Author: Zuguang Gu ( [email protected] )
Date: 2018-03-13
Normally genomic signals are represented as numeric (e.g. methylation rate from WGBS or histone modification intensity from ChIP-seq) or binary values (e.g. existance of CpG islands in a given position), however, genomic signals sometimes can also be represented as categorical or discrete values. A very typical example is chromatin states segmentation by ChromHMM. ChromHMM basically assigns a chromatin state (e.g. active transcription state or repressive transcription state) to a given window in the genome and the assignment of states in different windows are always mutually exclusive (which means one window can only have one state). In this vignette, We will demonstrate how to visualize the enrichment of various chromatin states around certain genomic targets and how to integerate with other epigenomic signals.
In following example, we use Roadmap dataset as the example dataset. First we show basic usages with using one sample (sample id: E003, embryonic stem cell, H1 cell line).
Load packages:
The chromatin state segmentation is trained and applied from five histone modifications. Following file in use is from
states_bed = fread("zcat ~/EnrichedHeatmap_test/E003_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz")
states = GRanges(seqnames = states_bed[[1]], ranges = IRanges(states_bed[[2]] + 1, states_bed[[3]]),
states = states_bed[[4]])
## [1] "15_Quies" "9_Het" "14_ReprPCWk" "13_ReprPC" "10_TssBiv" "7_Enh"
## [7] "1_TssA" "11_BivFlnk" "2_TssAFlnk" "5_TxWk" "4_Tx" "8_ZNF/Rpts"
## [13] "6_EnhG" "12_EnhBiv" "3_TxFlnk"
In the 15 states, there are some states which are similar to each other such as 1_TssA
(active TSS) and 2_TssAFlnk
(flanking active TSS).
To reduce the complexity of the analysis, we merge some of the similar states.
map = c(
"1_TssA" = "TssActive",
"2_TssAFlnk" = "TssActive",
"3_TxFlnk" = "Transcript",
"4_Tx" = "Transcript",
"5_TxWk" = "Transcript",
"6_EnhG" = "Enhancer",
"7_Enh" = "Enhancer",
"8_ZNF/Rpts" = "Heterochromatin",
"9_Het" = "Heterochromatin",
"10_TssBiv" = "TssBivalent",
"11_BivFlnk" = "TssBivalent",
"12_EnhBiv" = "Enhancer",
"13_ReprPC" = "Repressive",
"14_ReprPCWk" = "Repressive",
"15_Quies" = "Quiescent"
states$states_simplified = map[states$states]
Also we set the colors for the 7 merged states.
states_col = c(
"TssActive" = "Red",
"Transcript" = "Green",
"Enhancer" = "Yellow",
"Heterochromatin" = "PaleTurquoise",
"TssBivalent" = "Orange",
"Repressive" = "Grey",
"Quiescent" = "black"
states_name = names(states_col)
n_states = length(states_col)
In following, we demonstrate how to normalize the chromatin states to TSS. First we load
the transcriptome and extract TSS regions. The transcriptome annotation is from and we only use protein coding genes. The database file for transcriptome
was generated by GenomicFeatures package (the makeTxDbFromGFF()
txdb = loadDb("~/EnrichedHeatmap_test/gencode19_protein_coding_txdb.sqlite")
g = genes(txdb)
tss = promoters(g, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
To reduce the running time, here we only use chromosome 1. Normalizing categorical signals is basically as same as numeric signals. Here we only need to specify the column name for the categorical signals.
tss_chr1 = tss[seqnames(tss) == "chr1"]
mat_states = normalizeToMatrix(states, tss_chr1, value_column = "states_simplified")
## Normalize states to tss_chr1:
## Upstream 5000 bp (50 windows)
## Downstream 5000 bp (50 windows)
## Include target regions (width = 1)
## 2065 target regions
## signal is categorical (7 levels)
In the last line of the message, it clarifies it is categorical signals with 7 levels.
The implementation of normalizing categorical signals is actually very simple.
Internally, n_states
normalized matrices are generated where each one
corresponds to one chromatin state and the value in each window is the
fraction how much the window is overlapped to the state (with w0
mean mode). Since the ith row and the jth column in all matrices
correspond to a same window around a same target, if there are multiple states
overlapping to this window, when summarizing from all states, the state with
largest overlap fraction is assigned to this window.
There is some special visualization designed for categorical signals where
each state is summarized and visualized separatedly in the top annotation.
Here states_col
must be a named vector where the names should correspond to
the levels of the categorical signals.
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col)
You might feel the row ordering is a little bit in a mess. Although the signals are
categorical, internally, there are coded as integer numbers. Just similar as how factor in R
is stored, each categorical level corresponds to an integer number. If the signal column
is simply a character vector, the assignment of integers are based on the natural ordering
of this character vector. Thus the numeric coding for signals in states
object is:
data.frame(states = unique(states$states_simplified), value = 1:7)
## states value
## 1 Quiescent 1
## 2 Heterochromatin 2
## 3 Repressive 3
## 4 TssBivalent 4
## 5 Enhancer 5
## 6 TssActive 6
## 7 Transcript 7
Zero is assigned to a window if none of the states overlap to it and it is drawn with white.
The numeric coding can be controlled by setting the signals as a factor variable and the level order of the factor
controls the corresponding coding. In following code, we convert states_simplified
as a
factor with specifying the level order (note here the order of states_name
also reflects the closeness
of different states.).
data.frame(states = states_name, value = 1:7)
## states value
## 1 TssActive 1
## 2 Transcript 2
## 3 Enhancer 3
## 4 Heterochromatin 4
## 5 TssBivalent 5
## 6 Repressive 6
## 7 Quiescent 7
states$states_simplified = factor(states$states_simplified, levels = states_name)
mat_states = normalizeToMatrix(states, tss_chr1, value_column = "states_simplified")
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col)
We suggest to apply hierarchical clustering to reorder rows. Here the numeric coding is espeically important because it affects the calculation of distance between rows.
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col, cluster_rows = TRUE)
Since the normalized matrix is numeric, k-means clustering can also be applied.
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col, cluster_rows = TRUE, km = 2)
After closely looking at above heatmap, we found the TSS states are consistently enriched around TSS while in the flanking regions, the states are a little bit diverse. Actually this suggests that in order to enhance the pattern of the TSS-related states, we can apply k-means clustering only for the windows near TSS. In following we only cluster the subset of matrix which is upstrean and downstream 1kb of TSS (The default extension of TSS is 5kb upstream and downstream, the number of columns in the normalized matrix is 100, thus from 40th column to 60th column are the windows in 1kb upstream and downstream of TSS).
Of couse we need to calculate this partitioning in advance.
split = kmeans(mat_states[, 40:60], centers = 2)$cluster
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col, cluster_rows = TRUE, split = split)
Now it is quite nice to see genes with active TSS are all clustered in cluster 2 while in cluster 1, genes are either with no function or bivalent TSS function.
Similarly, we can visualize how the chromatin states are enriched at gene bodies. Since the gene bodies have unequal widths, we add an additional point plot to show the width of genes.
g_chr1 = g[seqnames(g) == "chr1"]
mat_states_2 = normalizeToMatrix(states, g_chr1, value_column = "states_simplified")
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states_2, name = "states", col = states_col, cluster_rows = TRUE) +
rowAnnotation(gene_len = row_anno_points(log10(width(g_chr1) + 1), size = unit(1, "mm"),
gp = gpar(col = "#00000040"), axis = TRUE), width = unit(4, "cm"))
Next we add methylation around TSS as well as expression for the corresponding genes. Expression data is from and methylation data is from
In following, the raw methylation data has been smoothed by bsseq package. The rds file was generated
by the old version of bsseq package that is why we used a strange way to extract the positions of CpG
sites as well as smoothed methylation data which can be replaced by using granges()
and getMeth()
functions if
the smoothing is applied with newest version of bsseq package.
expr = read.table("~/EnrichedHeatmap_test/57epigenomes.RPKM.pc.gz",
row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
obj = readRDS("~/EnrichedHeatmap_test/chr1_roadmap_merged_bsseq.rds")
meth = obj@rowData
meth_mat = obj@trans(obj@assays$data$coef)
mcols(meth) = meth_mat
We take the genes which exist both in tss_chr1
and expr
names(tss_chr1) = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", names(tss_chr1))
cn = intersect(names(tss_chr1), rownames(expr))
tss_chr1 = tss_chr1[cn]
expr = expr[cn, ]
We normalize chromatin states as well methylation to TSS on chromosome 1.
mat_states = normalizeToMatrix(states, tss_chr1, value_column = "states_simplified")
mat_meth = normalizeToMatrix(meth, tss_chr1, value_column = "E003", mean_mode = "absolute",
smooth = TRUE)
Similarly, k-means is applied on chromatin states 1kb upstream and downstream of TSS.
split = kmeans(mat_states[, 40:60], centers = 2)$cluster
meth_col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("blue", "white", "red"))
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states, name = "states", col = states_col, cluster_rows = TRUE, split = split,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2)))) +
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_meth, name = "meth", col = meth_col_fun,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2)))) +
Heatmap(log2(expr[names(tss_chr1), "E003"] + 1), name = "expr",
show_row_names = FALSE, width = unit(5, "mm"))
With corresponding to more epigenomic signals, we can see promoters with active TSS states are always associated with low methylation and high gene expression while promoters annotated as bivalent states are generally more lowly expressed.
It is believed that in embryonic stem cell (ESC), there are a huge number of genes showing bivalent state on promoters. They are called bivalent states because both H3K4me3 which is a histone mark for active transcription and H3K27me3 which is for repressive transcription exist. The loss/gain of active histone mark or repressive histone mark which transite into mature cells is essential for tissue development and differentiation.
To demonstate this, we anlaysis such transitions for one mature tissue (lung tissue, roadmap sample id: E096).
states_bed = fread("zcat ~/EnrichedHeatmap_test/E096_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz")
states_lung = GRanges(seqnames = states_bed[[1]], ranges = IRanges(states_bed[[2]] + 1, states_bed[[3]]),
states = states_bed[[4]])
states_lung$states_simplified = factor(map[states_lung$states], levels = states_name)
ChromHMM was applied with 200bp window, thus we split whole genome by 200bp window and assign corresponding state to each window, both for ESC and lung.
window = makeWindows(states, w = 200) # makeWindow() is from EnrichedHeatmap package
mtch = as.matrix(findOverlaps(window, states))
window$ESC_states = states$states_simplified[mtch[, 2]]
mtch = as.matrix(findOverlaps(window, states_lung))
window$lung_states = states_lung$states_simplified[mtch[, 2]]
We only use the windows which are annotated with TssBivalent
state either in ESC or in lung.
window = window[window$ESC_states == "TssBivalent" | window$lung_states == "TssBivalent"]
We first make a Chord diagram to show how the transition happens.
transition_mat = table(mcols(window)[, c("ESC_states", "lung_states")]) * 200
class(transition_mat) = "matrix"
transition_mat = transition_mat[states_name, states_name]
## lung_states
## ESC_states TssActive Transcript Enhancer Heterochromatin TssBivalent Repressive Quiescent
## TssActive 0 0 0 0 136200 0 0
## Transcript 0 0 0 0 8200 0 0
## Enhancer 0 0 0 0 38800 0 0
## Heterochromatin 0 0 0 0 55800 0 0
## TssBivalent 4485600 665400 3711800 653000 406000 1799200 766200
## Repressive 0 0 0 0 24600 0 0
## Quiescent 0 0 0 0 23800 0 0
The values in the transition matrix mean how many base pairs change from one chromatin state to the other state.
Rows and columns are from different cells, we add different prefix to row and column names.
rownames(transition_mat) = paste0("ESC_", rownames(transition_mat))
colnames(transition_mat) = paste0("lung_", colnames(transition_mat))
Now we make the Chord diagram by using the circlize package.
circos.par(gap.after = c(rep(1, n_states - 1), 5, rep(1, n_states - 1), 5))
grid.col = c(states_col, states_col)
names(grid.col) = c(rownames(transition_mat), colnames(transition_mat))
chordDiagram(transition_mat, grid.col = grid.col, annotationTrack = c("grid", "axis"),
directional = TRUE)
text(0.5, -1, "ESC")
text(0.5, 1, "lung")
legend("left", pch = 15, col = states_col, legend = names(states_col))
As we can see from the Chord diagram, a lot of regions with bivalent tss states in ESC have been transited to active or repressive states in lung.
To get more deep of how the transition looks like, we can make enriched heatmaps to see the associations between different epigenomic signals.
Since TssBivalent
states basically are states for TSS related regions,
we only keep genes for which in 1kb upstream and downstream of TSS there must be a window with TssBivalent
state annotated.
Again, we only use chromosome 1 for demonstration.
mat_bivtss = normalizeToMatrix(states[states$states_simplified == "TssBivalent"], tss_chr1)
l = rowSums(mat_bivtss[, 40:60]) > 0 # recall it is 1kb upstream and downstream
tss_biv = tss_chr1[l]
## GRanges object with 443 ranges and 1 metadata column:
## seqnames ranges strand | gene_id
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character>
## ENSG00000000938 chr1 [ 27961788, 27961788] - | ENSG00000000938.8
## ENSG00000006555 chr1 [ 55266940, 55266940] - | ENSG00000006555.6
## ENSG00000007968 chr1 [ 23857712, 23857712] - | ENSG00000007968.6
## ENSG00000008118 chr1 [209757062, 209757062] + | ENSG00000008118.5
## ENSG00000009709 chr1 [ 18957500, 18957500] + | ENSG00000009709.7
## ... ... ... ... . ...
## ENSG00000243749 chr1 [ 35450954, 35450954] - | ENSG00000243749.1
## ENSG00000248485 chr1 [161228517, 161228517] + | ENSG00000248485.1
## ENSG00000249087 chr1 [ 23695711, 23695711] + | ENSG00000249087.3
## ENSG00000251246 chr1 [155036224, 155036224] + | ENSG00000251246.1
## ENSG00000253304 chr1 [ 29450447, 29450447] - | ENSG00000253304.1
## -------
## seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
We normalize chromatin states and methylation to tss_biv
mat_states_ESC = normalizeToMatrix(states, tss_biv, value_column = "states_simplified")
mat_states_lung = normalizeToMatrix(states_lung, tss_biv, value_column = "states_simplified")
mat_meth_ESC = normalizeToMatrix(meth, tss_biv, value_column = "E003", mean_mode = "absolute",
smooth = TRUE)
mat_meth_lung = normalizeToMatrix(meth, tss_biv, value_column = "E096", mean_mode = "absolute",
smooth = TRUE)
Normally, methylation changes happen at the border of low methylation region. To enhance the effect of methylation change, we directly visualize the methyaltion difference.
mat_meth_diff = mat_meth_ESC - mat_meth_lung
meth_diff_col_fun = colorRamp2(c(-0.25, 0, 0.25), c("#3794bf", "#FFFFFF", "#df8640"))
Now we construct the heatmap list.
ht_list = EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states_ESC, name = "states_ESC", col = states_col,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2), ylim = c(0, 1))),
column_title = "States ESC") +
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_states_lung, name = "states_lung", col = states_col,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2), ylim = c(0, 1))),
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE, column_title = "States lung")
ht_list = ht_list + EnrichedHeatmap(mat_meth_ESC, name = "meth_ESC", col = meth_col_fun,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2), ylim = c(0, 1))),
column_title = "Meth ESC") +
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_meth_lung, name = "meth_lung", col = meth_col_fun,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2),
ylim = c(0, 1))),
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE, column_title = "Meth lung") +
EnrichedHeatmap(mat_meth_diff, name = "meth_diff", col = meth_diff_col_fun,
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2, pos_col = "#df8640", neg_col = "#3794bf"))),
column_title = "Meth ESC - lung")
Actually we can discretize the numeric mat_meth_diff
. Here we assign hyper
to windows with methylation
difference larger than 0.2 and hypo
to windows with methylation difference less than -0.2. Here discretize()
a matrix with continuous signals to categorical signals by prividing a list of intervals.
mat_meth_diff_discrete = discretize(mat_meth_diff,
rule = list(
"hypo" = c(-Inf, -0.2),
"hyper" = c(0.2, Inf)
## Normalize to tss_biv:
## Upstream 5000 bp (50 windows)
## Downstream 5000 bp (50 windows)
## Include target regions (width = 1)
## 443 target regions
## signal is categorical (2 levels)
We continue to add more heatmaps.
ht_list = ht_list + EnrichedHeatmap(mat_meth_diff_discrete, name = "meth_diff_discrete",
col = c("hyper" = "#df8640", "hypo" = "#3794bf"),
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(enrich = anno_enriched(gp = gpar(lty = 1:2))))
Finally the heatmap for gene expression.
e = log2(expr[names(tss_biv), c("E003", "E096")] + 1)
ht_list = ht_list + Heatmap(e, name = "expr",
show_row_names = FALSE, width = unit(1, "cm"), cluster_columns = FALSE)
The row ordering for all heatmaps is from hierarchical clustering on the merged normalized states matrix which corresponds to 1kb upstream and downstream of TSS both in ESC and lung. All heatmaps are split into two groups by rows where one is high gene expression in lung and the other is low gene expression in lung.
row_order = hclust(dist(cbind(mat_states_ESC[, 40:60], mat_states_lung[, 40:60])))$order
split = ifelse(e[, "E096"] > e[, "E003"], "activation", "repression")
draw(ht_list, row_order = row_order, split = split)
There are some other examples where the genomic signals are categorical.
## R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64)
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid parallel stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [10] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] GenomicFeatures_1.26.4 AnnotationDbi_1.36.2 Biobase_2.34.0 circlize_0.4.3
## [5] EnrichedHeatmap_1.9.2 ComplexHeatmap_1.17.1 data.table_1.10.4 GenomicRanges_1.26.4
## [9] GenomeInfoDb_1.10.3 IRanges_2.8.2 S4Vectors_0.12.2 BiocGenerics_0.20.0
## [13] markdown_0.8 knitr_1.18 colorout_1.1-3
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Rcpp_0.12.15 highr_0.6 pillar_1.1.0
## [4] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 XVector_0.14.1 bitops_1.0-6
## [7] tools_3.3.1 zlibbioc_1.20.0 biomaRt_2.30.0
## [10] digest_0.6.15 bit_1.1-12 memoise_1.1.0
## [13] evaluate_0.10.1 RSQLite_2.0 tibble_1.4.2
## [16] lattice_0.20-34 pkgconfig_2.0.1 rlang_0.1.6
## [19] Matrix_1.2-7.1 DBI_0.8 rtracklayer_1.34.2
## [22] stringr_1.2.0 Biostrings_2.42.0 GlobalOptions_0.0.12
## [25] locfit_1.5-9.1 bit64_0.9-7 GetoptLong_0.1.8
## [28] BiocParallel_1.8.0 XML_3.98-1.5 blob_1.1.0
## [31] magrittr_1.5 GenomicAlignments_1.10.0 Rsamtools_1.26.1
## [34] matrixStats_0.53.1 SummarizedExperiment_1.4.0 shape_1.4.3
## [37] colorspace_1.3-2 stringi_1.1.2 RCurl_1.95-4.10
## [40] rjson_0.2.15