% % NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!! The .tex file is % likely to be overwritten. % % \VignetteIndexEntry{Seattle Lab 4B} %\VignetteDepends{Biobase,affy} %\VignetteKeywords{Microarray} \documentclass[12pt]{article}
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\title{Lab 4B: An Introduction to Bioconductor's {\tt affy} package}
In this lab, we demonstrate the main functions in the \verb+affy+ package for pre-processing Affymetrix microarray data. To load the package
For a more detailed introduction, consult the package vignettes which can be listed by the command {\tt openVignette("affy")}. A demo can also be accessed by {\tt demo(affy)}. A number of sample datasets are available in the package; to list these, type {\tt data(package="affy")}.
We will work mainly with the \verb+Dilution+ dataset. For a description of \verb+Dilution+, type {\tt ? Dilution}. To load this dataset
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% affy classes
One of the main classes in \verb+affy+ is the \verb+AffyBatch+ class. For details on this class consult the help file, {\tt ? AffyBatch}; methods for manipulating instances of this class are also described in the help file. Other classes include \verb+ProbeSet+ (PM and MM intensities for individual probe sets), \verb+Cdf+ (information contained in a CDF file), and \verb+Cel+ (single array cel intensity data). The object \verb+Dilution+ is an instance of the class \verb+AffyBatch+. Try the following commands to obtain information of this object
For a description of the target samples hybridized to the arrays
The \verb+exprs+ slot contains a matrix with columns corresponding to
arrays and rows to individual probes on the array.
To obtain the matrix of intensities for all four arrays
You can access probe-level PM and MM intensities using
To get the probe set names (Affy IDs)
As with other microarray objects in Bioconductor packages, you can use subsetting commands for {\tt AffyBatch} objects
<>= dil1<-Dilution[1] class(dil1) dil1 cel1<-Dilution[[1]] class(cel1) cel1 @
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Reading in data
One of the main function for reading in Affymetrix data is \verb+ReadAffy+. It reads in data from \verb+CEL+ and \verb+CDF+ files and creates objects of class \verb+AffyBatch+. Using \verb+ReadAffy(widget=TRUE)+ provides widgets for interactive data input.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Diagnostic plots
To produce a spatial image of probe log intensities and probe raw intensities
To produce boxplots of probe log intensities
To produce density plots of probe log intensities
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Normalization
The \verb+affy+ package provides implementations for a number of methods for background estimation, probe-level normalization (e.g., quantile, curve-fitting (Bolstad et al., 2002)), and computation of expression measures (e.g., MAS 4.0, MAS 5.0, MBEI (Li \& Wong, 2001), RMA (Irizarry et al., 2003)). To list available methods for \verb+AffyBatch+ objects
The main normalization function is \verb+expresso+. You can select pre-processing methods interactively using widgets by typing {\tt expresso(Dilution, widget=TRUE)}. The function operates on objects of class \verb+AffyBatch+ and returns objects of class \verb+exprSet+.
\verb+rma+ provides a more efficient implementation of Robust Multi-array Average (RMA)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % CDF data packages
Data packages for CDF information can be download from \url{}|. These packages contain environment objects which provide mappings between AffyIDs and matrices of probe locations, with rows corresponding to probe-pairs and columns to PM and MM cels. CDF environments for HGU95Av2 and HGU133A chips are already in the package. For information on the environment object {\tt ? hgu95av2cdf}
You can also use the \verb+indexProbe+, \verb+pmindex+, and \verb+mmindex+ to get information on probe location