CHANGES IN VERSION 1.16.02 (04 April 2019) -------------------------------------------- + update NEWS format CHANGES IN VERSION 1.16.01 (01 March 2019) -------------------------------------------- + Change the address of cgdsr: instead CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.01 (16 October 2018) -------------------------------------------- + update NEWS format file CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.01 (15 April 2018) -------------------------------------------- + rm gamma = 1.5 argument for grDevices::rainbow function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.04 (17 April 2017) -------------------------------------------- + get Manual from + browseURL('') CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.3 (17 February 2017) -------------------------------------------- + dontrun examples CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.2 (17 January 2017) -------------------------------------------- + resolve issue when computing mutation frequency CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.2 (01 Septembre 2016) -------------------------------------------- + resolve issue 1 about "tl not found" + delete file R/getGeneticProfiles.R + resolve 'no visible binding for global variable' + add R/aaa.R CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.91 (01 May 2016) --------------------------------------- + rm canceR.pdf and lines from canceR.Rnw + %\VignetteEngine{R.rsp::tex} + %\VignetteKeyword{R} + %\VignetteKeyword{package} + %\VignetteKeyword{vignette} + %\VignetteKeyword{LaTeX} + %\VignetteAuthor{Karim Mezhoud} + %\VignetteDepends{} + %\VignetteKeywords{A Graphical User Interface for accessing and modeling the MSKCC Cancer Genomics +Data.} + %\VignettePackage{canceR} CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.7 (07 April 2016) ------------------------ + add /extdata/canceR.pdf CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.6 (05 April 2016) ------------------------ + fix paths in running examples CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 (04 April 2016) ------------------------ + git reset --hard HEAD~ + bash ../ + add vignette/image, pump version, delete canceR.tex + git commit -m "fix vignette rm canceR.tex" + git svn rebase + git svn dcommit --add-author-from CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.2 (28 Mars 2016) ------------------------ + Bioc devel canceR is not updated to version 1.3.1 + Just add image in README CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1 (24 Mars 2016) ------------------------ rewrite documents using roxygen rewrite test package include .travis check system CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 (12 May 2015) ------------------------ + add Circos function to plot Menu + Function 1: getGeneListmSigDB(): get Gene list and their gene Sets from MSigDB + Function 1.1: dialoggetGeneListMSigDB(): Select Gene Sets from list and extract hem genes + Function 2: getListProfData(): This function save Profiles Data of cancer in lists; Outputs:myGlobalEnv$ListProfData$Expression myGlobalEnv$ListProfData$CNA myGlobalEnv$ListMetData$HM450$StudiesRef myGlobalEnv$ListMetData$HM27$StudiesRef myGlobalEnv$ListProfData$RPPA$StudiesRef myGlobalEnv$ListProfData$miRNA$StudiesRef myGlobalEnv$ListMutData$StudiesRef myGlobalEnv$Freq_DfMutData + Function 3 : getCircos(dimension="All"): Main fucntion of Circos plot: plot Tracks (dimensions) and Sectors (diseases) + Function 3.1: getCor_ExpCNAMet(ListMatrix, dimension) + Function 3.2: dialogOptionCircos(): specifing which dimension and Threshold gene dimensions levels will be plot. + dialogMetOption(): add "Circos" argument to make the difference between getMetDataMultipleGene() and getListMetData() + getGeneList(): add rm("GeneListMSigDB"", envir="myGlobalEnv") CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 (27 April 2015) ------------------------ + Survival plot + add getSurvival(Coxph) and getSurvival.Rd file + getOptionGSEAlm(s, ClinicalData): add line 105 ### only for Survival plot myGlobalEnv$variable <- as.formula(sprintf("Surv(OS_MONTHS,OS_STATUS)~%s", coVariables)) + cancer.latex file: add Survival plot paragraph + add image in /image folder: KM.png, Coxph.png + getCasesGenProfs(): add getSurvival in Plot menu RELEASE 1.0.0 (17 April 2015) ------------------------- CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.3 ------------------------- + getProfilesDataMultipleGenes: line 78: Test only Genetic Profiles having mRNA expression to get Profile Data. + getMutData(): line 96 change .GlobalEnv to myGlobalEnv) + getProfDataMultipleGenes(): line 7 add testCheckedCaseGenProf() CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 ------------------------- + Add documentation for RUN.GSEA() function + Remove dependency of RSvgDevice. This package is not available for Windows OS. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- + Add examples in documents + Add documentation for RUN.GSEA() function + Remove dependency of RSvgDevice. This package is not available for Windows OS. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 -------------------------- + SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Add examples in documents + NEW FEATURES - Package released