% !TeX root = selnolig.tex % !TEX TS-program = lualatex \ProvidesPackage{selnolig-english-patterns}% [2015/10/26] % This entire package is placed under the % terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, % version 1.3 or later % (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt). % It has the status "maintained". % % Author: Mico Loretan % (loretan dot mico at gmail dot com) % Part 1: "Basic" f-ligature patterns % =================================== % (a) ff -> f-f \nolig{lfful}{lf|ful} % shelfful bookshelffuls -- TeXBook, p. 19 % (b) fi -> f-i % no cases in 'basic' group % (c) fl -> f-l \nolig{fless}{f|less} % beefless leafless ... % Also: cuffless stuffless \nolig{flike}{f|like} % dwarflike elflike ... % Also: rufflike clifflike \nolig{flife}{f|life} % halflife shelflife \nolig{flive}{f|live} % halflives shelflives \nolig{fline}{f|line} % halfline roofline offline \nolig{eaflet}{eaf|let} % leaflet(-s, -ed) leafleting % leafletting leafletted % leafleteer(s) \nolig{pdflatex}{pdf|latex} \nolig{Pdflatex}{Pdf|latex} % better, though, to write 'pdf\LaTeX' \nolig{otfload}{otf|load} % for the 'luaotfload' package... % (d) ffi -> ff-i \nolig{faffian}{faff|ian} % Pfaffian % (must avoid picking up 'affianced') \nolig{lffian}{lff|ian} % Wolffian Wulffian % (e) ffl -> ff-l \nolig{fflaw}{ff|law} % scofflaw scofflaws \nolig{fflink}{ff|link} % cufflink cufflinks \nolig{ffload}{ff|load} % offload offloads offloaded % (f) ffi -> f-fi \nolig{haffinch}{haf|finch} % chaffinch(es) \nolig{lffish}{lf|fish} % wolffish % (g) ffl -> f-fl \nolig{afflower}{af|flower} % safflower % (h) ft -> f-t \if@noftligs % suppress ft ligatures globally \nolig{ft}{f|t} \else % suppress ft ligatures selectively... \nolig{ieftain}{ief|tain} \nolig{alftime}{alf|time} \nolig{alftone}{alf|tone} \nolig{ooftop}{oof|top} \nolig{ooftree}{oof|tree} % chieftain halftime halftone % rooftop rooftree \nolig{ifth}{if|th} % fifth(s) \nolig{elfth}{elf|th} % twelfth(s) \nolig{lftr}{lf|tr} % wolftrap calftrap \nolig{eaftr}{eaf|tr} % leaftrap \nolig{fftr}{ff|tr} % offtrack \fi % end of \if@noftligs conditional block % (i) fb, fh, fj, and fk ligatures % suppress these ligatures globally \nolig{fb}{f|b} \nolig{fh}{f|h} \nolig{fj}{f|j} \nolig{fk}{f|k} % But, make exceptions for fjord, fjell, etc \keeplig{fjord} % Norwegian spelling \keeplig{fjör} % Icelandic spelling, e.g., in % Isafjördur and Ãsafjörður \keeplig{fjarð} % Ãsafjarðarbær (in Iceland) \keeplig{fjell} % Norwegian \keeplig{fjall} % Swedish (?) \keeplig{fjäll} \keeplig{fjöll} \keeplig{Prokofjew} \keeplig{Sufjan} % Stevens \keeplig{Eefje} % Dutch first name \keeplig{Astafjew} % Author (Wiktor) and soccer player (Maksim) % Further exceptions for names that contain 'fk' \keeplig{Kafka} \keeplig{Safka} \keeplig{Potrafke} \keeplig{Sprafke} \keeplig{Shirafkan} \keeplig{Tirafkan} \keeplig{Rifkin} % Part 2: Additional f-ligature suppression % patterns if the 'broadf' option is set. % ========================================= \if@broadfset % (a) ff -> f-f % no cases in 'broad' group % (b) fi -> f-i \nolig{elfin}{elf|in} \nolig{Elfin}{Elf|in} \keeplig{elfink} % distelfink % For words ending in -f-ing, allow for % "colloquial" abbreviations (-f-in'). \nolig{afing}{af|ing} \nolig{afin'}{af|in'} % chafing leafing loafing sheafing % strafing vouchsafing \nolig{eefing}{eef|ing} \nolig{eefin'}{eef|in'} % beefing reefing \nolig{iefing}{ief|ing} \nolig{iefin'}{ief|in'} % briefing debriefing \nolig{ifing}{if|ing} \nolig{ifin'}{if|in'} % coifing fifing jackknifing knifing % midwifing waifing wifing \nolig{oofing}{oof|ing} \nolig{oofin'}{oof|in'} % goofing hoofing roofing ... \nolig{lfing}{lf|ing} \nolig{lfin'}{lf|in'} % golfing rolfing selfing ... \nolig{rfing}{rf|ing} \nolig{rfin'}{rf|in'} % barfing bedwarfing dwarfing... % kerfing enserfing ... % (wind-) surfing turfing \keeplig{tterfinger} % butterfinger \nolig{rfism}{rf|ism} % dwarfism \nolig{rfist}{rf|ist} % dwarfist \nolig{deafish}{deaf|ish} \nolig{dwarfish}{dwarf|ish} \nolig{elfish}{elf|ish} % elfish selfish unselfish, etc. \keeplig{amselfish} % damselfish \nolig{oafish}{oaf|ish} \nolig{serfish}{serf|ish} \nolig{wolfish}{wolf|ish} \nolig{Deafish}{Deaf|ish} \nolig{Dwarfish}{Dwarf|ish} \nolig{Elfish}{Elf|ish} \nolig{Oafish}{Oaf|ish} \nolig{Serfish}{Serf|ish} \nolig{Wolfish}{Wolf|ish} \nolig{beefier}{beef|ier} \nolig{comfier}{comf|ier} \nolig{goofier}{goof|ier} \nolig{gulfier}{gulf|ier} \nolig{leafier}{leaf|ier} \nolig{reefier}{reef|ier} \nolig{surfier}{surf|ier} \nolig{turfier}{turf|ier} \nolig{Beefier}{Beef|ier} \nolig{Comfier}{Comf|ier} \nolig{Goofier}{Goof|ier} \nolig{Gulfier}{Gulf|ier} \nolig{Leafier}{Leaf|ier} \nolig{Reefier}{Reef|ier} \nolig{Surfier}{Surf|ier} \nolig{Turfier}{Turf|ier} % (Mustn't perform 'fier -> f-ier' % substitution because of words % such as pacifier, reifier, etc.) \nolig{fiest}{f|iest} \keeplig{fiesta} % leafiest beefiest reefiest ... \nolig{fily}{f|ily} % beefily goofily % This rule also catches the % ffily -> ff-ily case: % daffily fluffily gruffily ... \nolig{oofiness}{oof|iness} % goofiness % (Mustn't do 'finess -> f-iness' % substitution b/c of 'finesse') % (c) fl -> f-l \nolig{aloofly}{aloof|ly} \nolig{briefly}{brief|ly} \nolig{chiefly}{chief|ly} \nolig{deafly}{deaf|ly} \nolig{liefly}{lief|ly} \nolig{Aloofly}{Aloof|ly} \nolig{Briefly}{Brief|ly} \nolig{Chiefly}{Chief|ly} \nolig{Deafly}{Deaf|ly} \nolig{Liefly}{Lief|ly} % (Mustn't perform 'fly -> f-ly' subst. % b/c of 'fly' 'butterfly' ...) % (d) ffi -> ff-i \nolig{affish}{aff|ish} \nolig{offish}{off|ish} \nolig{iffish}{iff|ish} \nolig{uffish}{uff|ish} % draffish offish sniffish gruffish \nolig{ffing}{ff|ing} \nolig{ffin'}{ff|in'} % baffing biffing bluffing... \nolig{ffier}{ff|ier} % buffier chaffier ... %\nolig{ffily}{ff|ily} % Caught by 'fily -> f-ily' rule \nolig{ffiness}{ff|iness} % fluffiness huffiness puffiness \nolig{ffies}{ff|ies} % baffies biffies jiffies stuffies ... % buffiest chaffiest ... % (e) ffl -> ff-l \nolig{ffly}{ff|ly} % bluffly gruffly ruffly ... % (f) ffi -> f-fi % nothing additional in 'broad' group % (g) ffl -> f-fl % nothing additional in 'broad' group % (h) ft -> f-t \if@noftligs \else % suppress some more ft ligatures selectively \nolig{ifteen}{if|teen} % fifteen fifteens fifteenth \nolig{fifti}{fif|ti} \nolig{Fifti}{Fif|ti} % fifties fiftieth fiftieths \nolig{fifty}{fif|ty} \nolig{Fifty}{Fif|ty} % fifty fiftyish \fi % end of \if@noftligs conditional block \fi % end of \if@broadfset conditional block % Part 3: Discretionary ligatures crossing % morpheme boundaries % st, ct, sp, % th, at, et, as, is, us, ta, ll, sk % ---------------------------------------- \if@hdligset % (A) st -> s-t % ------------- \nolig{aspidistra}{a|spidi|stra} \nolig{Aspidistra}{Aspidi|stra} \nolig{osstalk}{oss|talk} % crosstalk \nolig{gstai}{gs|tai} % dogstail \nolig{nstak}{ns|tak} % painstaker painstaking \nolig{stight}{s|tight} % gastight \nolig{stooth}{s|tooth} % houndstooth \nolig{steeth}{s|teeth} % houndsteeth \nolig{astime}{as|time} % pastime %%% dis-t... words \nolig{distast}{dis|tast} \nolig{Distast}{Dis|tast} % distasteful \nolig{distem}{dis|tem} \nolig{Distem}{Dis|tem} % distemperate \nolig{disten}{dis|ten} \nolig{Disten}{Dis|ten} % distended \nolig{distor}{dis|tor} \nolig{Distor}{Dis|tor} % distort distortion \nolig{distra[cu]}{dis|tra} \nolig{Distra[cu]}{Dis|tra} % distract distraught \nolig{distrib}{dis|trib} \nolig{Distrib}{Dis|trib} % distribution \nolig{distrust}{dis|trust} \nolig{Distrust}{Dis|trust} % distrust distrustful \nolig{distu}{dis|tu} \nolig{Distu}{Dis|tu} % disturb %%% mis-t... words \nolig{mista}{mis|ta} \nolig{Mista}{Mis|ta} % mistake mistaken mistaught unmistakable \nolig{mistea}{mis|tea} \nolig{Mistea}{Mis|tea} % misteach \nolig{istend}{is|tend} % mistend distend \nolig{isterm}{is|term} % misterm misterms \nolig{isth}{is|th} % misthink misthought misthrew misthrow % isthmus calisthenic \nolig{istime}{is|time} % mistime mistimed \nolig{istitl}{is|titl} % mistitle \nolig{istook}{is|took} % mistook \nolig{istouc}{is|touc} % mistouch \nolig{mistrac}{mis|trac} \nolig{Mistrac}{Mis|trac} % Mistrace \nolig{mistran}{mis|tran} \nolig{Mistran}{Mis|tran} % Mistranscribe Mistranslate \nolig{mistrain}{mis|train} \nolig{Mistrain}{Mis|train} % mistrain \nolig{istrea}{is|trea} % mistreat mistreatment \nolig{mistru}{mis|tru} \nolig{Mistru}{Mis|tru} % mistrust mistruth \nolig{istrys}{is|trys} % mistryst \nolig{mistu}{mis|tu} \nolig{Mistu}{Mis|tu} % mistune Mistutor \nolig{istyp}{is|typ} % mistype \nolig{aastricht}{aas|tricht} % Maastricht \nolig{sthes}{s|thes} % anaesthesia synesthesia prosthesis \nolig{sthet}{s|thet} % aesthetic esthetic unesthetic % prosthetist \nolig{Esth}{Es|th} % Esther \nolig{stown}{s|town} % crosstown Williamstown % (B) ct -> c-t % ------------- \nolig{rctan}{rc|tan} % arctangent \nolig{rctat}{rc|tat} % coarctation % (C) sp -> s-p % ------------- \nolig{othesp}{othes|p} % clothespin clothespress \nolig{speople}{s|people} % business- congress- crafts- % dis- news- sales- spokes- % towns- trades- tribes- people \nolig{sperson}{s|person} % business- congress- crafts- drafts- % news- sales- spokes- person \nolig{espas}{es|pas} % trespass trespassing \nolig{isplat}{is|plat} % cisplatin (cis-platin, not cisp-latin!) \nolig{despot}{des|pot} \nolig{Despot}{Des|pot} % despot despotic \nolig{spresso}{s|presso} \nolig{despon}{de|spon} \nolig{Despon}{De|spon} \nolig{despir}{de|spir} \nolig{Despir}{De|spir} \nolig{despoil}{de|spoil} \nolig{Despoil}{De|spoil} \nolig{sidesp}{side|sp} % sidespin, sidesplitting \nolig{Sidesp}{Side|sp} \nolig{widesp}{wide|sp} % widespread \nolig{Widesp}{Wide|sp} \nolig{desprung}{Wide|sp} % gelandesprung \nolig{dispa[rst]}{dis|pa} \nolig{Dispa[rst]}{Dis|pa} % disparage disparaging dispart % dispassion dispatch \nolig{dispel}{dis|pel} \nolig{Dispel}{Dis|pel} % dispel \nolig{dispen[ds]}{dis|pen} \nolig{Dispen[ds]}{Dis|pe} % dispend dispense dispensation \nolig{displa[cny]}{dis|pla} \nolig{Displa[cny]}{Dis|pla} % display displant displace \nolig{displea}{dis|plea} \nolig{Displea}{Dis|plea} % displease displeasure \nolig{displ[ou]}{dis|pl} \nolig{Displ[ou]}{Dis|pl} % displode displume \nolig{disp[ou]}{dis|p} \nolig{Disp[ou]}{Dis|p} % disport dispose disposition % dispossess dispute \nolig{dispr[aio]}{dis|pr} \nolig{Dispr[aio]}{Dis|pr} % dispraise disprize disproof % disproportion disprove \nolig{misp}{mis|p} \nolig{Misp}{Mis|p} % misplace misperception misprint \nolig{suspen}{sus|pen} \nolig{Suspen}{Sus|pen} % suspend suspension \nolig{sph}{s|ph} % 'ph' from Greek 'phi'! % atmosphere biosphere hemisphere % spherical asphodel phosphorous phosphate % blaspheme blasphemy \nolig{ranspa}{rans|pa} % transparent transpacific \nolig{ranspe}{rans|pe} % transpersonal \nolig{ranspie}{rans|pie} % transpierce \nolig{ranspl}{rans|pl} % transplant \nolig{ranspol}{rans|pol} % transpolar \nolig{ranspor}{rans|por} % transport transportation \nolig{ranspos}{rans|pos} % transpose transposon \nolig{risprud}{ris|prud} % jurisprudence \nolig{spiece}{s|piece} % crosspiece frontispiece \nolig{ewsp[ae]}{ews|p} % newspaper newsprint \nolig{Hyannisp}{Hyannis|p} % Hyannisport \nolig{Keyesp}{Keyes|p} % Keyesport \nolig{Williamsp}{Williams|p} % Williamsport \nolig{assport}{ass|port} % passport % (D) th -> t-h % ------------- \nolig{eethov}{eet|hov} % Beethoven \nolig{thook}{t|hook} % boathook meathook pothook \nolig{thouse}{t|house} % boathouse cathouse courthouse ... \nolig{othol}{ot|hol} % foothold knothole potholder ... \nolig{lthol}{lt|hol} % bolthole \nolig{sthol}{st|hol} % posthole pesthole \nolig{rathol}{rat|hol} \nolig{Rathol}{Rat|hol} % rathole \nolig{arthog}{art|hog} % warthog \nolig{stha}{st|ha} % firsthand postharvest posthaste \nolig{thawk}{t|hawk} % nighthawk \nolig{horth}{hort|h} % shorthair shorthand shorthorn \nolig{arthei}{art|hei} % apartheid antiapartheid \nolig{thead}{t|head} % bolthead cathead fathead ... \nolig{thard}{t|hard} % Gotthard \nolig{therd}{t|herd} % goatherd neatherd \nolig{theap}{t|heap} % dustheap \nolig{theart}{t|heart} % fainthearted sweetheart ... \nolig{uthear}{ut|hear} % outhear outheard \nolig{thill}{t|hill} % anthill foothill \nolig{thood}{t|hood} % adulthood knighthood ... \nolig{thunt}{t|hunt} % pothunt outhunt \nolig{orthol}{ort|hol} % porthole \nolig{posth}{post|h} \nolig{Posth}{post|h} % postharvest \nolig{sthum}{st|hum} % posthumous \nolig{uthau}{ut|hau} % outhaul \nolig{uthit}{ut|hit} % outhit \nolig{uthom}{ut|hom} % outhomer \nolig{uthow}{ut|how} % outhowl \nolig{uthum}{ut|hum} % outhumor \nolig{uthust}{ut|hust} % outhustle \nolig{tthour}{tt|hour} % watthour kilowatthour \nolig{sthm}{s|thm} % asthma isthmus % (E) at -> a-t % ------------- \nolig{lbatr}{lba|tr} % albatross \nolig{atroop}{a|troop} % paratrooper \nolig{eatra}{ea|tra} % seatrain seatransport % (F) et -> e-t % ------------- \nolig{ninet}{nine|t} \nolig{Ninet}{Nine|t} % ninetieth ninetieths ninety nineteen nineties \nolig{ametag}{ame|tag} % nametag \nolig{betat}{be|tat} \nolig{Betat}{Be|tat} % betatter beta \nolig{betr}{be|tr} \nolig{Betr}{Be|tr} % betray betroth \nolig{deta}{de|ta} % detach detain detail \nolig{etect}{e|tect} % detect undetectable detective \nolig{detent}{de|tent} \nolig{Detent}{De|tent} % detent detention \nolig{detest}{de|test} \nolig{Detest}{De|test} % detest \nolig{detr}{de|tr} \nolig{Detr}{De|tr} % detract detrain detriment detritus \nolig{etail}{e|tail} % bristletail detail dovetail horsetail \nolig{etah}{e|tah} % cheetah chetah \nolig{etak}{e|tak} % betake retake caretaker \nolig{etax}{e|tax} % betax \nolig{eteach}{e|teach} % reteach \nolig{etell}{e|tell} % foretell fortunetelling \nolig{eterg}{e|terg} % detergent \nolig{eterio}{e|terio} % deteriorate \nolig{eterm}{e|term} % determent determinant preterm \nolig{etext}{e|text} % pretext retext teletext \nolig{ethink}{e|think} % freethinking \nolig{ethrow}{e|throw} % freethrow \nolig{etick}{e|tick} % bluetick detick \nolig{etide}{e|tide} % betide yuletide \nolig{etigh}{e|tigh} % retighten \nolig{etime}{e|time} % betime lifetime peacetime sometime \nolig{eetop}{ee|top} % treetop \nolig{etrain}{e|train} % detrain drivetrain housetrain retrain \nolig{etrap}{e|trap} % firetrap livetrap mousetrap \nolig{etree}{e|tree} % axletree saddletree shoetree \nolig{foret}{fore|t} \nolig{Foret}{Fore|t} % foretaste foretell foretold foretime % foretoken foretop foretopman \nolig{imetable}{ime|table} % timetable \nolig{reteen}{re|teen} % preteen \nolig{retend}{re|tend} % pretend \nolig{retenc}{re|tenc} % pretence \nolig{retens}{re|tens} % pretense pretension \nolig{retent}{re|tent} \nolig{Retent}{Re|tent} % pretentious retention retentive \nolig{retest}{re|test} \nolig{Retest}{Re|test} % pretest retest \nolig{reta}{re|ta} \nolig{Reta}{Re|ta} % retag retape retake % foretaste caretaker % pretaste pretape pretaxretain % retain retake retaliate retard % retarget retaste wiretap \keeplig{pretable} % interpretable \keeplig{cretar} % secretary \nolig{reteam}{re|team} \nolig{Reteam}{Re|team} % reteam reteamed reteaming reteams \nolig{retear}{re|tear} \nolig{Retear}{Re|tear} % retear retears \nolig{retemp}{re|temp} \nolig{Retemp}{Re|temp} % retemper retempering \nolig{retie}{re|tie} \nolig{Retie}{Re|tie} % retie entireties sureties \nolig{retil}{re|til} \nolig{Retil}{Re|til} % retile \nolig{retim}{re|tim} \nolig{Retim}{Re|tim} % retime beforetime \nolig{retint}{re|tint} \nolig{Retint}{Re|tint} % retint \nolig{retir}{re|tir} \nolig{Retir}{Re|tir} % retire retiring \nolig{retitl}{re|titl} \nolig{Retitl}{Re|titl} % retitle pretitling \nolig{retold}{re|told} \nolig{Retold}{Re|told} % retold \nolig{retoo}{re|too} \nolig{Retoo}{Re|too} % retook retool \nolig{retor}{re|tor} \nolig{Retor}{Re|tor} % retore retorn retort retorted \nolig{retou}{re|tou} \nolig{Retou}{Re|tou} % retouch retouched \nolig{retra}{re|tra} \nolig{Retra}{Re|tra} % retrace retrack retract retrans retransmit \nolig{retre}{re|tre} \nolig{Retre}{Re|tre} % pretreat retread retreat retrench \nolig{retri}{re|tri} \nolig{Retri}{Re|tri} % pretrim pretrial retrieve retribution % retries retrim \nolig{etrors}{e|trors} % retrorse \nolig{retrous}{re|trous} \nolig{Retrous}{Re|trous} % retrousse \nolig{retry}{re|try} \nolig{Retry}{Re|try} % retry retrying \nolig{retu}{re|tu} \nolig{Retu}{Re|tu} % return retune unreturnable \nolig{retwi}{re|twi} \nolig{Retwi}{Re|twi} % retwist retwisting \nolig{etooth}{e|tooth} % bluetooth eyetooth snaggletoothed \nolig{eteeth}{e|teeth} % snaggleteeth eyeteeth \nolig{deter}{de|ter} \nolig{Deter}{De|ter} % deter determine deteriorate undeterred \nolig{ceties}{ce|ties} % niceties \nolig{cety}{ce|ty} % nicety \nolig{feties}{fe|ties} % safeties unsafeties biosafeties \nolig{fety}{fe|ty} % safety \nolig{leties}{le|ties} % subtleties \nolig{lety}{le|ty} % subtlety teletype teletypewriter \nolig{rety}{re|ty} % surety entirety retype pretype \nolig{etelev}{e|telev} % pretelevision \nolig{etyp}{e|typ} % archetype archetypal retype pretype % (G) as -> a-s % ------------- \nolig{asea}{a|sea} % asea \keeplig{casea} % casease caseate \keeplig{Casea} \keeplig{haseal} % phaseal \nolig{asplut}{a|splut} % asplutter \nolig{eastran}{ea|stran} % seastrand \nolig{aspor[ae]}{a|spor} % diaspora megaspore tetraspore \nolig{asep[st]}{a|sep} % asepsis aseptic aseptically \nolig{asophist}{a|sophist} % ultrasophisticated \nolig{asound}{a|sound} % ultrasound \nolig{asund}{a|sund} \nolig{Asund}{A|sund} % asunder \nolig{aspec}{a|spec} \nolig{Aspec}{A|spec} % aspect infraspecific intraspecies % intraspecific \nolig{infras}{infra|s} \nolig{Infras}{Infra|s} % infrastructure infraspecific \nolig{megast}{mega|st} \nolig{Megast}{Mega|st} % megastructure megastar \nolig{megasp}{mega|sp} \nolig{Megasp}{Mega|sp} % megaspores megascopic \nolig{aspoon}{a|spoon} % teaspoon % (H) is -> i-s % ------------- % (a) not across morpheme boundaries % (The following may be a bug in fontspec) \nolig{fish}{fi|sh} \nolig{fist}{fi|st} \nolig{Fist}{Fi|st} % (b) across morpheme boundaries %% Mustn't do global \nolig{antis}{anti|s} %% because of words such as sycophantism, %% vigilantism, and mantissa. \nolig{antis[ace]}{anti|s} \nolig{Antis[ace]}{Anti|s} % antisag antisatellite % antiscience % antisecrecy antisense antiseptic \nolig{antish[aio]}{anti|sh} \nolig{Antish[aio]}{Anti|sh} % antishark antiship antishock \nolig{antis[kl]}{anti|s} \nolig{Antis[kl]}{Anti|s} % antiskid % antislavery antislip \nolig{antism[ou]}{anti|sm} \nolig{Antism[ou]}{Anti|sm} % antismog antismoke % antismuggling antismut \nolig{antis[noptuy]}{anti|s} \nolig{Antis[noptuy]}{Anti|s} % antisnob % antisocial antisolar % antispasmodic antispeculative % antistatic antistick antistress % antisubmarine antisubversion % antisymmetric antisyphilitics \nolig{multis[a-z]}{multi|s} \nolig{Multis[a-z]}{Multi|s} % multiscreen multisense multisensory % multiservice multisided multisite % multisize multiskilled multisource % multispecies multispectral multispeed % multisport multistage multistate % multistemmed multistep multistoried % multistory multistranded multisyllabic % multisystem \nolig{isph}{i|sph} % hemisphere planisphere hemispheric \keeplig{isphr} % misphrase misphrased ... % (I) us -> u-s % ------------- % %% (no examples yet) % (J) sk -> s-k % (available in EB Garamond font) % ------------------------------- \nolig{skeep}{s|keep} % greenskeeper groundskeeper miskeep \nolig{iskai}{is|kai} % triskaidekaphobia \nolig{thsk}{ths|k} % rathskeller \nolig{misk}{mis|k} \nolig{Misk}{Mis|k} % miskeep miskept miskick misknow \nolig{atskill}{ats|kill} % Catskills Mountains, Catskill Park \nolig{eekskill}{eeks|kill} % Peekskill % a town on the Hudson River % (K) ll -> l-l % ------------- \nolig{llike}{l|like} % animallike soullike \nolig{lless}{l|less} % soulless tailless % (L) fr -> f-r % ------------- \nolig{oofr}{oof|r} % proofread proofroom proofrock % (M) ij -> i-j % ------------- % The 'ij' ligature seems to have no good % use in English-language words -- incl. % words introduced to English from other % languages, such as marijuana, gaijin, and % bijou; the 'ij' ligature seems to span % morpheme boundaries in all of these cases. % Hence, we disable this ligature globally. % We do make exceptions for words of Dutch % origin, where the ij ligature does have % legitimate uses. \nolig{ij}{i|j} \keeplig{ijs} % rijsttafel (Indonesian dish) \keeplig{ijn} % de Bruijn \keeplig{eije}% Meijer % Part 4: Disabling one discretionary % ligature so that a subsequent, more % important one doesn't get pre-empted % ------------------------------------ % (i) as, is, and us preceding st % ............................... \nolig{ast}{a|st} \nolig{ust}{u|st} \nolig{ist}{i|st} % (ii) as, es, is, and us preceding sp % .............................-...... \nolig{aspar}{a|spar} \nolig{Aspar}{A|spar} % asparagus Caspar aspartame asparkle \nolig{asper}{a|sper} \nolig{Asper}{A|sper} % aspersion Casper Jasper exasperate \nolig{aspir}{a|spir} \nolig{Aspir}{A|spir} % aspire aspirator aspirin \nolig{gasp}{ga|sp} \nolig{Gasp}{Ga|sp} % gasp \nolig{hasp}{ha|sp} \nolig{Hasp}{Ha|sp} % hasp \nolig{lasp}{la|sp} % clasp unclasp beclasp enclasp \nolig{rasp}{ra|sp} \nolig{Rasp}{Ra|sp} % grasp rasp raspberry \nolig{wasp}{wa|sp} \nolig{Wasp}{Wa|sp} % wasp waspish \nolig{espi[ct]}{e|spi} % despicable despite %%% more rules to come... \nolig{risp}{ri|sp} % crisp \nolig{ispani}{i|spani} % hispanic \nolig{hispid}{hi|spid} \nolig{Hispid}{Hi|spid} % hispid hispidulous \nolig{lisp}{li|sp} \nolig{Lisp}{Li|sp} % lisp lisping \nolig{whisp}{whi|sp} \nolig{Whisp}{Whi|sp} % whisper \nolig{wisp}{wi|sp} \nolig{Wisp}{Wi|sp} % wisp \nolig{cusp}{cu|sp} \nolig{Cusp}{Cu|sp} % cusp bicuspid tricuspid \nolig{ausp}{au|sp} \nolig{Ausp}{Au|sp} % auspicious inauspicious \nolig{Suspect}{Su|spect} \nolig{suspect}{su|spect} % suspect suspects \nolig{uspici}{u|spici} % suspicion suspicious % (iii) at and et preceding th % ............................ %% If you have 'at' and 'et' ligatures as %% well as the 'th' ligature and want a %% trailing 'th' ligature to take precedence %% over these ligs, use the following rules: \nolig{ath}{a|th} \nolig{eth}{e|th} % The preceding rules are a bit too % broad as they also suppress the 'at' ligature % for words such as boathook and flathead % and the 'et' ligature in words such as % Beethoven, prophethood, and sweetheart. % Thus, also provide some \keeplig macros: \keeplig{oathook} % boathook \keeplig{eathook} % meathook \keeplig{athouse} % bathouse boathouse cathouse %%\keeplig{rathole} % this will re-enable "th" liga %%\keeplig{Rathole} % if "at" liga doesn't exist... \keeplig{athead} % cathead fathead flathead meathead \keeplig{atherd} % goatherd neatherd \keeplig{eatheart} % greathearted \keeplig{eetheart} % sweetheart \keeplig{Beethoven} \keeplig{ophethood} % (iv) at and et preceding ta % ........................... \nolig{atap}{a|tap} \keeplig{catap} % catapult cataphoresis \keeplig{Catap} \keeplig{ratap} % rataplan \keeplig{Ratap} \nolig{Loretan}{Lore|tan} % :-) \fi %% end of \@ifhdligset