CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.3 ------------------------- o Changed GenomicFeatures::makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC to GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromUCSC o In vignette added Rsamtools:: before the BamFile function CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.2 ------------------------- o Added slope=1 in geom_abline o Call to ggplot on GRanges without ggbio::ggplot CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.7 ------------------------- o In riboSeqFromBAM function capture.output called with utils:: CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.6 ------------------------- o In codonPCA functions prcomp and kmeans called with stats:: CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.5 ------------------------- o Added @return for roxygen comment in printPCA.R o Updated packages IRanges and BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 before check. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 ------------------------- o Non-null coverage values define the percentage of best expressed CDSs. o New function: readsToReadStart - it builds the GRanges object of the read start genomic positions o Acronym BAM used instead of bam o Correction of read start coverage (readStartCov) for the reverse strand o Title in Description in Title Case o Typos corrections in vignette. o Style inconsistencies solved: = replaced by <- outside named arguments No space around “=” when using named arguments to functions. This: somefunc(a=1, b=2) spaces around binary operators a space after all commas use of camelCase for both variable and function names ORFrelativePos -> orfRelativePos o Replaced 1:length(x) by seq_len(length(x)) o Replaced 1:nrow(x) by seq_len(NROW(x)) o Replaced trailing white spaces with this command: 'find . -type f -path './*R' -exec perl -i -pe 's/ +$//' {} \;' o countsPlot, histMatchLength, plotSummarizedCov: no longer print directly the graphs. Instead they return a list of graphs. o Replaced 'class()' tests by 'inherits' or 'is'. o The codonPCA function no longer prints the PCA graphs sequantially. The 5 PCA graphs are returned, together with the PCA scores. o New function printPCA prints the 5 PCA plots produced by codonPCA. o A BAM file is now available in the inst/extdata ctrl_sample.bam. It is used in the testriboSeqFromBAM testthat CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.3 ------------------------- o Correction of a infinite loop in function riboSeq_fromBam CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 ------------------------- o Modified the vignette: small corrections of the explanatory text. o Added testthat tests for the following functions: test-aroundPromoter.R, test-riboSeq_fromBAM.R, test-readStartCov.R o Introduced the 4 spaces tabulation o Reduced the percentage of lines > 80 characters to 2% o Added imports in the Namespace for the proposed packages or methods o New R version: 3.2.2 and bioconductor packages update CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- o Added biocViews: Sequencing, Coverage, Alignment, QualityControl, Software, PrincipalComponent o Added testthat tests for the following functions: test-aroundPromoter.R, test-riboSeq_fromBAM.R, test-readStartCov.R o Introduced the 4 spaces tabulation o Reduced the percentage of lines > 80 characters to 2% o Added imports in the Namespace for the proposed packages or methods v.0.99.0 Initial release. -------------------------