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Re: comment lancer userconf sur un poste windows95/98?

ouldbou Mohamed <[email protected]> wrote:

> Comment faire pour utiliser userconf a partir d'un poste distant
> windows95/98? Le Serveur Linux etant eloigne de mon bureau et je dois
> rajouter des utilisateurs a partir de mon pc windows95/98.

Translation: How can I use userconf from a remote Windows 95/98 system? 
The Linux server isn't in my office, and I must add users from my 
Windows 95/98 PC.

I'm merely translating this message; I don't intend to try to answer

Yves Bellefeuille <[email protected]>, Ottawa, Canada
Francais / English / Esperanto
Maintainer, Esperanto FAQ: http://www.esperanto.net/veb/faq.html
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