{{Header}} {{Title|title= System Timezone }} {{#seo: |description=Information about system timezone setting. How to change the System Timezone. |image=Timezone123123451.png }} {{time_mininav}} [[File:Timezone123123451.png|thumb]] {{intro| Information about system timezone setting. How to change the System Timezone. }} = Installation Method Specific = * If {{project_name_short}} is installed using ISO: Timezone can be configured during the ISO installer. * If {{project_name_short}} is installed using [[Distribution Morphing]]: Timezone is unchanged by {{project_name_short}}. Same as set by user or installer. = Unspecific to {{project_name_short}} = Since [[Based_on_Debian|{{project_name_short}} is based on Debian]], changing the timezone will not differ from Debian. Therefore the user can also refer to any Debian specific documentation such as their [https://wiki.debian.org/TimeZoneChanges TimeZoneChanges] documentation. = System Timezone Setting versus User Timezone Setting = Note: * '''A)''' System setting: System timezone as configured /etc/timezone / /etc/localtime is a "system setting". * '''B)''' User setting: What (Xfce) graphical user interface clock widget is showing and its setting might be independent from the "system setting" since that is a "user setting". = Change System Timezone = For example, to change the timezone to UTC: '''1.''' Open a terminal. '''2.''' Run the following command. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata }} '''Figure:''' ''Configuring tzdata - region selection'' [[File:timeconf.png|600px]] '''3.''' Then select "None of the above". '''4.''' Press Enter⏎ on "OK". '''Figure:''' ''Configuring tzdata - timezone selection'' [[File:timeconf2.png|600px]] '''5.''' Then select UTC. '''6.''' Select "OK" and press Enter⏎. '''7.''' Done. The timezone should have changed now. '''8.''' Timezone setting verification. To check, run the following command. {{CodeSelect|inline=true|code= sudo timedatectl }} '''9.''' Review the output of timedatectl. Should show something like this: '''Figure:''' ''timedatectl sample output'' [[File:timeconf3.png|600px]] {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]