scMAGeCK is a computational model to identify genes associated with multiple expression phenotypes from CRISPR screening coupled with single-cell RNA sequencing data (CROP-seq).
scMAGeCK is based on our previous MAGeCK and MAGeCK-VISPR models for pooled CRISPR screens, but further extends to scRNA-seq as the readout of the screening experiment. scMAGeCK consists of two modules: scMAGeCK-Robust Rank Aggregation (RRA), a sensitive and precise algorithm to detect genes whose perturbation links to one single marker expression; and scMAGeCK-LR, a linear-regression based approach that unravels the perturbation effects on thousands of gene expressions, especially from cells undergo multiple perturbations.
### BARCODE file contains cell identity information, generated from the cell identity collection step
BARCODE <- system.file("extdata","barcode_rec.txt",package = "scMAGeCK")
### RDS can be a Seurat object or local RDS file path that contains the scRNA-seq dataset
RDS <- system.file("extdata","singles_dox_mki67_v3.RDS",package = "scMAGeCK")
### Set RRA executable file path.
### You can generate RRA executable file by following commands:
### wget
### unzip
### cd RRA_0.5.9
### make
RRAPATH <- "/Library/RRA_0.5.9/bin/RRA"
target_gene <- "MKI67"
rra_result <- scmageck_rra(BARCODE=BARCODE, RDS=RDS, GENE=target_gene, RRAPATH=RRAPATH,
## Checking RRA...
## RRA is not does not exist! Please check RRA executable file path
### BARCODE file contains cell identity information, generated from the cell identity collection step
BARCODE <- system.file("extdata","barcode_rec.txt",package = "scMAGeCK")
### RDS can be a Seurat object or local RDS file path that contains the scRNA-seq dataset
RDS <- system.file("extdata","singles_dox_mki67_v3.RDS",package = "scMAGeCK")
lr_result <- scmageck_lr(BARCODE=BARCODE, RDS=RDS, LABEL='dox_scmageck_lr',
NEGCTRL = 'NonTargetingControlGuideForHuman', PERMUTATION = 1000, SAVEPATH=NULL, LAMBDA=0.01)
## Total barcode records: 8425
## Neg Ctrl guide: NonTargetingControlGuideForHuman
## Reading RDS file: /tmp/RtmpcxY7ur/Rinst159d52acc223/scMAGeCK/extdata/singles_dox_mki67_v3.RDS
## Cell names in expression matrix and barcode file do not match. Try to remove possible trailing "-1"s...
## 6704 ...
## 6229 ...
## Index matrix dimension: 5698 , 30
## Selected genes: 25
## Permutation: 100 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 200 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 300 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 400 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 500 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 600 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 700 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 800 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 900 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 1000 / 1000 ...
The scmageck_rra function will output the ranking and p values of each perturbed genes, using the RRA program in MAGeCK. Users familiar with the MAGeCK program may find it similar with the gene_summary output in MAGeCK.
Here is the example output of scMAGeCK-RRA:
Row.names items_in_group.low lo_value.low p.low FDR.low goodsgrna.low items_in_group.high lo_value.high p.high FDR.high goodsgrna.high
TP53 271 0.11832 0.95619 1 48 271 1.014e-83 4.9975e-06 0.00015 184
Explanations of each column are below:
Column | Content |
Row.names | Perturbed gene name |
items_in_group.low | The number of single-cells with each gene perturbed |
lo_value.low | The RRA score in negative selection (reducing the marker expression if this gene is perturbed). The RRA score uses a p value from rank order statistics to measure the degree of selection; the smaller score, the stronger the selection is. More information on the calculation of RRA score can be found in our original MAGeCK paper. |
p.low | The raw p-value (using permutation) of this gene in negative selection |
FDR.low | The false discovery rate of this gene in negative selection |
goodsgrna.low | The number of single-cells that passes the threshold and is considered in the RRA score calculation in negative selection |
items_in_group.high | The same as items_in_group.low: the number of single-cells with each gene perturbed) |
lo_value.high | The RRA score in positive selection (increasing the marker expression if this gene is perturbed |
p.high | The raw p-value (using permutation) of this gene in positive selection |
FDR.high | The false discovery rate of this gene in positive selection |
goodsgrna.high | The number of single-cells that passes the threshold and is considered in the RRA score calculation in positive selection |
The scmageck_lr function will generate several files below:
File | Description |
lr_score | The score (similar with log fold change) of each perturbed gene (rows) on each marker gene (columns) |
lr_score.pval | The associated p values of each score |
LR.RData | An R object to store scores and p values |
The format of score.txt and score.pval.txt is a simple table file with rows corresponding to perturbed genes and columns corresponding to marker genes. For example in the score.txt,
Perturbedgene APC ARID1A TP53 MKI67
APC 0.138075836476524 -0.0343441660045313 0.214449590551132 -0.150287676553705
This row records the effects of perturbing APC gene on the expressions of APC, ARID1A, TP53 and MKI67.
Questions? Comments? Join the MAGeCK Google group or email us ([email protected]) directly.
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.