mydbmunger - a MySQL/MariaDB Database Design Tool

    Usage: mydbmunger [OPTIONS] COMMAND SCHEMA
    Available COMMANDs are "pull", "push", and "make-archive"
             Connect to database and pull down current table definitions and
             trigger definitions.
             Connect to database and deploy current table definitions by creating
             or modifying tables.
             Write trigger and archive table definitions.
      -d, --dryrun        Don't commit any changes, just print SQL that would be
      -D, --dir=PATH      Directory in which to read and write database information.
                          Default is current directory.
      -h, --host=name     Connect to host.
          --no-tables     Don't do anything with triggers.
          --no-triggers   Don't do anything with triggers.
      -p, --password[=PASSWORD] 
                          Password to use when connecting to server. If password is
                          not provided on the command line it will asked from the
      -P, --port=#        Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
                          order of preference, my.cnf, \$MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
                          /etc/services, built-in default (3306).
      -t, --table=TABLE[,TABLE]...
                          Specify for which tables to perform the given COMMAND. If
                          not provided, then we will attempt to detect suitable
                          tables automatically.
      -u, --user=NAME     User for login if not current user.
      -v, --verbose       Show verbose messages.
                          Name to use for any unlabeled trigger fragments. Without
                          this option, unlabeled fragments are treated as an
    OPTIONS FOR COMMAND make-archive:
                          Column name used in archive table to store the SQL
                          type of SQL action caused the archive to be created.
                          Default: "action"
                          Column name used in the source data and archive tables
                          used to track record creation time. This must be a
                          TIMESTAMP or DATETIME data type. If option this option
                          is given without a vaulue then the column name "ctime"
                          will be used. Default is no creation time handling.
                          Column name to be used in archive table to store the
                          database connection login information. Default: "user"
                          How to name archive tables. Specified as a pattern with
                          a placeholder "%" for the original table name. Default:
                          "%Archive", so by a table named "Post" would have a
                          archive table named "PostArchive".
                          Column name used in the source data and archive tables
                          used to track last-modification time. This must be a
                          TIMESTAMP or DATETIME data type. If option this option
                          is given without a vaulue then the column name "mtime"
                          will be used. Default is no modification time handling.
                          Column name used in the source data and archive tables
                          to track revision count. Default: "revision"
                          Column name used in the archive table to record the SQL
                          query that initiated the table change.
                          Column name used in archive table to store the
                          application user retrieved from the value of the
                          variable named by option --updidvar. Default: "\@updid"
                          Variable name used to store an application user and to
                          store in the column designated by --updidcol.