NAME Plack::Middleware::Image::Dummy - Dummy image responser for Plack SYNOPSIS ## example.psgi builder { # basic enable 'Image::Dummy', map_path => '/', font_path => './font/MTLmr3m.ttf'; # map path with regex enable 'Image::Dummy', map_path => qr/^\//, font_path => './font/MTLmr3m.ttf'; enable 'Image::Dummy'; enable 'Image::Dummy', map_path => '/', font_path => './font/MTLmr3m.ttf', param_filter => sub { my $params = shift; if ($ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq 'production') { print STDERR "Do not show under production environment.\n"; undef; } else { $params->{text} .= ':D'; $params; } }; $app; }; DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::Image::Dummy is dummy image responser for Plack like CONFIGURATION map_path URI path mapped to this module. font_path Font path. param_filter A code reference. The code called with one HashRef contains parsed parameters. Evaluated value is used in image creation. URI You can get a image detailed in URI like below. http://host:port#{map_path}/#{width}x#{height}.#{ext}?param=value&... path You can specify width, height and file type (ex. png, gif, jpg) in path of URI. text You can specify text written in the center of the image. Default is #{width}x#{height}. color You can specify text color. bgcolor You can specify background color. minsize You can specify minimum size of font. AUTHOR Tasuku SUENAGA a.k.a. gunyarakun <tasuku-s-cpan ATAT> REPOSITORY git clone git:// SEE ALSO Imager Imager::File::GIF LICENSE Files in 'font' directory are licenced under the Apache Licence 2.0. Copyright (C) Tasuku SUENAGA a.k.a. gunyarakun This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut