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Re: Cataloging LDP

On Oct 11,  1:41pm, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> Subject: Re: Cataloging LDP
> Randy,
> When retrieving information, Process is only one attribute.  The others
> are Category, Hierarchical, Index, and Time.  Each HOWTO has each of
> those functions "built in" to the documentation, it's just that no one,
> other than myself, have identified them.  The question that I'm working
> on, via the white paper, is how to organize it.  Ultimately, the HOWTOs,
> as I see them, will be rewritten (i.e. reorganized) to take into account
> this cataloging of information for easier retrieval.
> Does this help?

Kevin -

Speaking for myself, I'm going to have to wait until I see/read
your proposal.

We have the HOWTOs categorized/sorted in a multitude of different ways:

- By Category (linux os, sys admin, h/w, networking, etc.):

- By (Modify) Date:
       (recent updates) http://www.linuxdoc.org/sorted_howtos.html
       (full list) http://www.linuxdoc.org/sorted_howtos_full.html

- Alphabetically:
       (by title) http://www.linuxdoc.org/sorted_howtos_title.html
       (by filename) http://www.linuxdoc.org/sorted_howtos_quick.html

- By Type (HOWTO/mini-HOWTO)

- Master Indexed List w/descriptions, date:

Most of these lists are derived from attributes stored in the
SGML source files.

I need to see more specifics on what you're proposing. Hence,
I'll wait for the paper (I'm hoping it contains a fair amount
of detail ;-)).


Greg Ferguson     - s/w engr / mtlhd         | gferg at sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs     - http://techpubs.sgi.com/ |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org/ | gferg at metalab.unc.edu

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