# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 CDROM_OPTIONAL="yes" inherit cdrom estack # For GOG install MY_EXE="setup_descent_1.4a_(16596).exe" DESCRIPTION="Data files for Descent 1" HOMEPAGE="https://www.interplay.com" SRC_URI="cdinstall? ( https://www.dxx-rebirth.com/download/dxx/misc/descent-game-content-10to14a-patch.zip ) !cdinstall? ( ${MY_EXE} )" S="${WORKDIR}" LICENSE="descent-data" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86" IUSE="doc" RESTRICT="bindist !cdinstall? ( fetch )" RDEPEND="!games-action/descent1-demodata" DEPEND="cdinstall? ( app-arch/unzip ) !cdinstall? ( app-arch/innoextract )" pkg_nofetch() { elog "You must place a copy of, or symlink to, the GOG setup package in your" elog "distfiles directory." echo elog "If you wish to install from CD-ROM instead, please enable the cdinstall flag." } src_unpack() { if use cdinstall; then default cdrom_get_cds descent/descent.hog:descent.hog case ${CDROM_SET} in 0) einfo "Found Descent 1 CD" ;; 1) einfo "Found Descent 1 installation" ;; esac cd "${CDROM_ABSMATCH%/*}" || die else innoextract -e -s -p0 -L -I app -d gog "${DISTDIR}/${MY_EXE}" || die cd "${WORKDIR}/gog/app" || die fi eshopts_push -s globstar nocaseglob nullglob # Strip directories # Lowercase # chaos.* into data/missions # *.dem into data/demos # Documentation into doc # Remainder into data tar -c -f - \ --mode=u+w \ --ignore-case \ --xform='s:.*/::xg' \ --xform='s:.*:\L\0:x' \ --xform='s:^chaos\.:data/missions/\0:x' \ --xform='s:.*\.dem$:data/demos/\0:x' \ --xform='s:.*\.(faq|pdf|txt)$:doc/\0:x' \ --xform='s:^[^/]+$:data/\0:x' \ --exclude="$(use doc || echo '*.pdf')" \ *.{faq,txt,pdf} **/*.{dem,hog,msn,pig} \ | tar -x -f - -C "${WORKDIR}" assert "tar failed" eshopts_pop } src_prepare() { if use cdinstall; then case $(md5sum data/descent.hog || die) in 8adfff2e5205486cd5574ac3dd0b4381*) patch -p0 data/descent.hog < descent.hog.diff || die ;; c792a21a30b869b1ec6d31ad64e9557e*) einfo "descent.hog already patched" ;; *) ewarn "Unknown descent.hog detected, cannot patch" ;; esac case $(md5sum data/descent.pig || die) in 7916448ae69bcc0dd4f3b057a961285f*) patch -p0 data/descent.pig < descent.pig.diff || die ;; fa7e48b7b1495399af838e31ac13b7da*) einfo "descent.pig already patched" ;; *) ewarn "Unknown descent.pig detected, cannot patch" ;; esac fi default } src_install() { insinto /usr/share/games/d1x doins -r data/* [[ -d doc ]] && dodoc doc/* } pkg_postinst() { elog "A client is needed to run the game, e.g. games-action/dxx-rebirth." echo }