This package is deprecated. It will probably be removed from Bioconductor. Please refer to the package end-of-life guidelines for more information.

This package is for version 3.15 of Bioconductor. This package has been removed from Bioconductor. For the last stable, up-to-date release version, see GenoGAM.

A GAM based framework for analysis of ChIP-Seq data

Bioconductor version: 3.15

This package allows statistical analysis of genome-wide data with smooth functions using generalized additive models based on the implementation from the R-package 'mgcv'. It provides methods for the statistical analysis of ChIP-Seq data including inference of protein occupancy, and pointwise and region-wise differential analysis. Estimation of dispersion and smoothing parameters is performed by cross-validation. Scaling of generalized additive model fitting to whole chromosomes is achieved by parallelization over overlapping genomic intervals.

Author: Georg Stricker [aut, cre], Alexander Engelhardt [aut], Julien Gagneur [aut]

Maintainer: Georg Stricker <georg.stricker at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("GenoGAM")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.2") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


Reference Manual PDF


biocViews ChIPSeq, ChipOnChip, DifferentialExpression, DifferentialPeakCalling, Epigenetics, Genetics, ImmunoOncology, Regression, Software, WholeGenome
Version 2.14.0
In Bioconductor since BioC 3.3 (R-3.3) (8 years)
License GPL-2
Depends R (>= 3.5), SummarizedExperiment(>= 1.1.19), HDF5Array(>= 1.8.0), rhdf5(>= 2.21.6), S4Vectors(>= 0.23.18), Matrix (>= 1.2-8), data.table (>= 1.9.4)
Imports Rcpp (>= 0.12.14), sparseinv (>= 0.1.1), Rsamtools(>= 1.18.2), GenomicRanges(>= 1.23.16), BiocParallel(>= 1.5.17), DESeq2(>= 1.11.23), futile.logger (>= 1.4.1), GenomeInfoDb(>= 1.7.6), GenomicAlignments(>= 1.7.17), IRanges(>= 2.5.30), Biostrings(>= 2.39.14), DelayedArray(>= 0.3.19), methods, stats
System Requirements
Bug Reports
See More
Suggests BiocStyle, chipseq(>= 1.21.2), LSD (>= 3.0.0), genefilter(>= 1.54.2), ggplot2 (>= 2.1.0), testthat, knitr, rmarkdown
Linking To Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Depends On Me
Imports Me
Suggests Me
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Source Repository (Developer Access) git clone [email protected]:packages/GenoGAM
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