*** a/src/cronolog.c.orig	2001-05-03 17:42:48.000000000 +0100
--- b/src/cronolog.c	2003-08-15 14:03:17.000000000 +0100
*** 84,95 ****
--- 84,97 ----
  #include "cronoutils.h"
  #include "getopt.h"
+ #include <signal.h>
  /* Forward function declaration */
  int	new_log_file(const char *, const char *, mode_t, const char *,
  		     PERIODICITY, int, int, char *, size_t, time_t, time_t *);
+ void  terminate_self(int);
  /* Definition of version and usage messages */
*** 306,311 ****
--- 308,317 ----
      DEBUG(("Rotation period is per %d %s\n", period_multiple, periods[periodicity]));
+     /* set up signal handlers to catch USR1 and HUP when restarting Apache */
+     signal(SIGUSR1, terminate_self);
+     signal(SIGHUP, terminate_self);
      /* Loop, waiting for data on standard input */
      for (;;)
*** 416,418 ****
--- 422,432 ----
      return log_fd;
+ void terminate_self(int sig)
+ {
+     time_t time_now = time(NULL);
+     DEBUG(("%s (%d): received signal USR1; terminating.\n",
+ 		timestamp(time_now), time_now));
+     exit(6);
+ }