title: "Meta cohort survival data mcsurvdata package"
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`r library("knitr")`
`r opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, fig.width=9, message=FALSE,
warning=FALSE, fig.align = "left")`

Adria Caballe Mestres

# Datasets acquisition and processing

## Colorectal adenocarcinoma datasets
Four publicly available Affymetrix microarray datasets were downloaded
from the NCBI GEO repository [1]. These datasets included gene
expression  and clinical information from a total of 1,072 colorectal
cancer (CRC) patients. GSE14333 [2] is a pool of 290 patients with CRC
treated at 2 different hospitals: the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center
(Australia) and the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center (United States);
GSE33113 [3] contains samples from 90 AJCC stage II patients collected
at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam (the Netherlands);
GSE39582 [4] includes data from 566 CRC patients that form part of the
Cartes d'Identite des Tumeurs (CIT) program, from the French ligue
nationale contre le cancer; finally, GSE37892 [5] includes expression
and clinical information from 130 stage ii and iii CRC patients
collected at five different hospitals from France (Marseille la
timone, Nice lacassagne, Marseille institut paolicalmettes, Paris
lariboisiare, Nancy brabois and Paris saintantoine).

Processing of microarray samples was carried out separately for each
dataset using packages affy [6] and affyplm [7] from Bioconductor
[8]. Raw cel files were normalized using RMA background correction and
summarization [9]. Standard quality controls were performed in order
to identify abnormal samples. Technical information concerning sample
processing and hybridization was retrieved from the original CEL
files: scanning dates were collected in order to define scan batches
in each dataset separately; technical metrics PM MED, PM IQR, RMA IQR
and RNA DEG described in [10] were computed and recorded as additional
features for each sample. Probeset annotation was performed using
the information available in Affymetrix. No sample was excluded due
to quality issues.

Microarray datasets were corrected separately by metrics PM IQR, RMA
IQR and RNA DEG. For doing so, a linear model was fitted separately
for each probeset that included these metrics as the only explanatory
variables, and coefficients of such models were used to correct the
expression values a-priori. Next, a second linear model was fitted to
each probeset and dataset separately, in order to correct by potential
technical effects captured by sample's center of origin and batch
(scanning day). This correction was carried out using a mixed-effect
model in which gender, age at diagnosis, stage, tumour location and
Microsatellite Instability (MSI) status were also included as
covariates, when available. Scanning day was modeled as a random
effect in these models, while center was included as a fixed
(GSE14333) or a random effect (GSE39582 and GSE37892) depending on
the number of centers involved and on the sample size in each of
them. Expression intensities were summarized at the gene level
(entrez) by the first principal component of the probesets mapping to
the same gene. This component was centered and scaled to the weighted
mean of the probesets' means and standard deviations, where the
contributions to this first component were used as weights. The sign
of this score was then corrected so that it was congruent to the sign
of the probeset contributing the most to the first component.

Prior to merging the datasets, each of the expression matrices were
standardized gene-wise using the GSE39582 dataset as a reference:
first, we randomly selected a subset of samples from GSE39582 that
matched as much as possible the frequency distribution in the target
dataset regarding gender, age, stage, tumour location and MSI; then,
expression values in the target dataset were centered and scaled
according to the distribution observed in this subset sampled from

MSI status was imputed in each dataset separately using a published
gene expression signature [11]. For doing so, we summarized the
signature as describe above; then a clustering analysis based on
non-parametric density estimation was carried out on the resulting
score as described in [12] and implemented in [13]. Accuracy of this
imputation was evaluated in dataset GSE39582, which included
annotation of tumor microsatellite stability (96\% and 81\% accuracy for
\% MSS and MSI samples, respectively). Only MSS samples were kept for
the final processed data leaving a total of 914 microarray samples
available for analysis.

## Breast cancer datasets
Five publicly available Affymetrix microarray datasets were downloaded
from the NCBI GEO repository [1]. These datasets included gene
expression and clinical information from a total of 1.082 breast
cancer patients. GSE1456 [14] contains 159 samples from patients
receiving surgery in the Karolinska Hospital of Stockholm
(Sweden). GSE2034 [15] includes data from 286 tumor samples of
lymph-node-negative patients collected at the Erasmus Medical Center
in Rotterdam (Netherlands). GSE2990 [16] includes data from 189
invasive breast carcinomas treated at either the John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford (UK) or the Uppsala University Hospital in Uppsala
(Sweden). GSE3494 [17] provides the expression profiling and
survival information of 251 tumours archived at the Uppsala University
Hospital in Uppsala (Sweden). Finally, GSE7390 [18] contains the
information of 198 untreated patients at the Bordet Institute in
Brussels (Belgium).

The processing and normalization strategy described above for colon
cancer samples was applied to breast cancer cohorts. Eklund metrics
[10] and batches due to scan day were considered as adjusting
covariates in a mixed effect model to remove expression changes due to
possible technical artefacts.

The metabric for breast cancer data [19] was also downloaded but no
extra data processing was undertaken. Each of the expression matrices
from GEO were standardized gene-wise using the metabric dataset as a
reference following the same procedure detailed for the CRC datasets.

ER classification (ER+ or ER-) was imputated using hierarchical
clustering [12] from the expression of the ESR1 gene. Besides, HER2
classification (HER2+ or HER2) and PR classification (PR+ or PR-)
were imputated using hierarchical clustering from the expression of the
ERBB2 gene and the PGR gene, respectively. Only genes measured in all
datasets from GEO and metabric were considered. Survival information
(relapse event and months to relapse) was annotated as part of the KM
plotter version 2010 [20]. Only ER+ samples were kept for the final
processed data leaving a total of 2.294 microarray samples available
for analysis.

# Exploring the ExpressionSet data available in mcsurvdata

The `mcsurvdata` package is loaded by


This package contains two *ExpressionSet* objects which can
be accessed using the *ExperimentHub* interface:

eh <- ExperimentHub()
dat <- query(eh, "mcsurvdata")
nda.brca <- dat[["EH1497"]]
nda.crc <- dat[["EH1498"]]

Survival information is available in attributes `tev` (follow up time)
`evn` (event information 0 no event 1 event) for both brca and crc
data. Eklund metrics are also computed in attributes `pm.med`,
`pm.iqr`,   `rma.iqr` and    `rna.deg`. Unique characteristics of the
tumors such as `stage`, `msi` information and `cms` are annotated in the
colon cancer cohorts, whereas `ER.status`, `PGR.status` and
`HER2.status` are annotated in the breast cancer cohorts.

# SessionInfo


# References

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