Device view now shows failed message (on version item) on failure to get server info

- 0.0.1

Initial work begins