CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.2 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Avoid wrong CDS start/end position definition for Ensembl gtf files in which the start or end codon is outside the CDS. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.9 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Fixed a figure placement problem that can result in an error on certain systems using a recent TexLive distribution. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o Fix a bug in lengthOf that caused an error if no filter was supplied. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Implemented a shiny web app to search for genes/transcripts/exons using annotation of an EnsDb annotation package (function runEnsDbApp). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Added promoters method. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 ------------------------ SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Added method ensemblVersion that returns the Ensembl version the package bases on. o Added method getGenomeFaFile that queries AnnotationHub to retrieve the Genome FaFile matching the Ensembl version of the EnsDb object. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 ------------------------ SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Added examples to the vignette for building an EnsDb using AnnotationHub along with the matching genomic sequence. o Added an example for fetching the sequences of genes, transcripts and exons to the vignette. BUG FIXES o Fixed a bug in ensDbFromGRanges and ensDbFromGtf in which the genome build version was not set even if provided. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 ------------------------ SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The filter argument in all functions supports now also submission of a filter object, not only of a list of filter objects. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.18 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed a problem in processing GTF files without header information. o Fixed a bug failing to throw an error if not all required feature types are available in the GTF. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.17 -------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added new function ensDbFromGRanges that builds an EnsDB database from information provided in a GRanges object (e.g. retrieved from the AnnotationHub). CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.16 -------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Added argument outfile to ensDbFromGtf that allows to manually specify the file name of the database file. o ensDbFromGtf tries now to automatically fetch the sequence lengths from Ensembl. BUG FIXES o Fixed the function that extracts the genome build version from the gtf file name. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.15 -------------------------- NEW FEATURES o metadata method to extract the information from the metadata database table. o ensDbFromGtf function to generate a EnsDb SQLite file from an (Ensembl) GTF file. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.14 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed a problem when reading tables fetched from Ensembl that contained ' or #. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.13 -------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Added argument "port" to the fetchTablesFromEnsembl to allow specifying the MySQL port of the database. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.12 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o argument "x" for method organism changed to "object".