{{Header}} {{Title|title= Derivatives of {{project_name_short}} }} {{#seo: |description={{project_name_short}} in the chain of derivatives. }} {{intro| {{project_name_short}} in the chain of derivatives. A Linux derivative, also known as a derivative distribution, is an operating system created by modifying an existing Linux distribution to meet specific goals or cater to particular user needs. Developers often adjust software packages, configurations, and system behaviors to create tailored solutions. For more information, see: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(software_development) Fork (software development)] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_distribution Linux distribution] * [https://www.debian.org/derivatives/ Debian Derivatives] {{project_name_short}} is [[Based_on_Debian|based on, a derivative of Debian]]. Other Linux distributions might be based on {{project_name_short}}. Currently, there is only one derivative based on {{project_name_short}}: * [[Whonix]] }} {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]