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Bioconductor is an open source and open development software project
for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data.



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\section*{An Introduction to Some Graphics in Bioconductor}

We first need to set up the basic data regarding the genome of interest. In this case we will look at human data and rely on information from Cheng Li.

<>= # Chromosomal maps

# hgByChroms: list matching affy names to location for each chrom (24) # hgCLengths: vector with length of 24 chromosomes data(hgByChroms) data(hgCLengths)

newChrom <- buildChromClass("Human", "Cheng Li's HG data", hgByChroms, hgCLengths) newChrom


We have a number of different plotting features available to us.


cPlot(newChrom) cPlot(newChrom,c("1","2"),fg="blue",scale="relative")

@ <>=

par(mfrow=c(2,1)) for (sc in c("max","relative")) cPlot(newChrom,fg="blue",scale=sc)


<< alongChrom >>=

data(eset) data(hgu95AProbLocs) cols <- c("red", "green", "blue") cols <- cols[eset$cov3]

par(mfrow=c(3,2)) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xloc="equispaced", plotFormat="cumulative", col=cols,lwd=2) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xloc="physical", col=cols,lwd=2) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xloc="equispaced", plotFormat="local", col=cols,lwd=2) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xloc="equispaced", plotFormat="local", col=cols, type="p", pch=16) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xlim = c(87511280,127717880), xloc="equispaced", plotFormat="local", col=cols, type="p", pch=16) alongChrom(eset, "1", newChrom, xloc="equispaced", plotFormat="image")


\section*{Graphics for the Golub Data}

In this section we will explore some of the functionality in the geneplotter package. This package relies on a data structure that specifies certain statistics about the genome of interest. Specifically how many chromosomes and their respective lengths in nucleotides.

We can render all chromosomes the same length.


data(hu6800ChrClass) cPlot(hu6800ChrClass) @

Or we can scale them by their relative lengths.


cPlot(hu6800ChrClass, scale="rel") @

Now, we just jam a new definition of cColor in here, cause the one in Bioconductor is broken.


cColor <- function(genes, color, plotChroms, scale=c("max","relative"), glen=0.4) { ## Passed a vector of gene names, a color and an instance of a ## chromLocation class. Will recolor the specific genes in the ## cPlot created plot to match the specified color. Scale should ## be the same as the scale from cPlot scale <- match.arg(scale) xPoints <- 1000

## if (!exists("hgu95Achrom", mode="environment")) ## data(hgu95Achrom) gcO <- multiget(genes,env=geneToChrom(plotChroms)) gc <- sapply(gcO, function(x) {if( class(x) == "chromLoc") return(x@chrom) return(NA)} ) gchr <- split(names(gc),gc) gchr[["NA"]] <- NULL

## Look up the locations of these genes in each chromosome, ## plotting any results. locList <- chromLocs(plotChroms)

if (!exists("hgCLengths", mode="environment")) data(hgCLengths)

lens <- hgCLengths

for (cName in names(gchr)) { locs <- locList[[cName]][gchr[[cName]]] locs <- as.numeric(locs[!]) if (length(locs) > 0) { .plotData(cName, locs, xPoints, lens, color, scale, glen) } } }


Then we can color different genes according to what ever color scheme we want. For example, those that were selected by t-test can be colored red.


cColor(geneNames(gTrsubtt), "red", hu6800ChrClass, scale="rel")


And for the Anova filter we will color them blue.


cColor(geneNames(gTrsubAv), "blue", hu6800ChrClass, scale="rel")




Advanced R Programming for Bioinformatics course material now available


Bioconductor 2.6, consisting of 389 packages and designed to work with R version 2.11, was released today.