Wei Li, Xiaolong Cheng

Oct 22, 2019


scMAGeCK is a computational model to identify genes associated with multiple expression phenotypes from CRISPR screening coupled with single-cell RNA sequencing data (CROP-seq).

scMAGeCK is based on our previous MAGeCK and MAGeCK-VISPR models for pooled CRISPR screens, but further extends to scRNA-seq as the readout of the screening experiment. scMAGeCK consists of two modules: scMAGeCK-Robust Rank Aggregation (RRA), a sensitive and precise algorithm to detect genes whose perturbation links to one single marker expression; and scMAGeCK-LR, a linear-regression based approach that unravels the perturbation effects on thousands of gene expressions, especially from cells undergo multiple perturbations.



## Checking RRA...
## RRA is not does not exist! Please check RRA executable file path


## Total barcode records: 8425
## Neg Ctrl guide: NonTargetingControlGuideForHuman
## Reading RDS file: /tmp/RtmpcxY7ur/Rinst159d52acc223/scMAGeCK/extdata/singles_dox_mki67_v3.RDS
## Cell names in expression matrix and barcode file do not match. Try to remove possible trailing "-1"s...
## 6704 ...
## 6229 ...
## Index matrix dimension: 5698 , 30
## Selected genes: 25
## Permutation: 100 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 200 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 300 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 400 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 500 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 600 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 700 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 800 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 900 / 1000 ...
## Permutation: 1000 / 1000 ...



The scmageck_rra function will output the ranking and p values of each perturbed genes, using the RRA program in MAGeCK. Users familiar with the MAGeCK program may find it similar with the gene_summary output in MAGeCK.

Here is the example output of scMAGeCK-RRA:

Row.names  items_in_group.low  lo_value.low  p.low  FDR.low goodsgrna.low  items_in_group.high  lo_value.high  p.high  FDR.high  goodsgrna.high
TP53    271     0.11832 0.95619 1       48      271     1.014e-83       4.9975e-06      0.00015 184

Explanations of each column are below:

Column Content
Row.names Perturbed gene name
items_in_group.low The number of single-cells with each gene perturbed
lo_value.low The RRA score in negative selection (reducing the marker expression if this gene is perturbed). The RRA score uses a p value from rank order statistics to measure the degree of selection; the smaller score, the stronger the selection is. More information on the calculation of RRA score can be found in our original MAGeCK paper.
p.low The raw p-value (using permutation) of this gene in negative selection
FDR.low The false discovery rate of this gene in negative selection
goodsgrna.low The number of single-cells that passes the threshold and is considered in the RRA score calculation in negative selection
items_in_group.high The same as items_in_group.low: the number of single-cells with each gene perturbed)
lo_value.high The RRA score in positive selection (increasing the marker expression if this gene is perturbed
p.high The raw p-value (using permutation) of this gene in positive selection
FDR.high The false discovery rate of this gene in positive selection
goodsgrna.high The number of single-cells that passes the threshold and is considered in the RRA score calculation in positive selection


The scmageck_lr function will generate several files below:

File Description
lr_score The score (similar with log fold change) of each perturbed gene (rows) on each marker gene (columns)
lr_score.pval The associated p values of each score
LR.RData An R object to store scores and p values

The format of score.txt and score.pval.txt is a simple table file with rows corresponding to perturbed genes and columns corresponding to marker genes. For example in the score.txt,

Perturbedgene  APC                ARID1A               TP53               MKI67
     APC       0.138075836476524  -0.0343441660045313  0.214449590551132  -0.150287676553705

This row records the effects of perturbing APC gene on the expressions of APC, ARID1A, TP53 and MKI67.

Contact us

Questions? Comments? Join the MAGeCK Google group or email us ([email protected]) directly.

Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.